The Film Industry (Black Panther & I, Daniel Blake) Flashcards
Summarise Curran & Seaton’s theory!
Power & media industries
A few large companies have ownership of the industry. These companies are driven by profit and power.
Summarise David Hesmondhalgh’s theory!
Cultural industries
Maximising audience, minimising risk
What are the 2 ways to maximise audiences??
- Vertical & Horizontal integration
- Formatting your product
What are the 3 stages of vertical integration??
- Production (make a profitable film)
- Distribution (market & distribute)
- Exhibition (cinema and streaming)
What is horizontal integration and why is it done??
When a company buys other companies within the same cultural industry
Done to eliminate competition
What are the 3 ways of formatting your product to maximise audiences??
- Stars
- Genres
- Serials
What is the Regulation Theory and who came up with it??
Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt
Needs of a citizen are in conflict with the needs of a consumer because protection can limit freedom
Why was Black Panther originally going to be a 15??
The fight scene because of the intensity and the lack of comic violence (real weapons were used rather than fantasy ones).
It was released as 12A to maximise audiences.
What are the 2 key points about the BBFC??
- Independent to remove bias
- Determines rules for pieces of media
What is the main argument for the case study: Black Panther??
Often, the same thing that could be argued is risky due to how businesses understand audiences, could be considered safe due to desires within culture to represent groups
What are the 8 main context point of Black Panther??
- Afrofuturism
- 18th marvel film
- Disney’s ownership
- Prior media exposure
- Budget of $200 million
- Sci-fi + superhero genres
- Blaxploitation
- The comics
What is afrofuturism??
A cultural aesthetic mixing sci-fi, history & fantasy to explore African-American experience.
What does afrofuturism aim to do??
Connect those from the black diaspora with their forgotten African ancestry
Why is prior media exposure a context point for Black Panther??
Prior media exposure of Africa has shown the continent as all the same, not the individual places in it
Why are the Black Panther comics relevant to the film’s making??
They existed 52 years before the film.
The film wasn’t made sooner despite the comics having a stable audience because marvel didn’t want politics involved in their entertainment.
Black politics in 1982 was symbolised by the Black Panthers but in 2018, it was shown by BLM
What are the 3 historical context points in Black Panther??
- Afrofuturism
- Harlem Renaissance
- The Black Panthers
What was the Harlem Renaissance??
1910 till mid 1930s
Allowed for the development of black art/culture
What were The Black Panthers??
Black political group following the death of Malcolm X
Black Panther character was introduced a year after the Black panther movement began
Which 3 theories mostly apply to the making of Black Panther??
- Cultivation Theory (Gerbner)
- Identity Theory (Gauntlett)
- End of Audience Theory (Shirky)
How does The Cultivation Theory apply to Black Panther??
The representation of Africa as a whole continent rather than individual countries have been cultivated
How does The End of Audience Theory apply to black culture??
Spike Lee started the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite after recognising that all Oscar nominees where white for the 2nd consecutive year
What is the main indicator of risk in the film industry??
What was Black Panther’s budget and how much did it end up earning??
$200 million but earnt over $1 billion since release
How does Hesmondhalgh’s theory apply (or not apply) to IDB??
Lack of stars, profitable genres and series shows that its success is more about the conversation and keeping social realism.
How does IDB support Curran and Seatons’s theory??
It has higher quality and is more creative because it isn’t mainstream
How does Regulation apply to IDB??
it was rated a 15 because even though this reduces audiences, it allows the 3 impactful scenes to be included
How was Shirky’s End of Audience theory used for IDB??
WeAreAllDanielBlake created on twitter so marketing by word of mouth was used
What were the 5 companies involved in the production of IDB??
- Sixteen films
- Why Not Productions
- eOne
Who is the director of IDB and what does he have?
Ken Loach
Star Power
What equals success for IDB??
Creating conversation
How was the Daily Mirror used for marketing IDB??
- Left wing newspaper
- Article ‘written’ by Daniel Blake
- 57% convinced to watch the film because of it
What award did IDB receive??
The Palm D’Or (an award given at a film festival which also helped sell the quality) which is for more culturally significant/niche films
What type of marketing did eOne use for IDB??
guerilla marketing (‘in the street’ marketing)
What are the 2 things that supposedly make a film mainstream rather than independent??
- Large budget
- Conglomerate company