‘refrigerator chockstone’
Technical lang
Shows he is an expert
‘…you can imagine using it to climb up the inside of a chimney’
Mundane metaphor
Used to make the reader not expect anything bad
Seems easy
‘…I kick at the boulder to test how stuck it is’
Dramatic irony
Creates tension
‘…I dangle’
Connotations of vulnerability
Increases tension
All he can do
Natural instinct
‘fear shoots my hands over my head’
Passive short sentence
Personification and dissociation
‘time dilates’
Connotations of eye pupils dilating when someone is scared
Affects time as well shows extent of danger
‘…the wrist, palm in, thumb up, fingers extended…’
Long methodical sentence
Asyndetic list
Shows dissociation to cope with pain
‘time dilates, as if i’m dreaming’
Figurative lang
Contrasts with earlier technical lang
‘…my disbelief paralyzes me’
Personifying disbelief
Dissociation from his emotions to cope with pain
Overtaking him
Shows extreme shock
Doesn’t want to relive the pain
‘I grimace and growl’
Pain is so extreme it is making him animalistic
Isn’t even human anymore
Sensory lang makes it immediate
Animal connotations
Understand the situation
‘…my nervous system’s pain response overcomes’
Distancing himself from this extremely painful memory
Shows how extremely affecting these memories are for him that he cannot directly engage with these feelings
Scientific language
‘good God, my hand’
Short sentence
Religious lang
Even more immediate as if he is reliving that exact moment
Strong vocabulary
Emphasises pain so we understand and adds more tension
‘flaring’ + ‘searing-hot pain’
Connotations of fire
Pain is getting worse
Semantic field of burning
‘but i’m stuck’
Incomplete short sentence
Shows defeat
His brain is not forming full sentences too distracted by pain/shock
Long sentences near the end
Contrasts with earlier short sentences
Structurally shows he is past the initial frantic shock thinking and is now trying to grasp a solution
Back to descriptive calm language near the end
Contrasts with earlier frantic extreme emotive language
Structurally shows he is past the initial frantic shock thinking and is now trying to grasp a solution
Structurally ends with one word
Desperate situation
Out of ideas
Builds tension
Written in present tense
More realistic
More immediate
Shows how personally affecting it was