The great gatsby - points/critics Flashcards
David O’Rouke - about nick
Nick is considered quite reliable, basically honest, and ultimately changed by his contact with Gatsby
It is simply one of those novels that so richly evoke the texture of their time
Scrimgeour - Gatsby never ……………… the …………. about ……………., and despite the ………… of ………, fails to come to ……..-…………….
(Gatsby) never understood the truth about himself, and despite the lesson of fate, fails to come to self-knowledge
Flanagan - Gatsby lives in a ………. of …………. ………… and ……………, a ………. shaped as a ………………… between himself and the ………… who is ……………. him
Gatsby lives in a world of romantic energies and colours, a world shaped by as a conspiracy between himself and the writer who is creating him