The genetic background of cancer Flashcards
• Involved in the signalling pathways of cell division, cell growth: stimulatory action
• Mutation or increased expression => transformed to oncogenes =>oncogenesis(tumorigenic transformation)
* Tumor suppressor genes:
- Main functions:
• Cell division, DNA replication: inhibitory action
• Stimulatingcell differentiation
• Inducing apoptosis
- Mutation or decreased expression => inactivation => lack of protective action against cancer
Genetic defects in tumor cells
• In oncogenes/tumor-suppressor gens - qualitative → mutation
• In their regulatory system - quantitative → changes in expression
Genetic defects
- Translocation
- Chromosomal imbalance
- Point mutations
- Genetic instability
- Hereditary genetic defects
- Micro-RNA differences
- Epigenetic effects
Knudson’s two hit hypothesis
- Genes have two alleles
- Both of them have to be defective for malign transformation (The defects may have different origin)
- Somatic mutation: sporadic cancer
- Germ cell mutation : hereditary cancer (inherited mutation)
- The whole gene migrates in the genome
- Mainly the activation of oncogens (if it loses it’s regulatory part)
- A, the oncogene migrates to the promoter of one other gene’s (expression rate changes)
- B, the oncogene is incorporated in another protein gene → chimeric genes (abnormal proteins will be produced)
- Mainly characteristic for hematologic cancers, sarcoma types
Chromosomal imbalance
- different sized chromosome segment’s gain/loss
- oncogene-amplification
- tumour suppressor gene- deletion
- regulating function (i.e.: mic RNA)
• Proto-oncogenes become oncogenes
• Gene parts involved in the regulation of the cell cycle • It plays a role in tumor progression
• It can be chromosomal or extrachromosomal as chromatin fragment(double minutes)
• Losing suppressor genes - first, on one allele (loss of heterozygosity)
• A: losing the information on the other allele (bi-allelic deletion)
• B: the suppressor gene on the other allele will be inactivated (point mutation, hypermethylation)
• The detection of these alterations has special relevance regarding prognosis (PCR)
Point mutation
- Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes
* Activation of oncogenes – members of signalling pathways are in a constant active state
Genetic instability
• It affects the whole genome • Multiplex genetic lesions • Can be detected during the progression of the tumor • It may also be different in each cell within the tumor - Types • On nucleotide level • On chromosome level
Genetic instability - Nucleotide level
Nucleotide level
• Disruption of the DNA repair system MMR (mismatch repair) system
• repair + inhibits the replication of defective DNA
• Its disorder mainly causes microsatellite instability
• eg.: hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinomas (HNPCC)
NER (nucleotide excision repair system)
• Repair of pyrimidine dimers developed due to UV
• If doesn’t work → xeroderma pigmentosum → skin tumors
Genetic instability-Chromosome level
- Disruption during the segregation of chromosomes → aneuploidy (difference in the chromosome numbers
- Can be detected in various tumors (during progression)
- It is mainly centrosome amplification
- p53 is inactivated → CDK2 (cyclin dependent kinase) and cyclin E are activated → centrosome duplication
Hereditary genetic defects
- Genetic defect in the sperm cell/oocyte → can be found in all somatic cells
- Usually the first step, increase tumor susceptibility (two hit hypothesis)
- 5-10% of human carcinomas
Autosomal dominant hereditary tumor syndromes
- Mutation of one gene (tumor supressor)
- Features:
• Early age
• Bilaterally in paired organs
• Several tumors at the same time
• Family accumulation
• It can also be combined with non-cancerous diseases
Autosomal recessive tumor syndromes
• DNA repair problems → genetic instability • Disturbances in the NER (nucleotide excision repair) or in the posttranslation repair system - Features: • Decreased fertility • Immunodeficiency • Low body height • Glucose intolerance - Many genetic defects, but p53 always!
Micro-RNA alterations
• Functional sections, don’t take part in protein synthesis
• 18-25 bp long
• Negative regulation of genes
• ~3% of human genes
• Regulate 30% of protein genes
• Regulate cell division and differentiation
- micRNAs, play a role in the development of certain tumor types
- Near fragile chromosome areas → chromosomal imbalance
- A: Oncogenes↑ (micRNA↓ less inhibited)
- B: Tumor suppressor genes↓ (micRNA↑ more inhibited)
- Tumor therapeutic targets
Epigenetic effects
- Affect gene expression, but the nucleotide sequence of DNA does not change
- DNA methylation
- Histone modification
euchromatin: Switch on Chromatin=> loosens
heterochromatin: Switch off Chromatin=> condensed
DNA methylation
• At CpG dinucleotides • Enzyme: DNA methyltransferase • Usually at promoter region • Hypermethylation →heterochromatin (gene silencing) Hypermethylation: • Downregulation of tumor suppressor genes Hypomethylation: • Upregulation of oncogenes • Increase DNA fragility
Histone modification
-Histone acetylation → transcriptionally active
• Enzyme: HAT (histone acyl transferase)↔HDAC (histone deacetylase)
• oncogene↑
-Histone methylation → transcriptionally inactive /active
• Enzyme: HMT (histone methyltransferase)
• Tumor suppressor gene↓