The EU Flashcards
What factors encouraged European integration after WWII?
What are the main differences between intergovernmental and supranational cooperation?
What did federalist and functionalist supporters of EU integration disagree over?
What was the 1950 Schuman Declaration?
What are tariffs and quotas?
What is a free trade agreement?
What is a customs union?
How is a ‘common market’ different to a free trade area or customs union?
What did the Treaty of Paris (1951) do?
What institutions were established and what were their role?
Were these institutions supranational or intergovernmental?
Why were UK party leaders reluctant to join the new European Coal and Steel Community?
Why did the UK form the European Free Trade Association?
What attempts were made at political integration in the 1950s and why did they fail?
What did the 1957 Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community do
What did the 1957 Treaty establishing the European Economic Community do?
Why did the Rome Treaty allow for the creation of a Common Agricultural Policy? How would the CAP function?
What measures were included in the Rome Treaty to address the economic disparities between members?
What is qualified majority voting? Where, when and how was it to be used in the European Communities?
What did the 1965 Merger Treaty do?
After this Treaty, what institutions led the three European Communities?
What happened in the case Van Gend en Loos (1963)? Why was the Court of Justice’s decision controversial?
What is the principle of direct effect?
What did the European Court of Justice rule in Costa vs ENEL (1964)?
What is the principle of supremacy?
What led to, and what was, the Luxembourg compromise?
What factors were encouraging the UK to apply to the join the EC by the 1960s?
Why did the UK’s first two applications fail?
Why was the UK’s third application successful?
What did the 1970 Budgetary Treaty do?
Why did this Treaty create issues for the UK?