The Female Pelvis and Fetal Skull Flashcards
What are the significant obstetric characteristics
Ossa Innominata(Os Coxae)
Consists of 5 vertebrae that are used to fused, the ant. surface is concave and the ant.-sup. border of the s1 forms the sacral promontory.
Consists of four fused vertebrae and gives attachment to the levator ani muscle, coccygeus and the anal sphincters
Ossa Innominata /Os Coxae
Joining of the ileum,Ischium and pubis my by means of cartilage that later ossifies.
Contains a concave ant. surface, the fossa iliac , an upper border, the crista iliaca and the terminal end of the crest ,the ant and post. sup. iliac spines
Contains 2 large prominences on which you sit, the ischial tuberosities and the ischial spines that are situated post and sup, to this.
Consists of a body, a sup. and inf. ramus(2 inf rami form the pubic arch). Where the sup. ramus meets the ileum, forms the iliopectineal eminence. The iliopectineal line extends from the pubic tubercle to the sacro-iliac joint-border of the pelvic inlet.
The types of joints which are present in the Pelvis
Pubic Symphysis
Sacrococcygeal Joint
Sacro-iliac Joint
Accessory Ligaments:
Pubic Symphysis
A Secondary cartilaginous joint
Ant. pubic ligaments(Strong)
Post. pubic ligaments(Weak)
Sup. pubic liagaments(Weak)
Inf. pubic ligaments-Arcuate lig-Strong between the pubic rami
Little movement
Sacrococcygeal Joint
Secondary cartilaginous joint
Ant. and Post. scaro-coccygeal ligaments-Strengthen joint
Moves Backwards during labour and enlarges the pelvic inlet
Sacr0-iliac Joint
Synovial, multi-axial plane joint.
Ant. saco-iliac ligament-Short and Transverse
Interosseus sacro-iliac ligament-Strong
Short post. sacro-iliac ligament-Short and strong
Long post. sacro-iliac ligament-Long
The movement is limited however during pregnancy because the ligaments soften.
Mention the accessory ligaments
Sacro-tuberous ligamant
Sacro-spinous ligament
Between the sacrum and the tuberosity of the ischium
Between sacrum and the ischial spine
What happens during pregnancy to the ligaments
The ligaments become hyperemic and soften due to 2 hormones, relax in and progesterone(both secreted by the corpus luteum and placenta) causing more movement, esp at the sacro-iliac joint and the pubic symphysis
The softening is sometimes so pronounced that it produces symptoms of Sacro-ileitis
The obstetric pelvis
It can be divided into the:
True Pelvis
False Pelvis
Axis of Birth Canal
Pelvic Inclination
True Pelvis/Pelvis Minor
Inf. to linea terminalis and forms a bony passage for the baby during birth.
- Curved cylinder
- Ant border: 5cm long and straight(Symphysis pubic)
- Post. border: 10-15 cm long and concave(Sacrum)
False Pelvis/Pelvis Major
The area between the 2 iliac fossae above the linea terminalis and is part of abdominal cavity that contains intestinal loops
Axis of Birth Canal
It is the course taken by the presenting part of the fetus in its passage through the pelvis-direction is initially to post . to inf.
At level of ischial spines direction changes by 90* to proceed ant. and inf.
Pelvic Inclination
The normal position of the pelvis when a women is standing upright, is when the SIAS is on the same vertical plane as the pubic tubercle.
Plane of pelvic inlet thus forms an angle of 60* to the horizontal-Pelvic Inclination
If the angle increases, engagement of the fetal head is hampered
Important Pelvic Planes
The Pelvic Inlet
The Midpelvis
The Pelvic Outlet
The Pelvic Inlet
Ant: Post.sup. border of the pubic rami and symphysis
Post: Promontorium and the ala of Sacrum
Lat: iliopectinal Line
The pelvic Inlet
Conjugata vera: 11.5cm
Conjugata obstetrica: 11 cm-from the promontorium to mid. post surface of symphysis
Conjugata Diagonale: 12.5cm-can be measured from the pubic angle to the middle of the promontorium
The transverse diameter of the Pelvic Inlet
Largest possible distance between the iliopectinal lines
90* angle with the AP measurement