Memoir and travel writing
‘climbing up to peaks’
Present participle
Shows her surprise at the landscape
‘a giant child gathering earth… sharp peaks… valleys and gorges’
Contrast between geographical explanation and figurative imagery
Scene is so extreme she is finding it hard to understand how it was made
‘Amsterdam to New Delhi to Calcutta to Paro’
Syndetic listing
Expresses how far away and difficult it is to get to
Geographical distance also represents cultural distance
‘mountains are mountains, more mountains and mountains again’
Question and answer (structure)
‘powdered milk’
Very difficult to get western items
‘convulsion of crests and gorges and wind-sharpened pinnacles’
Asyndetic list
Alliterative metaphor
Shows extreme nature of Bhutan’s geography
‘both Lorna and Sasha have travelled extensively’
Implies she hasn’t travelled much
Suggest she is naive
‘incomprehensible but graceful hand gestures’
Different to the west
Shows her cultural distance and shock
‘onions, rice, tea, milk powder, dried fish’
Asyndetic list
Only sells essentials as rural
No luxuries
Small cramped not ordered
Suggest chaos
‘cultural infiltration’
Negative connotations
Military term/war/spying
‘the seat of the Royal Government of Bhutan’
Showing respect for culture
‘search for the right word to describe the people’
New experience
Struggling to comprehend the nature of Bhutan
‘dignity, unselfconsciousness, good humour, grace’
Positive asyndetic list
Suggest innumerable qualities
‘historical records show that waves of Tibetan’
Historical detail trying to explain Bhutan to reader
‘Asia was overrun by Europeans’
Emotive verb
Negative connotations
Western colonial powers
‘had his back slapped, his hair pulled and his face rubbed with wet dough, and was then forced to sign an outrageous treaty’
Historical story symbolises the culture shock in westerners in Bhutan
‘I am full of admiration for this small country that has managed to look after itself so well’
Short personal statement
Shows admiration after long historical story