The hypothalamus as a central regulator of metabolism Flashcards
What is likely to be occurring in T2D in terms of the brain?
A disruption in the core homeostatic processes that are centrally governed by the brain
What are the characteristics of mice lacking leptin (null animal)
How do we know that leptin is having an effect on the brain?
Tissue specific knockouts of the leptin receptor in the brain
What evidence is there that its the brain which mediates the majority of leptin’s actions ?
- deletion of leptin receptors in neurons induced obesity, re-expressing the leptin receptors in the knockdown mice ameliorated their obesity
- intracerebroventricular administration of leptin in leptin KD mice caused a reduction of body weight and food intake
Which neurons are found in the Arcuate nucleus, and what is their function?
Neuropeptide Y and agouti-related peptide neurons- stimulate food intake
POMC neurons- reduce food intake
What does leptin do to the 2 main neuron groups in the Arc nucleus?
- Inhibit N.peptide y
2. Stimulate POMC neurons
What do we not yet know about T2D and the hypothalamus?
How deficient activity of hypothalamic neurons leads to T2D and obesity
What is the model for the ‘hypothalamic regulation of hepatic glucose production’?
Leptin sensing neurons in the ARC receive input on energy stores-> increased hepatic vagal tone to the liver -> increases hepatic insulin selectivity