The Female Genito-urinary System Flashcards
- Sexual maturation
- Ovulation - promote growth of follicles
- Develop/maintain female accessory organs
- maintaining skin & blood vessels
- ↓bone resorption
- ↓LDL
- ↑HDL
- ↑cholestrol
- moving fluid into tissue
- Maintain pregnancy
- Breast development
- Maturation of endometrium cells
- ↑body temp
- Smooth muscle relaxation
How are estrogen and progesterone levels controled in women?
via the Hypothalamic-pituary feedback control.
Anterior pituary
Corpus leutum / Theca interna
Progesterone / Estrogen
- ↑ estrogen (↓prgstrn) → GnRH, LH, FSH
- ↑ progesterone & estrgn → GnRH, LH, FSH (from albicans)
- LH → ovulation
- Inhibins → STOP LH, FSH
- FSH: repair end proliferatino of endometrium
- LH: prepare endo for fertilized ovum
- LH: menstruation
- GnRH sitmulates release of FSH/LH
- FSH stimulates:
- Growing follicles
- Inital development of ovarian follicles
- Ovaries
- Further development of ovarian follicles
- Ovarian secretion of:
- Estrogen
- Inhibin
- LH stimulates:
- Corpus luteum secretion:
- Progesterone
- Estrogens
- Relaxin
- Inhibin
- Corpus luteum secretion:
What are the roles of Estrogen?
- Promote development/maintain female:
- reproductive structures
- feminine 2ndry sex charact.
- breasts
- ↑Protein
- ↓Blood cholestrol
- Moderate levels inhibit:
- GnRH
- LH
What are the roles of Progesterone?
- Work with estrogen to prepare endometrium for implantation
- Prep. mammary for milk
- Inhibit:
- GnHR
- LH
What are the roles of Relaxin?
- Inhibit contractions of uterine smooth muscle
- ↑ flexibility of pubic symphysis
- dilates uterine cervix
What are the roles of Inhibin?
- Inhibits release of
- LH (less extent)
The Menetrual Cycle
Hypothalamus → GnRh → Anterior pituary → FSH+LH →
Ovarian follicles begin to mature = Follicular phase
Developing follicule produces estrogen → ↓FSH: Only the strongest follicles survive the drop in FSH
Follicles continue to make estorgen → stimulates LH release from ant.pit → release of egg → ovulation → follicle cells become corpus luteum → progesterone = Luteal phase
Progesterone preps body for preg → if no preg, corpus leutum dies → progesterone drop → GnHR to start new cucle
What are some Mestrual disorders?
- Amenorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Menopause & aging
What is primary amenorrhea?
When menstruation never starts
- congenital defects
- genetic (abno. sex chrom)
- CNS lesion
- trauma
- infection
- tumours
- abnormal/absent FSH/LH
- correction of disorders
- hormone replacement therapy
What is secondary amenorrhea?
When menstruation starts but dissapears, never again
- Pregancy/lactation
- menopause
- weight loss
- excess exercise
- stress
- oral contraceptives
- H-P gland hormone imbalance → estro/progestro imbalance
- structural abnormality of uterus
- removal of uterus
- anabolic steroids
thus, no corpus lutemis not formed
- no secretory phase
- Lack of menstruation
- Infertility
- Vasomotor flushes
- Vaginal atrophy
- Acne
- Hirstituism
- hormone replacement therapy
- corrective surgery
What is primary dysmenorrhoea
Painfull periods
- ↑endometrial prostaglandin production/release
- ↑ uterine smooth muscle contractions
- Prostaglandins released ~48hrs
- prostaglandins released to circulation
- Prostaglandin inhibitors: ibruprofen
- excercise
- heat massage
What is secondary dysmenorrhea?
Pain caused by anither disorder
- Endomitosis
- Endomitosial polyps
- cervical disease
- Prostaglandin inhibitors
- treatment of underlying disorder
What is Menopause or Climacteric
- Decreased ovary function
- ↓estrogen
- osteoporosis
- athersclerosis
- less inhiibition of pituary
- Hot flashes