The First Industrial Revolution Flashcards
What was the Industrial Revolution?
A transformative period that began around the 1760s and continued into the 1840s that saw the rise of new manufacturing processes, significant advancements in technology, and a move towards factory-based production, which fundamentally changed the nature of work and daily life.
Why were textiles, coal, and iron important during the Industrial Revolution?
They serve as the foundation for creating finished goods and are essential to the industrial economy, especially during the period of early industrialization when demand for these materials surged due to technological advancements and increased production capacity.
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in England?
The First Industrial Revolution began in Britain around the late 18th century due to factors like access to coal, iron, and a favorable political environment.
What is the “pulling out system”?
A decentralized production method prevalent where work was contracted to individuals in their homes rather than centralized factories. This system allowed rural families to engage in textile production and other crafts, facilitating economic independence.
What was the factory system?
A method of manufacturing characterized by the centralized and efficient mass production of goods in large-scale factories with machinery. This system replaced traditional artisanal and home-based production methods.
What was the Great Exhibition (Crystal Palace)?
An exhibition opened in 1851 where people could see art, musical instruments, precious jewels, and inventions from many countries. It reflected the advancements in manufacturing and trade, while promoting international cooperation and competition among nations.
Who was Eli Whitney?
An American inventor who developed the cotton gin and interchangeable parts.
What was the “American System” of Manufacture?
A set of manufacturing methods that evolved in the 19th century. The two notable features were the extensive use of interchangeable parts and mechanization for production, which resulted in more efficient use of labor compared to hand methods.
What was the Cotton Gin?
A machine invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 that separates cotton seeds from cotton fiber. It was an important invention because it dramatically reduced the amount of time it took to separate cotton seeds from cotton fiber.
What are tariffs?
A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
What was the Irish Potato Famine?
A famine in 1845 when the main crop of Ireland, potatoes, was destroyed by disease. As a result, over 1 million Irish died of starvation or disease, while millions of others migrated to the United States.
What was Urbanization?
The process by which an increasing percentage of a population comes to live in urban areas, often as a result of industrialization and economic development.
What were the consequences of urbanization?
Cities faced challenges due to rapid urbanization, such as overcrowding, inadequate housing, poor sanitation, and increased pollution.
Who were considered the bourgeoises?
The middle class in society, particularly in relation to their economic power and influence. During the Industrial Revolution, the bourgeoisie had replaced the power of the nobility and grew to be the wealthiest class.
Who is considered the industrial working class?
People who worked in factories or other manual labor jobs. They often worked long hours for low pay and had little control over their working conditions.