The Executive Branch Of Government: The President Flashcards
What are the presidents formal powers?
Enumerated powers: explicit granted to the president by Article II of the Constitution, or delegated by Congress
Implied powers: these are implied by the text of the constitution
Inherited powers: These are not set out in the Constitution, but are needed by the president to carry out their constitution role as head of the executive, unlike implied power, inherent powers are not linked to a specific power mentioned in the Constitution, rather they are inherent to the overall role of the president described in the Constitution
What section of Article II was rarely used but is become a lot more used?
Section III of Article II of the Condition, giving the president the power to propose legation, with Washington proposing 3 law to Congress, until FR changed things, proposing an extensive series of laws during his first 100 days in office
What famous example of implied powers and executive order did FDR do in 1942 after pearl harbour?
Executive Order 9066, suspending the civil liberties of approximately 120,000 Japanese-Americans and forced them into internment camps for the duration of the war, though overruled by the Supreme Court in 1945 and in 1988 Congress formally apologised in 1988 and paid reparations
What is an example of a inherent power?
After 9/11 Bush’s administration argued that the presidents inherent powers gave him the authority to ignore civil liberties and anti-torture laws, with ‘extraordinary rendition’
How many executive departments is the federal bureaucracy?
Who is the chief executive of the federal bureaucracy?
The president
Who has the power of preparing the annual federal budget?
The president
Who actually writes the budget?
The president’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
When does the president usually propose legislation to Congress?
In the annual State of the Union Address usually in January of each year
When would a president use the ‘leave it on the desk’ option?
For potential ‘pocket vetos’ or for minor pieces of legislation or legislation they do not agree with but would be unable to prevent Congress passing
Who was the last president to use a pocket veto?
Bill Clinton in 2000, though W. Bush claims he did it in 2007 though it has been disputed
What is ‘veto signalling’?
A threat by the president that puts pressure on Congress to make changes to a bill that the president wants or it might be vetoed
How many vetoes have recent presidents used and how many have been overridden by Congress?
Reagan: 78 vetoes 9 overiiden
H.W. Bush 44 vetoes 1 overridden
Clinton 37 vetoes 2 overridden
Bush 12 vetoes 4 overridden
Obama 12 vetoes 1 overridden
Trump 10 vetoes 1 overriden
Around how many positions are filled in the executive branch?
4,000 with 700 confirmed by the Senate by a simple majority vote
What did the War Powers Act 1973 do?
In theory requires president to ask Congress to approve in advance military action, some presidents face acted without approval though
Explain the power to grab pardons by the President?
The president can pardon anyone who has been convicted f a federal crime with the exception of cases of impeachment
What is an example of pardon by the president?
In 2019 Trump pardoned African-American boxer Jack Johnson in 2019 for the 19193 offence of crossing state lines accompanied by a white women
What is an example of a pre-emptive pardon?
After Nixon resigned in 1974, Ford assumed the presidency, as vice-president, and pardoned Nixon for any crime she might have committed
What was Clinton critique fro when he sued the pardon?
Using it for his own brother for a frug offence and for pardoning wealthy supporters and pardoned 140 people on his final day on offence creating a scandal called ‘pardongate’
In 1960, what did Professor Richard Neustadt argue was the key skill for an effective presidency, as each branch of US federal government shares equal power?
What are the informal powers of the president?
The power to persuade, deal-making, setting the agenda, de facto party leader, world leader
What might the president offer with members of congress if they help pass the presidents legislation?
Might offer to support a policy the legislator is championing, or support them with election campaigning, or deliver funding to their home stay or disitrcy
Which act that reformed criminal justice did Trump make bipartisan deal to pass?
The First Step Act 2018
What is an example of being de facto party leader not working?
When the Republican controlled both house in 2017, Trump was unable to convince Congress to fully repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act 2010
Which president popularised direct authority, using the power of the president to take action directly without consulting Congress?
What is an executive order?
An official order made by the president directly to the federal government, has the effect of law but can be easily reversed by the next president, though not by Congress, the power resulting from Article II giving the president execrative power, with president claiming an implied right to executive orders
Who holds the record for most executive order issued?
FDR with 3,721