the Federal Republic of Germany (1945-89) Flashcards
who took administrative control over Germany as soon as WW2 ended
- the allies: america, britain, france, soviet union
what was agreed at the 1945 Potsdam conference
- allies would divide G into 4 zones of occupation
who took control over the 4 zones of occupation
- Allied Control Council
post ww2; _% of housing had been destroyed
- post ww2; 20% of housing had been destroyed
what happened in 1947
- in 1947, USSR left the ACC and UK+USA combined their zones to create bizonia
outline the 1948 Marshall Plan
- America’s economic aid for EURO countries to boost their economy + stop communism spreading
in __, bizonia introduced new currency, the __
- in 1948, bizonia introduced new currency, the deutschmark
what happened in 1949
- Britain, USA + France became one - called the FRG
what is article 21
- A21: all political parties must adhere to democratic policies
outline the structure of FRG Gov
- President: chosen by representation, limited powers
- parliament: Bundestag passed laws, Bundestrat formed laws
- Chancellor: appointed by President with parliamentary approval
- electoral system: combination of proportional representation + first past the post
who took over the Government in 1949 and for how long did they last and from which party
- Adenaur, 1949-63, CDU chancellor
what was the Hallstein Doctrine 1955
- the refusal to recognise East Germany as a separate country
define Ostpolitik
- the establishment of friendly relations with east Germany - turning over the Hallstein Doctrine
who took over the Government in 1969 and for how long did they last and from which party
- Brandt, 1969-74, SPD
who took over the Government in 1974and for how long did they last and from which party
- Schmidt, 1974-82, SPD
who took over the Government in 1982 and for how long did they last and from which party
-Kohl, 1982-98, CDU
name the 2 chancellors after Adenauer
- Erhard, Kiesinger
under Erhard’s reforms, unemployment fell from _% to _%
- under Erhard’s reforms, unemployment fell from 10.3% to 1.2%