The Digestive System - stomach Flashcards
what is the stomachs macrostructure?
2 sphincters - cardiac & pyloric sphincter
2 curvatures - greater & lesser curvature
4 regions - cardiac, fundus, body, pylorus
what is the microstructure lining of the stomach?
muscle layer, submucose & mucosa
anatomical relations to stomach?
ant - left upper quadrant of abdominal wall & lft lobe of liver
post - lft kidney, spleen, IVC, pancreas, abdominal aorta
sup - diaphram & oesophagus
inf - transverse colon
what arteries and veins supply the stomach?
coeliac artery into lft & rt gastric artery
lt & rt gastric veins to portal veins
describes the lymphatic drainage of the stomach?
gastric nodes empty into pre-aortics & lateral aortic nodes and then into the thoracic duct
what is the physiology of the stomach?
food reservoir, digestion - churns food, secretes gastric juice; 3 phases
- cephalic phase - sigh & smell stimulation
- gastric phase - foode in stomach
- intestinal phase - slows down gastric juice secretion
what are the functions of gastric juice?
- water liguefies the food swalloed
- enzyme activation & micro-organism death
- enzyme action
- intrinsic factor
- mucous
epidemiology & aetiology of stomach cancer?
male:female 2:1 7% of cancers 60yrs most common higher incidence in manual workers diet - high salt smoking industrial stomach ulcer history gene mutations - p53
types of cacners present in the stomach?
95% adenocarcinomas
5% lymphoma
diffuse and infiltrating
what staging system is used for stomach cancer?
T1 - T4
presenting signs and symptoms of stomach cancer?
loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain, enlarged liver, dyshagia
investigations used for stomach cancer?
FBC, chest radiograph, gastroscopy, biospy, ultrasound, MRI
how are patients managed with stomach cancer ?
surgery - curative gastrectomy, subtotal resection or palliative resection
chemotherapy - epirubicin, cisplatin, 5-FU
what RT technique and dose is used for stomach cancer?
parallel opposed - 45G in 25#
palliative role - 20GY in 5# or 8Gy single # - relieve symptoms - rarely used
intra=operative RT
what is intra-operative radiothrapy?
electron or brachytherapy
delivery of irradiation at surgery
large fraction of 10-15Gy
residual disease or unresectable tumour
Radiotherapy side effects for stomach cancer?
nausea, headache, tiredness/weakness, sickness (anti-emetics)