The End Of The Postwar Consensus 1970 To 79 Flashcards
How could he be described as a leader
He had a clear and detailed program of policies for the modernisation of Britain. He had been the leader of the Conservative party for five years. Educated at a state school. Meaning he came from a different social backgrounds. Perceived as stiff in in dealing with people. Love Mike Wilson he was not interested in plots. Many of his colleagues regarded him as too honest for the song God. He had a good policy which was not a good politician. He also knew the issue surrounding easy entry inside out.
What did the Conservatives want to improve
They created a policy program which was formed from the basis of the Conservative party manifesto: tax reforms, better law and order, reforms to trade union, immigration controls, cuts to public spending, and the end to public subsidy of lame duck industries.
What was the Barber boom
The new chancellor Anthony Barbara introduce cuts in public spending. He also introduced tax-cut to try encourage investment. This is what was called the barber boom, with a rapid rise in inflation. However inflation was not accompanied by economic growth. Unemployment actually went up something that was highly unusual at the same time as inflation. This led to the invention of a new word stagflation.
What did stagflation cause the Conservative party to do
Unemployment started to edge towards 1 million so the government wanted to reduce state intervention is in industry to take action. The engineering firm rolls Royce was nationalised in 1971 and the government money was also Cording to prevent up a Clyde shipbuilders going bankrupt this was the famous U-turn. This angered business men as they felt their taxes were being used to put money into unsuccessful businesses.
What did the yon kippur war trigger
The crisis in October 1973. The war prompted OPEC To declare and oil embargo. Export suddenly stopped. The price of a oil bracketed to 4 times the usual level. One key was found outside petrol stations.
What type of industrial disputes was heath to deal with
What did this lead to
At doctors strike, allowed per settlement for Dustman, a postal workers strike and the coleslaw by power workers which led to a power cut. This caused the Conservative party to bring in the industrial relations act. Which set up and industrial relations cart and provided the strike ballots and a cooling off period before official strikes could begin. The policy did not work as expected. Both the trade union Congress and the confederation of British industry where opposed to it. There were major strikes in 1972 by the minors, ambulance drivers, firefighters, civil servant, power workers, hospital staff and engine drivers. 1972 so the highest number of days lost in strikes since the general strike of 1926
What was the industry relations act
What was the industrial act of 72
Set up an industrial relations court and provided strike ballots for a cooling down period.
Which aim to involve the government the trade union conversion and Confederation of British industry in a green wages prices investments and benefits. This was heavily criticised by some of the right of the Conservative party.
What did the oil crisis 1973 lead to
What this successful
Another increase wage demand from the minors which was beyond the limits the government wanted to impose to hold down inflation. The minors introduced an over time ban to strengthen their demands. He thought that a compromise could be reached and a strike avoided but he also announced that a three day week would be reintroduced from the beginning of 1974.
Heath made willie whitelaw from the Northern Ireland office minister of employment- this was unsuccessful as the minors refused the pay offer and the government refused to treat the minors as a special case. 74- NUM called a nationalist strike.
What was the three day week
Imposed by the heath government to conserve electricity in response to a wave of industrial action by engineers doctors and firefighters. Deep cuts to lightening and public buildings and to closed down at 10:30 PM. many were laid off leading to a huge amount of being stinging up for temporary unemployment payments.
What happened in heaths general elections n in 1974
Health called a general election for 28th of February 1974 intending the central issue of the election to be who governs Brittain. For most of the campaign the opinion polls favourite the Conservative but the final result showed showed a small swing against them. The minor strikes had brought down the government.
What were the troubles in Northern Ireland under heath
Who did Heath support
The British Army was struggling to keep the peace and the political situation in Belfast was close to complete breakdown. His government made many attempts to find a political solution. At first health backed Brian Faulkner the Ulster Unionist party leader who let the Belfast government along going with the policies of imposing night time curfews and the introduction of internment in 1971. But these were ineffective as security measures and it alienate it the Nationalists communes 95% interned between 1971 and 1975 were Catholics.
What events of trouble happened in Northern Ireland between 1970 and 74
In March 1971 three British soldiers were killed, the IRA thought to be responsible.
In August 1971 300 people were interned
December 1971- 15 killed by UVF bomb
January 1972 bloody Sunday 13 killed by British army
February 1972 seven killed by IRA bomb
December 1972 two killed by loyalist bomb
December 1973 Sunningdale conference
February 1974 12 killed by IRA bomb
What happened following bloody Sunday
The British Embassy in Dublin was burnt down. Support for the IRA grew and they were able to raise a lot of phones in the United States. 1972 tending to the bloodiest year of all troubles, there were 1382 explosions, 10,628 shooting incidents and 480 people were killed. Heath suspended The Stormont Parliament in March 1972 and brought in direct rule from West Minister appointing Willie Whitelaw as secretary of state. He is pulses were not try to defeat the IRA what to look for a permanent political solution leading to peace.
What was the Sunningdale agreement
In 1973 and agreement negotiated between heath and white law. A complex plan for a power-sharing government with the support of the social Democratic Labour Party and the alliance and the leadership of the Ulster Unionist party.
It proposed
A power-sharing executive of the Nationalists and unionists both size would be guaranteed representation
Nu Northern Ireland assemble elected under a system of proportional representation
A council of Ireland that would have some input from the Republic of Ireland.
How did Republicans and loyalist see the Sunningdale agreement
As a sell-out. Both groups opposed. The Ulster Unionist party voted to pull out in 1974 and Brian Faulkner was replaced as leader of the Ulster Unionist party by Harry West Who opposed the agreement.
What problems continued in Britain during the troubles of Northern Ireland
The minor strike and the 1975 general election.