Electromyography 1 - Measuring Neuromuscular Activity Flashcards
state what it is meant by the key term - electromyography (EMG)
EMG is the registration and interpretation of the electrical activity associated with the contraction of skeletal muscle
state what it is meant by the key term - electrograph
an electrograph is the instrument used to record EMG
state what it is meant by the key term - electrogram
the electrogram is the recording of the electrical signal generated by the neuromuscular activity
state what EMG is measured in, and give 2 supporting statements
- EMG signal is measured in Volts (V/mV)
1) the magnitude of the EMG signal is usually < 5 mV (peak to peak)
2) that is 1/1000 the voltage of usual batteries
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Unit (MU)
give a supporting statement
the MU is the motor neurone plus all the muscle fibres it innervates
the functional unit of the neuromuscular system
state what it is meant by the key term - Innervation Ratio
the Innervation Ratio represents the number of fibres that are activated by the motor neurone
give 3 examples of innervation ratios for the following:
1) Rectus Lateralis
2) Opponens Policis
3) Medial Gastrocnemius
Rectus Lateralis –> 5 fibres per motor neurone
Opponens Policis –> 89 fibres per motor neurone
Medial Gastrocnemius –> 1934 fibres per motor neurone
use 7 steps to briefly explain the muscle fibre action potential
- axonal AP triggers ACh release
- Na+ channels open in sarcolemma
- depolarisation of the membrane
- generation of the MAP
- propagation along the fibre and down the transverse tubules
- release of Ca2+ by the SR
- interaction of the contractile proteins
state the directions and speed of muscle fibre action potential (MAP)
longitudinally –> 2-5 m/s
transversally –> 0.04 m/s
will there be a delay in EMG readings?
there is a delay between the AP and the receptor picking up the signal due to velocity of the MAP and the distance between the motor end plate and the electrode
what is the magnitude, time interval, and frequency of EMG signals?
Magnitude = (baseline to peak) is called the amplitude
Time Interval = the time between two subsequent EMG recordings
Frequency = the inverse of the time interval
what is a ‘bipolar/differential electrode’ ? (3 points)
- two electrodes are placed (one positive and one negative)
- when the MAP travels along the muscle, its picked up by one before the other
- you don’t report both readings, so you minus one from the other to get the bipolar reading (above and below zero)
what are the two factors to which MUAP (motor unit action potential) varies with?
1) Muscle fibre type
- amplitude is higher in fast-twitch muscle fibres
- conduction is faster in fast-twitch muscle fibres
2) The measurement sites
- amplitude decreases with distance
- longer time delay with distance
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP)
the MUAP is the sum of the electrical signals generated by all the fibres of a motor unit
state what it is meant by the key term - Motor Unit Action Potential Trace
the MUAPT is the sequence of MUAPs resulting from repeated neural stimulation
so, what actually is EMG?
the EMG is the space and time information of all the MUAPTs from all the motor units that are activated in a specific amount of time
State, and possibly explain, 2 facts about muscle force generation
1) recruitment - recruited in order of inc^ size
2) discharge of firing rate - frequency of MU activation
- the more MU’s that are recruited, and the higher the frequency of the signal, the larger the amplitude of the EMG signal
EMG is recorded via electrodes. Explain this
electrodes are conducted elements that can be put inside your muscle (closer to the activation sites) or on the skin’s surface
EMG recordings can have monopolar configurations. Use 2 points to explain this
1) you have a detection electrode on the skin or in the muscle, you then compare the recorded potential with a reference electrode (usually on a bony, non-activated site)
2) issue is, when you record with monopolar configuration, you not only record the activation from the muscle, but also associated noise
EMG usually has bipolar configuration. Explain this using 4 points
1) electrical difference between the positive and negative electrodes
2) attenuates noise
3) improves signal:noise ration
4) although electrical signal reaches electrode at diff times, the noise hits at the same time. this should then cancel out when you differentiate from one electrode to another
state what it is meant by the key term - noise
Noise is unwanted signals detected by the electrodes
e.g. - other biological signals (ECG), external sources (mains electricity, movement aftifacts…)
what is the difference between surface electrodes and indwelling electrodes?
Surface electrodes: record on the skin
Indwelling electrodes: (fine wire, needle) record within muscles
state what it is meant by the key term - Muscle Action Potential (MAP)
(2 points)
the MAP is the name given to the waveform resulting from the depolarisation of the muscle fibres
depolarisation depolarises along each muscle fibre from the motor end plate, followed by a repolarisation wave
what is the cause of a MUAP?
the summation in space and time of MUPs of a given motor unit is termed a Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP)