Proto-oncogenes & tumor suppressor genes Viral factors of oncogenesis Flashcards
The cell cycle
G1= an active cell w/ normal biological functions S= synthesis phase, DNA-replication = duplicating whole genome. G2= production of enzymes, membrane components & cell organelles M= mitosis, celldivision G0= cells with no more proliferation potential
programmed cell death
- Regulated process
- Only the given cell is involved
- Requires energy
- Catalyzed by caspase enzymes
- Cell organelles are fragmented into apoptotic bodies •Physiological, essential process
- No inflammation
- Apoptosis vs. necrosis!
Regulation of growth, replication & transcription: tyrosine kinase dependent pathways
Ras/ MAP kinase cascade
•1.Receptor Sos=>Ras=>Raf=>MEK (MAPKK)=>Erk (MAP kinase) => transcription!
•2.MAPK-cascade=> Ras=>PI-3-kinase => PKB/Akt
Ras= GTP-as protein
Sos=guanine nucleotide exchange factor
Erk= EC signal-regulated kinase
Raf, Mek, Erk= protein kinase phosphorylation cascade
(Proto-)oncogenes & tumor suppressor genes–definitions
–Involved in the signalling pathways of cell division, cell growth: stimulatory action
–Mutation or increased expression transformed to oncogenes oncogenesis (tumorigenic transformation)
•Tumor suppressor genes:
–Main functions:
•Inhibit Cell division +DNA replication
•Stimulate cell differentiation
•Induce apoptosis
–Mutation or decreased expression=> inactivation =>lack of protective action against cancer
•Growth factors: e.g. PDGF, EGF, IGF-1, VEGF…
•Growth factor receptors: tyrosin kinase type receptors! –e.g. EGF receptor= EGFR (HER2)
•Protein kinases: e.g. MAP kinase cascade- Ras, Raf
•Regulators of cell cycle: cyclins
-Taxol/paclitaxel: Bcl-2 inhibition
-Mammary gland, ovary-, cervix, GI tumors
•Anti-apoptotic proteins: e.g. Bcl family
•Transcription factors: e.g. NF kappaB
Effects of NF-kappaB
- Inactive in normal cells, active in tumor cells!
- Proto-oncogene effect
- Stimulation of cell division
- Inhibition of apoptosis
- Stimulation of angiogenesis(VEGF, IL-8)
- Stimulation of metastases
- Other diseases: emergence of asthma, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis!
Effects of NF-kappaB
- Inactive in normal cells, active in tumor cells!
- Proto-oncogene effect
- Stimulation of cell division
- Inhibition of apoptosis
- Stimulation of angiogenesis(VEGF, IL-8)
- Stimulation of metastases
- Other diseases: emergence of asthma, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis!
Tumor suppressor genes
•Cell surface molecules
–TGFβ: stimulating CDK inhibitors (cyclin/ cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors=> cell cycle arrest)
–p16 gene: inactivation melanoma, pancreas, kidney, lung tumors
–p21 gene
•Cytoplasmic signalling molecules: inhibiting the activation of proto-oncogenes
–GAP: GTPase-activating proteins activating the GTPase function of Ras
•Transcription factors
–p53 gene: regulation of cell cycle(CDK inhibition!) and apoptosis
–Rb(Retinoblastoma) gene: dephosphorylated protein=> binding & inactivation of E2F transcription factors
•DNS repair genes
The function of p53 protein
- The most important tumor suppressor!! (human tumors: >50% with p53 mutation)
- DNA damage=>p53 protein detaches from MDM-2 & gets phosphorylated=> binds to p21 gene promoter=> p21 protein production inhibition of cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex =>cell cycle arrest, no proliferation+ apoptosis induction
- p53 mutation =>no protective action=> oncogenesis
Role of p53 in cancer therapy
•„Traditional” chemo-/radiotherapy: DNA damage activation of p53
•Removal of mutantp53: Adenoviruses(E1Bdeleted) replicating only in p53-mutant tumor cells
•Insertion of wild-typep53:
–Gene therapy w/ Retrovirus vector (lung tumors)
–Gene therapy w/ Adenovirus vector(Ad-p53) (ovarian tumors) –Gendicine (Advexin)
•Activating p53 signalling
The function of GAP
regulates Ras (a GTPase) activity
Viral oncogenesis–Introduction
- 20% of tumors: infectious background
- Historical significance
- Discovery of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
- Therapy and prevention: –Vectors –Vaccines
Viral oncogenesis–Mechanisms
•Infection with an oncovirus=> transformation of the host cell=> tumor cell
•Consequences of a viral tumor transformation:
–Uncontrolled cell division
–Invasion of the EC matrix
–Evading apoptosis
Viral oncogenesis–Rous sarcoma
- Peyton Rous–1911: RSV = Rous Sarcoma Virus ~1960: investigating the mechanism
- Src gene: first known viral oncogene tyrosine kinase enzyme
- 1966: Nobel prize
Viral oncogenesis–Mechanisms–RNA viruses
–Direct oncogenesis: „acute tumor viruses”
•Insertion of a viral oncogene
•A copy of the virus particle is presented in each tumor cell => viral antigen expression =>immune suppression, vaccines!
•E.g. Rous Sarcoma Virus
–Indirect oncogenesis: cis-activating tumor viruses •Promoter insertion=> activating the cellular protooncogenes: cis-activation
•Mutations, chronic inflammation
•The virus particle is not presented in all tumor cells („hit and run”)
•E.g. HCV = Hepatitis C Virus, FeLV= Feline Leukemia Virus
–Indirectoncogenesis: trans-activatingtumor viruses •tax gene => Taxprotein: activating cellular protooncogenes & stimulating virus replication: trans activation
•E.g. BLV = Bovine Leukemia Virus, HTLV-1 = Human TcellLymphotropVirus1