Molecular mechanisms of tumor growth and spreading Flashcards
Tumor growth – cell proliferation and cell death
Tumor-forming cells can be:
Proliferating cells => proliferative pool (S phase) Non-proliferating cells => non-proliferative pool Differentiation
Cell death
G0 phase cells
Tumor growth depends on both cell proliferation and cell death rate!
Cell proliferation
- Proliferating cells:
• Active cell cycle
• S phase (DNA replication) cell detection: - Ki-67 proliferation marker: immunhistochemical detection =>a factor influencing tumor prognosis
• PCNA protein
Role of PCNA protein in DNA replication
- PCNA = Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen
* Increasing the activity of DNA polimerase δ
The prerequisites of tumor growth
- Hypoxia
• HIF-1 (Hypoxia-induced Factor-1) transcription factors HIF-1 signaling - Vascularisation: angiogenesis!
Therapeutic significance of HIF-1 signaling
• Tumor => goal: inhibiting HIF-1 signaling => decreased angiogenesis, less adapted cells to hypoxia => slower growth
• Ischaemia =>goal: stimulating HIF-1 signaling => increased angiogenesis, better adaptation to hypoxia
- Main therapeutical targets of HIF-1 signaling:
• Proline hydroxylases
• Binding of HIF-1α to its coactivators
• HIF-1α gene expression (gene therapy)
Vascularisation of tumors
The main ways of tumor vascularisation: • (Neo)angiogenesis • Vasculogenesis: from bone marrow progenitor cells • Co-option = vessel incorporation • Vascular mimicry
-Factors influencing tumor vascularisation:
• The vascularisation of the original tissue
• The angiogenic cytokine profile of the tumor: e.g. VEGF, PDGF, TGFβ, leptin…
• Hypoxia =>HIF-1 signaling => cytokine production
• Genetic/epigenetic pattern
Inhibition of VEGF signaling: antiangiogenic chemotherapy
2 main drug types:
• VEGF inhibitors (antibodies!): e.g. bevacizumab
• Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs): e.g. sorafenib
The main steps of tumor spreading
- Local invasion
- Intravasation
- Lymphatic/haematogen spreading
- Adhesion to vessel walls
- Extravasation
- Local invasion
- Metastasis
Local invasion – the role of integrins
- Changes in EC matrix (ECM) recognition – receptor over-expression: integrins, laminin receptors => transformed to oncogenes!
- Integrin activation => several pathways are activated => stimulating local invasion & metastasis formation:
- E-cadherin repression=>detachment of tumor cells
- Cytoskeleton rearrangement =>cell migration
- Stimulating cell adhesion (to pericytes and endothel cells)
Local invasion – the role of E-cadherin
- Tumor suppressor, metastasis suppressor
- Binding tumor cells to each others
- EGF, IGF, TGFβ, integrins => E-cadherin repression tumor cells are detached => local invasion
Local invasion – degradation of ECM
- ECM degradation: LOX and ECM proteases!
• LOX = Lysine oxidase=> collagen: more cross linkages are formed
• ECM proteases: - Matrixmetalloproteases (MMP)
- Cystein proteases (e.g. catepsins)
- Serine proteases
• Decreased activity of protease inhibitors
• Autocrine and paracrine factors => cell migration
Metastasis formation
•Lymphatic spreading => metastasis in lymph nodes (sentinel lymph node!): easy intravasation, but immune factors in the lymph!
- Lymph angiogenesis
- Via normal lymph vessels
•Haematogenic spreading => metastasis in further organs
Steps of haematogenic metastasis formation
Local invasion=> intravasation:
• Endothel contraction =>increased permeability
*VEGF=> endothel contraction
* Lipoxygenase => eicosanoid synthesis(12-HETE) endothel contraction
• Enzymatic cleavage of basal membrane
Spreading with the blood stream:
• Resistance to altered conditions – anti-apoptotic mutations may facilitate spreading (Bcl, Bax)
• Integrins => micro-aggregates with thrombocytes protective role
Extravasation => local invasion, (micro-)metastasis
Formation of bone metastases
• Primary tumor: producing bone-specific matrix proteins => bone is a perfect location for tumor cells:
* Osteopontin
* Osteonectin
* BMP = bone morphogenic protein
• Osteolytic and osteoblastic metastasis types
• Parathormone-related protein (PTHrP) production =>osteoblast activation and differentiation to osteoclasts => osteolytic processes
Molecular diagnostics
• Molecular diagnostics: genetic profile, mutations, alterations on the gene expression level aimed therapy => new opportunities!