The Holocaust and Antisemitism Flashcards
What word sums up the antisemitism in Germany?
- A slow build up
What was an early sign of antisemitism when Hitler got to power?
1st April 1933
- Jewish shops were boycotted for a day
When were Jews banned from the civil service?
7th April 1933
- Jews were banned from the civil service and this was later extended to different professions
- Jews didn’t own land and therefore the attack on professions, e.g doctors, lawyers was devastating
When were Jews banned from owning farms?
September 1933
- Entailment Farm Law
How were Jews affected in schools?
- Law against overcrowding of schools
- Jews limited to 1.5% of students
- Less than 1% of the population were Jews?
How did the steel industry attack Jews?
Von Krupp removed them from employment
How were Jews as journalists attacked?
Editors Law banned Jews from journalism
What were the Nuremberg Laws?
- Law for the protection of German Blood and German Honour (forbids mixed marriages between Aryan and Jews)
- Reich Citizenship Law (Jewish German citizenship revoked)
- Law for the Protection of the Genetic Health of the German people. People could be assured they are Aryan through measurements, this was set up by the League for Propagation of Racial Knowledge
Why did the Nazis reduce prosecution of Jews during 1936?
- Due to the Olympics being held in Berlin, antisemitic signs were removed
- Did not want International Condemnation
- Regime were already worried about the economy
- Himmler was put in charge of jewish emigration
How did antisemitism pick up after the Olympics?
- Sept 1937, Hitler makes fierce speeches attacking Jews
- Nov 1937, Schacht resigns due to his criticism of anti-semitic Jewish measures
How does Anschluss affect the antisemitic measures taken?
March 1938
- Large population of Jews in Vienna
- 180,000 Jews
- Central Office for Jewish Emigration led by Heydrich and Eichmann
- 45,000 Jews were made to leave
Jan 1939
- Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration
What decrees were released during June to October of 1938?
- Jewish doctors and dentists forbidden from treating Aryan patients
When was Kristallnacht and what caused it?
- 9/10th November 1938
- Murder of Ernst Von Rath by a Jew, Hersch Grynzspan, on the 7th Nov
- Göbbels was working towards the fuhrer and wanted to impress
What happened on Kristallnacht?
- Jewish homes, shops and synagogues were attacked
- 100,000 Jews Murdered
- 20,000 Jews sent to Concentration Camps
When and what were the decrees excluding Jews from German economic life?
November 1938
- Awarding public business contracts to Jews was banned
- Jews banned from trades, shops, businesses
- Jews excluded from schools, universities, cinemas and sport facilities
What speech of Hitlers created controversy about his intentions of Jews?
January 1939
- ‘the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe’
- Was he planning the holocaust?
What were the effects of hate after the invasion of Poland?
September 1939
- 3 million Jews in Poland made to live in Ghettos
- October 1939 Himmler ordered the removal of Jews from North-West Poland
- The euthanasia programme begins
When do Jews begin to be pin pointed in society?
- 1940 their ration books are stamped with a ‘J’
- Sep 1941 Jews are made to wear a Star of David
How did the Nazi’s get away with all this?
- Brutalisation of war allowed for killing to be acceptable
- Public Opinion becomes less significant in a time of war
- Foreign Opinion does not matter while at war
- Increasing no. of Jews due to Nazi territorial takeovers
When do Germany wage war with USSR and how does this affect things? (Operation Barbarossa)
June 1941
- 1/2 million Jews shot in political killings
- Jewish Bolshevism was used to create hatred
- 700,000 Jews killed in the USSR
What allowed Germans to execute in Russia?
- 1939-43, 2mil civilians killed and 1.5mil Jews by einsatzgroupen
- Commissary Order of June 1941 allowed police to carry out shootings
When was the ‘final solution’ formed and what was this?
- July 1941 by Göring
- Extermination facilities were developed at Auschwitz in summer of 1941
- October 1941 emigration of Jews was banned
When was the Wannsee Conference and what did it do?
January 1942
- A plan to exterminate Jews chaired by Heydrich
What were the main concentration camps and how many Jews did they kill?
- Treblika, Sobibor, Maidanck and Auschwitz
- 1945, 6 million Jews had been murdered
How were homosexuals condemned by the Nazis?
- Made to wear pink triangles
- 1936 a central office fro combatting homosexuality and abortion
- Himmler wanted gay SS killed
- They were used for experiments
How were Gypsies condemned by the Nazis?
- A lot more entered due to Germanys expansion to the east
- 1/2 million were killed by the end of the Third Reich
How did Nazis treat asocials?
- Made to wear black triangles
- These were those not in the volk, e.g beggars, prostitutes etc
How were the religious condemned by the Nazis?
- Often did not want to join the army
- Therefore they were outcasted
How were the mentally ill treated by the Nazis?
- T4 Campaign
- Von Galen oppose but 200,000 were murdered
When was the concentration camp system expanded?
When did Himmler order the destruction of Aushwitz?
November 1944
- Himmler ended gassing inmates and destruction of Auschwitz
- Rest of inmates were evacuated west away from the soviet troops
When did the allies uncover the concentration camps?
1945 Jan - Red Army reaches Auschwitz
- April American and British troops reach concentration camps