The Hip Flashcards
What bones make up the pelvis?
Innominate bones
What bones make up the innominate bones?
What are the bony Landmarks on the Innominate bones? (7)
Iliac crest
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)
Ischial Tuberosity
Pubic Tubercle
Lunate surface
What are the bony Landmarks on the Femur? (6)
Greater trochanter
Lesser Trochanter
Adductor Tubercle
What are the differences between Male and Female pelvis?
Males have a higher Iliac crest
Males have a heart shaped pelvic inlet
Males have a tighter pubic synthesis
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the synovial membrane?
Location: Wrapped around the Hip joint
Function: Secretes synovial fluid in the joint, provides nutrients
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the acetabular labrum?
Location: Sits around acetabulum
Function: Extends the socket to increase stability
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the Joint capsule
Location: Wrapped around the hip joint
Function: Provides stability
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the extracapsular ligaments (only location atm)
Location: From pubis/Ischium/Ilium bone to the Femur
What are the main 3 extracapsular ligaments?
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the Inguinal Ligament? (Only location atm)
Location: ASIS down to the Pubic Tubercle
Describe the location, Structure and Function of the Main Bursae
Location: Greater trochanter/Across Illiopsoas muscle
Function: Reduce friction from the glutes and tissues
What are the compartments of the thigh?
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Iliacus muscle?
Function: Hip flexor
Origin: Medial part of the Iliac Crest
Insertion: Lesser Trochanter
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Psoas Major muscle?
Function: Hip flexor
Origin: Bottom 6 vertebrae
Insertion: Lesser Trochanter
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Pectineus?
Function: Hip Flexor and adductor
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Pectineal line of the femur
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Rectus femoris? (At the hip)
Function: Hip flexor
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: Patella Tendon / Tibial tuberosity
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Sartorius?
Function: Hip flexor
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: Proximal Tibia
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Long head of the Bicep Femoris?
Function: Hip extensors
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Fibula
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Semimembranosus?
Function: Hip extensors
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Tibia
Innervation: Tibial Sciatic nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Semitendanosus?
Function: Hip extensors
Origin: Ischial tubersoity
Insertion: Tibia
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gluteus Maximus
Function: Hip extensors/
Abduction/External rotator
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: Femur, Iliotibial band
Innervation: Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gluteus Medius?
Function: Hip abduction/Internal rotation
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gluteus Minimus?
Function: Hip abduction/Internal rotation
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Tensor Fasciae Latae?
Function: Hip abduction, Flexion and Internal rotation
Origin: Greater trochanter
Insertion: Iliotibial band
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Adductor Magnus?
Function: Hip adduction
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Linear aspera
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Adductor Brevis?
Function: Hip adduction
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Linear aspera
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Adductor Longus?
Function: Hip adduction
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Linear aspera
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Pectineus?
Function: Hip adduction
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Linear aspera
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gracilis? (At the Hip)
Function: Hip adduction
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: Tibia
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Obturator Internus?
Function: external rotation
Origin: Internal side of the obturator membrane
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Innervation: Obturator Internus
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Obturator externus?
Function: external rotation
Origin: Internal side of the obturator membrane
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Innervation:Obturator nerve
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gemellus superior?
Function: external rotation
Origin: Ischium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Innervation: Obturator internus
Describe the Function, Origin, Insertion and Innervation of the Gemellus inferior?
Function: external rotation
Origin: Ischium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
What are the Hip Flexors?
Psoas Major
Rectus femoris
What are the hip extensors?
Bicep Femoris
Glut Max
What are the Hip abductors?
Glut Minimus
Glut Medius
Glut Max
Tensor Fascia Latae
What are the Hip adducotrs?
Adductor Magnus, Brevis, Longus
What are the hips internal rotators?
Glut MInimus
Glut Medius
Tensor Fascia Latae
What are the hips external rotators?
Obturator internus/externus
Gemellus inferior/superior
Quadratus femoris
Glut Max