What is her perspective?
She is an insider and an outsider
‘…narwhal catching the light in a spectral play of colour’
Narwhal associated with beauty
‘…turning butter-gold, glinting off man and whale’
There together
Descriptive lang
Beautiful scene
‘…instead mischievous tricks of the shifting light’
Almost dream-like
‘the hunters were dotted’
Size of it (sheer scale)
Nature and man
Shows how vulnerable they are
What is the effect of the paragraph in the middle (scientific)?
Changed detached scientific tone
Unemotive and informational
Alternating paragraphs shows her contrasting and conflicting thoughts between facts and personal experience
‘…soft billows of smoke’
Contrasts with the hunt which is incredibly dangerous
‘the mattak or blubber’
Insider and outsider
Expert/scientific lang
Unique perspective
Contrast; is it necessary
Valuable, beautiful, necessary
‘…women clustered on the knoll of the lookout’
Makes you understand tension and danger
Stresses the necessity of it
‘…had to sit very still’
Shows how vulnerable they are and dangerous it is
‘…split second my heart leapt for both hunter’
Shows conflicting thoughts
Consideration and care for both participants of the hunt
‘foolhardy… respect’
Conflicting thoughts
‘…flimsy kayak’
Emphasizes danger
Descriptive language
‘…the hunters and their families’
Not Inughuit
Outsider with a closer personal angle
‘hunting is still an absolute necessity in the Thule’
Structurally finishes with a short matter of fact sentence
‘and I know that one cannot afford to be sentimental…’
Incomplete sentence
Shows confliction and confusion
‘the narwhal… are intelligent creatures’
‘senses are keen… talk to one another’
Shows she has respect and sympathy for them
Believes they are intelligent
Shows her understanding of Inughuit culture