Flying Things to Know Quickly Flashcards
When to do FREDA checks?
Every 15 mins in flight.
What does FREDA stand for?
Fuel - on in good quantity
Radio - set to correct Freq
Engine & Electrics - T’s & P’s, carb heat
Direction indicators - set to compass heading
Altimeter - set to correct QNH or QFE
What does BUMFICH stand for?
B - BRAKES-OFF / Pressure Checked
M - MIXTURE-Fully Rich
F - FUEL-Pump ON, BOTH / Contents sufficient for G/A
I - INSTRUMENTS-Di Synchronized, Altimeter, T’s and P’s Checked
H - HATCHES-Hatches, Doors and harnesses secure
When do we do BUMFICH checks?
On downwind.
What does HASELL stand for?
Height – 3000’ AGL Airframe – Clean Security – Loose Articles Engine – T’s and P’s, Carb Heat Location – ABCD Look Out – 2x90 degrees
When do we do HASELL checks?
Before doing aerobatic maneuvers, or stalls, spins.
Always use carb heat when ……… .
Rotate at …….. knots.
55 Knots 172m
59 Knots Archer
Climb speed is ……. Knots.
65 Knots 172
76 knots Vy archer
Cruise RPM is ……… RPM.
2300 RPM
Cruise speed is ………. Knots
90 Knots
113 knots
Taxi checks?
Brakes - check both sides
Rudder - Check correct movement and steering.
Instruments - Check in turns D.I., Compass, Turn coordinator, Altitude Indicator. VOR, ADF Tracking.
Take off checks?
Clearances - Revived and understood.
Runway - Approach and departure routes clear Surface checked.
Line Up - Re-Check DI. with Runway heading & compass.
Engine Temp & Press, steady and within limits.
Airspeed - Increasing.
Go - around?
Throttle - Full power
Carb heat - set cold
Attitude - correct for Yaw
Flaps - Retract Drag Flap to 20 degrees and there after retract all the way in when safe speed and height reached.
Radio - Call ‘Going around’ and obtain further ATC instruction.
Factors effecting stall speed: Weight?
The stall speed varies with the square root of lift. Aircraft = 2000lbs stall speed = 50Knots 2400lbs (20% increase) = 1.2 Square root of 1.2 is 1.1 Stall speed is 50Kts x 1.1 = 55Kts.
Factors effecting stall speed: Load Factor?
Increases by the square root of the load factor
Equation for Lift?
L = (1/2) d v2 s CL L = Lift, which must equal the airplane's weight in pounds d = density of the air. This will change due to altitude. These values can be found in a I.C.A.O. Standard Atmosphere Table. v = velocity of an aircraft expressed in feet per second s = the wing area of an aircraft in square feet CL = Coefficient of lift , which is determined by the type of airfoil and angle of attack.
What is the increase in stall speed on each of these banked turns?
Stall speed increase:
30 - 8%
45 - 18%
60 - 40%
Throttle control when Taxing?
1700 RPM to get moving. Once at a jogging speed reduce to 1000RPM.
Always idle when ……… .
slowing down and before taxi.
First thing to do when taxi?
Check brakes.
Before a turn always …….. .
Lift wing and Look into turn.
Every 1000ft……… .
Swerve or halt climb to check fro traffic under the nose.
When carb heat is set hot you need to …….. .
Increase throttle to compensate.
Climb entry?
Power - increase to full power right rudder
Attitude - Raise noes to climb
Trim - 76Kts
Climb recovery?
Attitude - Straight and level in balance.
Power - 2300Kts
Trim - 113Kts
Powered decent speed & RPM?
1500 RPM
Cruise decent speed & RPM?
1900 RPM
In a right hand turn the Captains side is going to have a ………. view out the window.
In a left hand turn the Captains side is going to have a ………. view out the window.
Max bank angle in a climbing turn?
15 degrees.
Standard stall recovery?
- Control Column centrally forward
- Apply full power
- Prevent Yaw with rudder
- Wings level
- Recover to climb
- Note height loss.
Altitude for flaps up after takeoff?
Altitude to turn to crosswind?
700ft 15 degree turn.
Circuit height?
Process of thought from Power Checks to takeoff?
1) Clearing turn
2) Radio call
3) Line up
4) Start Takeoff checks
5) Feet clear of brakes - Full power, rudder starboard T’s & P’s, airspeed increase.
Things to do on downwind?
- Radio call
- BUMFICH checks.
Turn downwind when airport is ………. .
45 degrees.
Turn base when airport is ……… .
45 degrees.
Things to do on base?
flaps 20 in white arc, idle, carb heat, begin decent at 76Kts
Standard go around procedure?
1) Full power, right rudder
2) Drag Flap away
3) More to the dead side of the Runway
4) Begin climb away
5) Retract rest of flaps at right speed and height.
Standard abort procedure?
1) Close throttle
2) Brake as required, keep straight
3) MIX off, MAGS off, FUEL off, MASTER off if required
4) Radio call.
Procedure for standard engine failure after takeoff?
1) At 500ft, instructor will set up and perform Radio call.
2) Lower noise to 65Kts
3) Select landing area (DO NOT TURN BACK)
4) If time attempt restart
5) Touch drill
6) Instructor takes control pull away.
Touch drill procedure?
1) Fuel off
2) Mix Off
3) Throttle closed
4) MAGS off
5) Flaps as required
6) Electrics off
7) Hatches & Harnesses
8) Radio call
Carb heat in on landing at ……. ft
Landing, if to low more ………. .
Landing, if to slow ………. .
pitch down
Priority’s of flying?
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
Flap-less landing procedure?
1) Extend downwind leg
2) Do not select flap on base leg
3) Reduce power to 1500RPM
4) Ensure that approach is not to high
5) Maintain 70Kts on approach
6) Arrive ‘Over the hedge’ at 65Kts
7) Flare and hold off as normal.
Reasons for flap-less landing?
1) Mechanical
- Linkage broken or jammed
- Ice on the Flaps
- Flap motor burnt out or jammed
- Flat battery
- Master off due to electrical problem.
2) Very strong turbulence, at a lower speed with flap aircraft is less stable on approach.
Short-field landing speeds?
Base with 2 stages of flap at 70Kts
- Turn Final Full Flap reduce speed 55Kts
- Aim to flare over the numbers
- ‘Over the hedge’ at 50Kts
- Use brakes firmly while bringing yoke back.
Forced landing without power (2500ft or above)
1) maintain straight and level attitude until speed reduces to 65Kts, lower nose and trim.
2) Pick field and plan circuit 1000ft above point.
3) Fly the planned pattern, continually assessing the selected point.
4) Carry out ‘why failed checks’.
5) Make Mayday call
6) Just before reaching 1000ft point carry out the aircraft shutdown checks:
7) From 1000ft point carry out a standard glide approach.
8) After final flap selection - turn master switch off.
What are the ‘why failed checks’?
1) Carb heat - hot
2) Fuel tank - Check on
3) Primer - locked
4) Magnetos - Re-cycle
5) Mixture - Rich
Mixture full Rich
Carb Heat hot
Fuel tank check
Primer in and locked
Magnetos re cycle
What should you include in your mayday call?
Station you are addressing
Aircraft call sign
Aircraft type
Aircraft shutdown checks for emergency landing?
1) Fuel off
2) Mixture full lean
3) Throttle closed
4) Magnetos Off
5) Harnesses Tight
6) Door Unlatched
QFE is the?
This is the used when taking off and landing, airfield is 0ft
What is the QNH?
This is the altimeter setting for sea level, when out of airfield airspace