The Holocaust Glossary of Terms Flashcards
A german military or police operation involving mass assembly, deportation and killing: directed by the Nazis against Jews during the Holocaust
The twenty-six nations led by the United States, Britain, and the. former Soviet Union who joined in fighting Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan during World War II
Leader of the Jewish underground movement and of the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943; killed on May 8, 1943
Anielewicz, Mordecai
Prejudice and/or discrimination towards Jews, based on negative perceptions of their beliefs
“Aryan” was originally applied to people who spoke any Indo- European language. Their aim was to avoid what they considered. the “bastardization of the German race” and to preserve the purity of European blood
Aryan Race
Aushwitz was the site of one of the largest extermination camps.
The Axis powers originally included Nazi Germany , Italy, and Japan who signed a pact in Berlin in 1940 to divide the world into their spheres of respective political interest
Lightning Attack, used to describe the speed and intensity of Germany’s military action. first used by the Germans during their invasion of Poland in September 1939 and, later, made famous in their battle for Britain
British Prime Minister, 1937-1940, Identified with the policy of “a[[easement” toward Hitler’s Germany in the years preceding World War II. He concluded the Munich Agreement in 1938 with Adolf Hitler , which he mistakenly believed would bring “Peace in our time.”
Chamberlain, Neville
British Prime Minister, 1940-1945, who rallied the British during World War II and fought at the side of the United States. Churchhill was one of the very few Western statesmen who recognized the threat that Hitler posed to Europe and strongly opposed Chamberlain’s policies of appeasement
Churchill, Winston
Camps in which people were imprisoned without regard to the accepted norms of detention. An essential part of Nazi systematic oppression, they were constructed almost immediately after Hitler came to power in Germany.
Concentration Camps
When the German army was trapped between the soviet Army to the east and the advancing Allied. troops from the west, the Germans evacuated the camps in 1944 and forced the prisoners to march westward to Germany. During these marches the Jews were starved, brutalized, and killed.
Death March
The deportation was the forced relocation of Jews, in Nazi occupied countries, from their homes to “resettle” elsewhere. it meant removal either to a ghetto or a concentration camp and later to extermination camps
SS officer, head of the “Jewish section” of the Gestapo. He participated in the Wannsee Conference and was Instrumental in Implementing the “Final Solution” by organizing the trportation of Jews to death camps from all over Europe. At the end of World War II he was arrested in the American zone of Berlin. However, he escaped, went underground
Eichmann, Adolf
Evian Conference
Extermination Camps
Final Solution
Goebbels, Joseph
Hess, Rudolf
Himmler, Heinrich
Hitler Adolf
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Mein Kampf
Mengele, Josef
Nazi Party
Nuremberg Laws
Warsaw Ghetto
Wiesenthal, Simon