The functions of education Flashcards
sketch verb
sketch out
- I’ve just sketched out a rough proposal
- to sketch out the background to some issues
неразрывно связанный
inextricably linked
to make an idea, belief, or feeling stronger
- a mechanism for reinforcing the prevailing ideology
продвижение соц солидарности
promoting social solidarity
навыки грамотности и счета
skills such as literacy and numeracy
опровергать, disprove
- refute the functionalist view
господствующий класс
the ruling class
ничто иное как
are nothing more than
to use a word or phrase that no one has used before
- He coined the phrase ‘cultural hegemony’
реакционные цели
reactionary ends
to give something such as authority, a legal right, or an honour to someone, присуждать
- The university conferred an honorary doctorate on her.
воскрешение в памяти
мы сталкиваемся со зрелищем
we are now faced with the spectacle
знать на свой страх и риск (..cost)
As we know to our cost