Society In The 70S Flashcards
What did feminist do to fight for their rights
The 1970s sort the highpoint of second wave feminism which had developed in the 1960s. The movement that had support across the world as can be seen from international women’s day by the United States in 1977.
Following the initial women’s liberation meeting in 1970 women’s liberation groups son up all over the country aiming to give support to women. Women lib organisations destructed the 1970s miss world contest held in the Bemer because they felt that it objectified women. Women’s liberation also organise demonstrations in both London and Liverpool in March 1971 demanding equal pay for women and free 24!hour nurseries.
What were the different ideologists in feminism
Feminism was split between
radical feminist who were sometimes also separatists believe that women were opposed by the patriarchal society and camp and particularly on issues such as reproductive rights.
Social feminist indicated I clear my class dimension to women’s equality and campaigning on issues that would enable women to achieve financial independence.
What was the progression in feminism
Progression was made in advance and productive rights. Although the birth control pill had been available in the 1960s its use became more widespread once it was available through the NHS in 1971.
Attempts to try tackle violence against women. The first rape crisis Centre opened in London in 1976 and also in 1976 the domestic violence act made it possible for women to take out Courtauld is restrain violent partners.
A year later we clean the night vouchers were held in cities across Britain in response to the murders of the Yorkshire ripper.
What was the sex discrimination act
Passed in 1975. To end discrimination against men or women on the basis of gender are then marital status. It also aimed to ensure equal opportunities in employment and education and outlaw harassment.
That act also set up the equality opportunities commission. To oversee both the sex discrimination act and the equal pay act. However they only launched nine investigations in eight years between 1976 and 1983 and only 10% of sex discrimination claims in the workplace where successful as it was so difficult to prove.
How did women’s economic position start to improve in the 1970s
From 1971 women were able to take out a mortgage without a mail. The equal pay act which had been passed in 1970 came into force in 1975. The employment protection act 1975 interviews paid maternity leave and outlawed dismissal on the grounds of pregnancy.
Did inequality continue in the 1970s
Trade union still tended to be dominated by men and suspicions from and that women in the workplace when suppress wages for men. It was not until 1979 that the trade union Congress published a character equality for women within the trade union. The equal pay act did not solve all the concerns that women were not treated equally, employees could get around it by making the tasks slightly different and therefore not compatible. Nevertheless women’s wage did go up 59% of men is weird in 1970 to 70% in 1977
What was the immigration act in 1971
Restrict the rights of people from the new Commonwealth from coming to Britain, they would need to have a guaranteed job and have at least one grandparent born in Britain.
But how come immigration levels remained high
The dictator of Uganda prosecuted and then expelled do Uganda Asians. Many of those affected had British passport having moved from India to Uganda when India was still a British colony. These were made exceptions from the immigration act and health set up a resettlement board. 28,000 arrived in Britain. There was also a rush of immigrants from Bangladesh after its break away from Pakistan in 1974.
What was the number immigration by 1974
Over 1 million new Commonwealth immigrants had come to Britain. These immigrants tended to settle in the same areas where there were already cultural and familia networks. However political representation in these areas remain limited.
Despite strict immigration rules why did raise relation continue to be an issue what happened as a result of this
In 1976 the liver government passed another race relations act to try and tackle discrimination on the basis of race. It established that commission for racial equality and which had the power to investigate investigations and to compound witnesses to appear in front of it.
Who were the national front and what did they do
The National from work political party founded 1967 to oppose nonwhite immigrants.
The National firm became very active in parts of London where immigrants had settled. They had 20,000 members in 1976 and in 1977 it was described as Britain’s fourth largest political party.
In the late 1970s the Conservative party announced that they were toughen up immigration policies even further in order to limit the number of immigrants coming into Britain.
One strategy was to hold matters and demonstrations particularly in areas where there were high levels of immigrants living. These were considered proactive and were often marked by violence.
Who was attracted by the National front
How was immigration supported
Skinheads. They were often behind violent acts on people from other ethnic backgrounds they were sometimes called p**i bashing.
However all the young people fought against racial attitudes. Rock against racism started in 1976 as a reaction to a comment made by the rock guitarist Eric Clapton in support of Enoch Powell. A huge demonstration and concert held in Trafalgar Square in 1978 attracted 100,000 people. This concept was headlined by the Clash who drew on reggae and ska influence as well as punk rock.
Why was there distrusted regarding the police treatment of ethnic minorities
In 1976 there was only 70 fleece with a black or ethnic minority background out of a total workforce of 22,000. Young black people often felt that the police were harassing them unnecessarily. Tensions were often apparent at events like the Notting Hill carnival. In 1976 the carnival erupted into a riot where over 300 people were injured and following this the band the event.
Suspicions regarding police attitudes were highlighted by events such as the death of Blaire peach in 1979 she was a teacher who was killed when a demonstration was blocked by the police. The Metropolitan police finally admitted responsibility for his death in 2010.
How are racial attitudes made progression
Black footballers such as Justin Fashanu and John Barnes became increasingly common on the pitch and in 1978 Viv Anderson became the first black player to be picked for the England team.
Reggae and ska music became increasingly popular.
Local offer it is became to follow multiculturalist policies. This is not to recognise and respect the different cultures of different ethnic is equally.
How could it be argued that there was still racial tension in football and media
There was also scenes of racism would fans making monkey noises and throwing banana skins at black players.
Comedian still felt able to make racist jokes.
What were the punk movement
In 1975 to 1976. Influence by bands from the United States who would directed commercialism. British bands like the sex pistols where words were shouted over the top of the music.
It rejected the hippy culture that had gone before and in braced a DIY attitude. The lyrics reflected the social alienation that many young people felt.
Punks one ripped T-shirt and had spiky hair. Vivian Westwood open the boutique called sex on the Kings Road in Chelsea which is all bees items and was extremely influential on the punk image.
Apple concerts this but at least you’re there and they were often violent scuffles. The sex pistols released a controversial single God save the Queen during the Queens Silver Jubilee year year in 1977.
Who were skinheads
Developed from mod culture at the end of the 1960s. They tended to be working class and were initially influenced by Jamaican music and culture. Many skinheads with a political by the end of 1970 some skinheads became increasingly linked to the National front and football hooliganism.
Who were the environmentalist
They had a political philosophy covers a multitude of topics connected by that impact on the planet. A new word ecology entered the vocabulary defining the health of the natural environment. The idea is also drew on the counter culture of the 1970s that had rejected consumerism and on emerging fears of a downside to what had been perceived as scientific progress.
There camping. The original drive behind see Andy was to protest against atomic weapons however the new focus was to campaign against the use of nuclear power to generate electricity because of the long-term dangers in dealing with radioactivity nuclear waste and the potential for accidents.