The Finer Points Flashcards
Load Factor =
What is the first symptom of carb ice?
decrease in RPM followed by engine roughness
What does carb heat do to the mixture?
Enrichen - hot air has lower density = increase in fuel to air mixture
What is the difference in higher and lower grade fuels?
Higher grade can withstand more pressure before detonating.
Why should fuel tanks be stored full?
Prevents moisture condensation inside the tank.
Slow Flight Checkride
- Power back smoothly
- When within white Arc - Flaps as instructed
- Pitch for VS1
- Right Rudder and Re Trim
- Turn, Climb, Descend as instructed
- Recover (PUFF - Power, Undercarriage, Flaps, Flaps)
- Cruise Checklist/Flow
- Altitude +/-100
- Heading +/- 10
- Airspeed +10/-0
- Bank angle +/- 10
Steep Turns Checkride
- Reduce Speed to Va
- Chose reference point and Heading
- Begin Turn and Add Power
- Reduce bank at 20* prior to chosen heading
- Level, stabilize, reduce power
- Begin Opposite Turn and ADD POWER
- Reduce bank at 20* prior to chosen heading
- Altitude +/- 100
- Airspeed +/- 10
- Bank angle +/- 5
- Heading +/- 10
Power Off Stall Checkride
- Heading into the wind
- Fuel pump on
- Power back for landing config
- Landing Config
- Glide
- Pull back to induce stall
- Rudder over aileron
- Announce stall warning
- Announce stall break
- Full power and Right Rudder
- Stick forward
- Announce positive rate of climb
- Recovery (PUFF - Power, Undercarriage, Flaps Flaps)
- Climb Checklist
– Power set
– Mixture Set
– Fuel Pump Off
– Instruments
– Taxi/Landing light off - Cruise Checklist
– Power Set
– Mixture Set
– Instruments
– HI to Compass
Heading +/- 10
Bank angle +/- 10
Power On Stall Checkride
- Heading into wind
- Power back to no less than 65%
- Maintain Altitude
- Pitch for airspeed of Vr (59)
- Take off Config
- Increase pitch to stall
- Announce stall horn
- Announce stall break
- Nose down
- Announce positive rate of climb
- Climb at Vy
- Climb Checklist
– Power set
– Mixture Set
– Fuel Pump Off
– Instruments
– Taxi/Landing light off
- Cruise Checklist
– Power Set
– Mixture Set
– Instruments
– HI to Compass
What things change when the backup static pressure port is used?
- Alt reads slightly higher than actual
- ASI indicates airspeed greater than actual
- VSI shows momentary climb and then stabilizes if altitude is held constant.
Absolute Alt
Height above terrain
Pressure Alt
What altimeter says at 2992
True Alt
Indicated Alt
Approx true
When are pressure and density altitude equal?
Standard Temperature
Under what condition is true altitude lower than indicated? With respect to air temp
Colder temp
Every inch of mercury represents how many feet?
1000 ft
Easy way to remember what happens to altimeter when mercury setting is changed?
Numbers go up, hands go up
Define density altitude in words
Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature
How to reset the overvoltage relay?
Turn off all electronics and reset the master switch
Most airplanes are powered by a … volt DC electrical system and a …. volt battery.
28 and 24
Slip vs skid
- Towards the inside of the turn
- too little rudder
- Towards the outside of the turn
- too much rudder
What causes deviation error in a magnetic compass?
metals and electrical systems of the aircraft
Describe compass turn error and when it happens
East or west heading
- Indicates turn towards north during acceleration
- Indicates turn towards south when decelerating
- ANDS - Accelerate north, decelerate south
What is magnetic variation vs deviation?
Variation is true vs magnetic north
Deviation is related to electronic interference
Northern hemisphere heading north, when will compass indicate initial turn towards west?
North turning right
How to know whether to add or subtract closest isogonic line when calculating magnetic course?
East is least, west is best
- True course is west of line = add isogonic line
- True course is east of line = subtract isogonic line
Sequence for increasing or decreasing power on constant speed prop?
Avoid high manifold pressure and low RPM
- Increasing power = increase RPM first, then manifold pressure
Advancing the propeller creates the potential for power and the throttle fills it in
When to position flight controls for wind? And how?
Climb into the wind, Dive away from the wind
- Above 10kts - position for wind
- Below 10 kts - Stick full back to protect the nose wheel
What do the segments of the wind sock represent?
5, 10, 15 knots of wind
Steady Green Tower Light - Ground and Air
Steady Red Tower Light - Taxi, Ground, Air
Flashing Green Tower Light - Taxi, Ground, Air
Flashing Red Tower Light - Taxi, Ground, Air
Flashing White Tower Light - Taxi, Ground ,Air
Alternating Green and Red Tower Light - Taxi, Ground, Air