The Fish part 2 by Elizabeth Bishop Flashcards
“but _______, and yellowed”
“but shallower, and yellowed”
“the irises _____ and ______”
“the irises backed and packed”
“with _______ tinfoil”
“with tarnished tinfoil”
“seen through the _____”
“seen through the lenses”
“of old scratched _______”
“of old scratched isinglass.”
Quote the eighth five lines of the poem
“but shallower, and yellowed,
the irises backed and packed
with tarnished tinfoil
seen through the lenses
of old scratched isinglass.”
“They _____ a little, but not”
“They shifted a litttle, but not”
“To ______ my _____.”
“to return my stare.”
“-it was more like the ______”
“-it was more like the tipping”
“Of an ______ toward the ____.”
“of an object toward the light.”
“I admired his _____ face,”
“I admired his sullen face,”
Quote the ninth five lines of the poem
“They shifted a little, but not
to return my stare.
-It was more like the tipping
of an object toward the light.
I admired his sullen face,”
“the ___________ of his jaw,”
“the mechanism of his jaw,”
“and then I ___”
“and then I saw”
“that from his ____ lip”
“that from his lower lip”
“-if you ____ call it a ___-“
“if you could call it a lip-“
“grim, wet, and _________,”
“grim, wet, and weaponlike,”
Quote the tenth five lines of the poem
“the mechanism of his jaw,
and then I saw
that from his lower lip
-if you could call it a lip-
grim, wet, and weaponlike,”
“hung five old ____ of fish-_____,”
“hung five old pieces of fish-line,”
“or four and a ___ _____”
“or four and a wire leader”
“with the _____ still attached,”
“With the swivel still attached,”
“with all their five big _____”
“with all five big hooks”
“____ firmly in his _____”
“grown firmly in his mouth.”
Quote the eleventh five lines of the poem
“hung five old pieces of fish-line,
or four and a wire leader
with the swivel still attached,
with all their five big hooks
grown firmly in his mouth.”
“a green ____, ______ at the end”
“a green line, frayed at the end”
“where he _____ it, two _____ lines,”
“where he broke it, two heavier lines,”
“and a fine black _____”
“and a fine black thread”
“still ______ from the strain and ____”
“still crimped from the strain and snap”
“When it ____ and he got away.”
“when it broke and he got away.”
Quote the twelfth five lines of the poem
“A green line, frayed at the end
where he broke it, two heavier lines,
and a fine black thread
still crimped from the strain and snap
when it broke and he got away.”
“Like _____ with their _____”
“like medals with their ribbons”
“frayed and _____,”
“frayed and wavering,”
“a five _____ beard of ______”
“a five haired beard of wisdom”
“_____ from his _____ jaw.”
“trailing from his aching jaw.”
Quote the fourteenth five lines of the poem
“and victory filled up
the little rented boat,
from the pool of bilge
where the oil had spread a rainbow”
Quote the thirteenth five lines of the poem
“Like medals with their ribbons
frayed and wavering,
a five-haired beard of wisdom
trailing from his aching jaw.
I stared and stared”
“I _____ and _____”
“I stared and stared”
“and _____ filled up”
“and victory filled up”
“the little _____ boat,”
“the little rented boat,”
“from the pool of ____”
“from the pool of bilge”
“where the ___ had spread a ______”
“where the oil had spread a rainbow”
“around the _____ engine”
“around the rusted engine”
Quote the fifteenth five lines of the poem
around the rusted engine
“to the bailer rusted orange,
the sun-cracked thwarts,
the oarlocks on their strings,
the gunnels-until everything
was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!
And I let the fish go.”
“to the ____ rusted _____,”
“to the bailer rusted orange,”
“the sun-cracked _____,”
“the sun-cracked thwarts,”
“the ______ on their strings,”
“the oarlocks on their strings,”
“the ______-until everything”
“the gunnels-until everything”
“was _____, ______, ______!”
“was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!
“and I ___ the fish __.”
“And I let the fish go.”
Quote the full poem
“but shallower, and yellowed,
the irises backed and packed
with tarnished tinfoil
seen through the lenses
of old scratched isinglass.
They shifted a little, but not
to return my stare,
the mechanism of his jaw,
and then I saw
that from his lower lip
-if you could call it a lip-
grim, wet, and weaponlike,
-It was more like the tipping
of an object toward the light.
I admired his sullen face,
hung five old pieces of fish-line,
or four and a wire leader
with the swivel still attached,
with all their five big hooks
grown firmly in his mouth.
A green line, frayed at the end
where he broke it, two heavier lines,
and a fine black thread
still crimped from the strain and snap
when it broke and he got away.
Like medals with their ribbons
frayed and wavering,
a five-haired beard of wisdom
trailing from his aching jaw.
I stared and stared
and victory filled up
the little rented boat,
from the pool of bilge
where the oil had spread a rainbow
to the bailer rusted orange,
the sun-cracked thwarts,
the oarlocks on their strings,
the gunnels-until everything
was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!
And I let the fish go.”