Freedom of Speech Part 4 Flashcards
Freedom of Association
- technically not mentioned in Con, but implied
- gov may neither prohibit politically unpopular groups nor unduly burden a person’s right to belong to such groups
-> strict scrutiny applies if the right is substantially burdened by a content-based reg
-> intermediate scrutiny if incidentally burdened by content-neutral reg
Electoral Process
- laws regulating elections might impact 1st Am rights
- court uses balancing test to determine whether regulation of the electoral process is valid
- if restriction on 1st Am activity is severe, must be narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling interest, but if reasonable + nondiscriminatory, it generally will be upheld
Elections - Limits on Contributions
- statute limiting election campaign contributions is subject to intermediate scrutiny
-> must be closely drawn to match a sufficiently important interest - to prevent corruption or appearance of it, laws can limit amount of $ that a person, group, or corporation can contribute to a political candidate
- BUT gov CAN’T limit amount of $ that may be spent to support or oppose a ballot referendum
Election Spending - Aggregate Contribution limits
- unconstitutional
- gov can’t limit aggregate amount one person or entity contributes to political candidates or committees during an election, even though can limit amount given to a single candidate
- considered to violate 1st Am b/c don’t further gov interest in preventing quid pro quo corruption + seriously restrict participation in democratic process
Elections - Limits on Expenditures
- laws can’t limit amount a candidate spends on a political campaign
- neither may gov limit $ a person spends to get a candidate elected, as long as expenditures not contributed directly to the candidate nor coordinated with those of the candidate
-> expenditures must be independent of the candidate + not disguised contributions
Regulations of Core Political Speech
- ex: electioneering, distributing campaign literature
- upheld only if satisfy strict scrutiny
- states may ban personal solicitation of campaign funds by judicial candidates (advances interest in preserving confidence in judiciary)
- ad concerning a political issue considered protected core political speech unless susceptible of no reasonable interpretation other than one as an appeal to vote for or against a particular candidate