The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941 - Revision guide Flashcards
Describe the ideology of early Bolshevik rule
In ‘State and Revolution’, 1917, Lenin explained his ideology, specifically concerning the transition to socialism once the Bolsheviks had achieved power.
However, circumstances, rather than ideology determined policy in the early years of Bolshevik rule
How did the creation of a socialist society depend on the war
The Bolsheviks believed the creation of a socialist society was dependent on a world-wide socialist revolution, which they hoped would emerge from WW1
Describe Trotsky’s approach to peace negotiations
‘No war, No peace’
Trotsky dragged out the talks in the hope that a communist revolution would break out in Germany
He returned, and persuaded SOVNARKOM to back his policy of not signing a peace treaty, but not pursuing the war
Describe the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 1918 - The terms were humiliating, but Lenin took the pragmatic view that saving the revolution at home was more important than spreading an international revolution.
Russia lost: - All her western lands – Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Ukraine and Georgia.
- 62 million people (26% of population) 27% of her farmland, 26% of her railways, 74% of her iron ore and coal.
- Germany was to receive 300 million gold roubles in reparations.
Describe how Russia became a one-party state
- Lenin believed that the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ should be exercised by the Bolsheviks, and he had no intention of power sharing with other socialists
- This was shown by his forceful closing of the Constituent Assembly and he increasingly bypassed the PS
- Rule by the Bolshevik only Sovnarkom meant that Russia was a one-party state by March 1918. In March, the Bolsheviks became the Communist Party
- Lenin issued a ‘ban on factions’ in 1921, further reducing opposition to the Central Committee and the Politburo
How did the government develop during its early years in power
The Civil War had a huge impact on the development of the party and the state
- It forced the govt to adopt a more centralised system of govt (ban on factions) and resort to terror to enforce its laws
What main problem did the Bolsheviks face in consolidating their power
They were a minority, receiving just 23% of the vote in the Const Ass. They aspired to be a party of the people but they lacked mass support.
They faced a wide array of opposition, from Tsarist army officers to other socialist parties.
By what point did an economic crisis emerge in Russia
By the spring of 1918
Too little grain was reaching the cities = workers were going hungry
Industrial output also fell
Why was too little grain reaching the cities, causing the workers to go hungry
- Wartime disruption of the transport system
- After seizing the land of the nobles and kulaks, peasants resorted back to small-scale subsistence farming. They often did not have a surplus to sell to the cities.
- Even if they did, they had little incentive to sell their grain because there were few goods to exchange for it (industrial output fell)
Why did industrial output fall, particularly in consumer goods
Workers control over the factories created inefficiencies and there was a shortage of raw materials
What impact did a worsening of food shortages in the cities have
Food riots erupted in 1918 and workers fled the cities in search of food. This left a shortage of labour in the factories.
Why war War Communism introduced
The survival of the new regime was at stake. The Bolsheviks had to ensure the army was supplied with food and weapons, so they introduced a more centralised form of government to run the economy and defeat the Whites.
What were they key elements of War Communism
- Grain requisitioning. Red Guards took grain from the peasants by force
- All industry taken over by the State, with workers’ committees being replaced with managers reporting to the government. -
- Working hours were extended and internal passports were issued to stop people leaving the cities in search of food
- Food rationing introduced, with highest priority given to the RG and workers, and the least to the bourgeoisie
What conclusion can we make from War Communism
- Necessity may have dictated the policy, but it also enabled the Bolsheviks to extend class warfare and deal with ‘class enemies’
- The Bolsheviks saw centralised control as a way to develop socialism.
How did Lenin justify the Red Terror
Lenin justified the use of terror as necessary to ensure the survival of the regime.
Which groups were the main target for Lenin’s terror
The peasantry
- They were forced to hand over their grain to support the workers and soldiers
- The Cheka supported the grain requisitioning teams and thousands of peasants were imprisoned and executed
‘Enemies of the people’
- SR’s, other socialists, the wealthy, members of the clergy, independent-minded workers e.t.c
How many people were executed between 1918 and 1921
Up to 500,000, with many more sent to labour camps
The use of terror as a political weapon was further extended under Stalin, but created under Lenin
Describe Lenin’s ‘Testament’ and how it impacted the Bolshevik party
In December 2022, Lenin, partially paralysed after suffering from a stroke, dictated his ‘Testament’, in which he gave his opinion on his fellow Politburo members. He was especially critical of Stalin, and recommended that he be removed of his post of General Secretary
How did the opinions of other party members benefit Stalin during his rise to power
Stalin was underestimated by other Bolsheviks, who were instead more afraid of the charismatic, ambitious Trotsky
Stalin was politically astute, but others underestimated his political skill and ambition until it was too late
How did being General Secretary benefit Stalin in his rise to power
- Stalin controlled major appointments in the party and he developed a bureaucracy of loyal servants
- His ability to ‘deliver the votes’ in decisions made by the Politburo or Central Committee contributed to Trotsky being forced out from his position as Commissar for War in 1925. In 1927 he was expelled from the party, in 1929 he was deported.
How did Stalin benefit from the increase in party membership from the 1920’s and 1930’s
New party members knew it was beneficial for them and their families to be loyal to Stalin, and most became reliable supporters of Stalin’s dictatorship.
Describe the 1936 Constitution
Stalin claimed it was ‘the most democratic in the world’. It promised:
- Considerable autonomy to the regions (but central government control contradicted this)
- Elections every 4 years (but only approved party members’ names could be on the ballot papers)
- Civil rights, such as free speech (but these were ignored)
Was the ‘Stalinist dictatorship’ already in effect during Lenin’s time in power
Some elements were undoubtedly established by Lenin, but Stalin’s rule was a personal one in which he was above the party
Stalin maintained and extended Lenin’s system of one-party rule and centralised control.