The Foundations of Motor Behaviour and Neuromuscular Control Flashcards
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Control
Motor Control studies neuromuscular function in the generation and coordination of movements to perform a motor skill
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Behaviour
Motor Behaviour is an activity (action) carried out through muscle contraction to achieve a motor task
Note, Actions ≄ Movements. Explain why this is
Actions –> aim
Movements –> the way of achieving the aim
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Equivalence
Motor Equivalence states that the same action can br carried out by executing different (sequences of) movements
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Adaptability
Motor Adaptability is the ability to accomplish the same motor task in different conditions
state what it is meant by the key term - Control Problem
a Control Problem seeks out how we can make a system behave as it should to achieve a goal
what is the issue with ‘the dreadful night storage heaters’
Input: a dial you adjust to accumulate the desired amount of energy
Output: heat
Issue: can’t adjust to the system in which it operates
state what it is meant by the key term - Feedback Control
Feedback Control is based on the difference between the observed and the desired measure
explain how Feedback Control is achieved (3 points)
- the difference is the error in the system
- based on the error, you can adjust your input to get the desired output
- called a ‘feedback control system’
why do we classify skills?
classifying skills into general categories helps us to understand the demands those skills placed on the performer/learner
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Skills
activities/tasks that require voluntary control over movements of the joints and body segments to achieve a goal
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Learning
the acquisition of motor skills, the performance enhancement of learned or highly experienced motor skills, or the reacquisition of skills that are difficult to perform or cannot be performed because of injury, disease, and the like
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Control
how our neuromuscular system functions to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs in the performance of a motor skill
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Development
human development from infancy to old age with specific interests in issues related to either motor learning or motor control
state what it is meant by the key term - Skills
(a) an activity or task that has a specific purpose or goal to achieve; (b) an indicator of quality of performance
state what it is meant by the key term - Movement
specific patterns of motion among joints and body segments used to accomplish an action goal
state what it is meant by the key term - Action
is to cause some type of change in the environment or in the person’s relation to the environment
Motor skill performance is influenced by what 3 factors?
1) Motor skill
2) Performance environment
3) Physical and psychological characteristics of the performer
what is the benefit of classifying skills? (3 points)
provides you with an appropriate basis for establishing generalisations or principles about how we perform and learn motor skills
generalisations aid understanding of skill learning
help development of strategies to enhance motor learning and rehabilitation