THE ECONOMY Flashcards
Une alliance stratégique, donner def
A strategic alliance
2 companjs decide to cooperate significantly while maintening their independance, sometimes as a sort of preliminary step before a potential merger
Un partenariat, une coentreprise
A joint venture
The 2 entities agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity. As a result, both parties share revenues and expenses
Une société de portefeuille
A holding company
A firm that owns enough of other companie’s oustanding shares to exercise control over them, but doesn’t not produce goods or services itself
Une société
A company, a firm, a TRUST
In a trust, the trustee ( or fiduciary) has the power to manage property in the name of the neneficiary who receives benefits from that property.
Trust are over used to reduce: competition and control prices throughout an industry- hence strigent anti-trust laws to prevent a powerful firm from suppressing competition and creating monopolies
Another form of unlawful business, as trusts..
The cartel
An association if theoretically competing firms, which secretly agreed to coordinate prices and production
The franchisee is given the right to sell the good or service of the franchiser against payment of a royalty.
Franchisees also have adhere to certain standards to be able to trade on the parent company’s name
Externalisation/ sous traitance
Equivalent to subcontracting.
Involves transferring a business function to an outside supplier
Gives businesses the opportunity to harvest the profits of lower labour costs and workforce in dev coutry..
Insourcing: the opposite. The decision to maintain on-site control of certain critical functions
Délocalisation de proximié
Differ fom outsourcing in terms of localisation: companies subcontracing to another country ( and close the company at home)
Nearshoring: is offshoring to cheaper locatiobs and yet geographically nearer than offshore locations
Improves the efficiency of day-to-day information exchange
La population active
Matières premières
Biens, marchandises, articles
The working population
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GNP: Gross National Product
Raw materials
La producion industrielle
Les industries traditionnelles
La qualification, un travailleur qualifié
“Smokestack” industries
Se désindustrialiser
Aller à l’encontre de la tendance
Pays dév # pays en dév
Unchangement radical
To deINstrualise
To BUCK the trend
Developed countries # developing countries
A substancial shift
Une économie tertiaire, de service
L’interentreprises, le B2B
Les biens immatériels
La vente au détail # la vente en gros
A service-base economy
Intangible goods
Retailing # wholesaling
La durabilité
Le 4e et le 5e secteur
Délimiter, définir les contours de
Géré par l’état
The quartenary , QUINary sector
To delineate
Entraver 2, une entrave
La croissance
Un mandat de 1e ministre
Créateur de richesses # destructeur de richesses
To hamper/ hinder, a hindrance
Wealth-producing # Wealth-consuming
Protégé des effets de la crise
Être voué à
Lancer une critique contre
Des postes à haut niveau de responsabilités, un cadre (supérieur)
To be bound to
To level criticism at
High-powered positions, a (senior) executive