The digestive system Flashcards
All foods must go through physical and chemical changes - to change the insoluble complex food into simpler ones this process is known as what
What is digestion?
This process breaks down food and takes out nutrients and disposes of waste; it breaks down food into molecules, small enough to be transported through the plasma membrane.
What is digestion?
The digestive system prepares food for use by cells, through these five basic activities? IPDAE
- ingestion, 2. peristalsis, 3. digestion 4. absorption and 5. Elimination
Taking a food into the body is known as this
What is ingestion?
Involuntary physical movement of food through the body is known as this
What is peristalsis?
The breakdown of food by both mechanical and physical, and chemical means, is known as this
What is digestion?
The passage of digested food from the digestive tract into the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems for distribution to the cells of the body, is known as this
What is absorption?
The defecation from those substances that are ingestible, and cannot be absorbed
What is elimination?
The names of these two types of digestion are this
What is 1. mechanical digestion, a.k.a. physical digestion and 2. chemical digestion?
This type of digestion happens via peristalsis and mastication (aka chewing)
What is mechanical digestion, a.k.a. physical digestion?
This type of digestion is accomplished by enzymes, enzymes that are produced by cells along the tract and break down food chemically via different organs and secrete different enzymes to chemically act on different foods
What is chemical digestion?
The organs of the digestive system are divided into these two groups
What are 1. Gastrointestinal tract, a.k.a. alimentary canal a.k.a. alimentary tract and 2 accessory organs
This tract is a long, continuous tube, running through the ventral body cavity, and extends from the mouth to the anus, contains food from the time is ingested to the time it’s eliminated and includes most of the digestive organs. MPESSL
What is the gastrointestinal tract a.k.a. alimentary canal a.k.a. alimentary tract
Name the six organs within the gastrointestinal tract MPESSL
- Mouth, 2. pharynx, 3. esophagus 4. stomach, 5. small intestines, 6. large intestines
The mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa, are the four layers within this structure
What is the layers of the gastrointestinal tract?
These are organs that lie outside of the gastrointestinal tract, but are still used for digestion
What are accessory organs?
Name the six accessory organs for digestion. TTSLGP
- Teeth, 2 Tongue 3.salivary glands, 4. liver, 5. gallbladder, 6. pancreas
This accessory organ is formed by the cheeks, hard and soft palate and tongue; the cheeks formed the lateral wall…
What is the mouth a.k.a. oral cavity a.k.a. buccal cavity
This is a space, bound, externally by the cheeks and the lip and internally by the gums, and the teeth of the mouth/oral cavity / buccal cavity
What is the vestibule of the mouth?
This is a space that extends from the gums and the teeth to the fauces of the mouth
What is the oral cavity proper?
This is the opening between the mouth and the throat
What are fauces?
These are found in the alveolar socket of the Alveolar process of the maxillary and in the alveolar sockets of the alveolar process of the mandible
What are teeth, a.k.a. dentes teeth a.k.a. dentes
These teeth are known as our first set of teeth and there are 20 of these 10 in each jaw
What are our milk teeth A.k.a. Deciduous teeth
The second set of these we get later in life, 16 in each jaw
What are our permanent teeth?
What is mechanical digestion in the mouth?
It is chewing, a.k.a. mastication
This accessory organ forms at floor of the oral cavity is a special organ for our senses of taste, (known as gustation via taste buds), and it assist in mastication involving bolus formation and movement
What is the tongue?
These are located adjacent to the mouth and assist in producing a watery secretion of different chemicals, known as saliva
What are salivary glands?
This salivary gland is located at the side of the rami inferior and anterior to the ear
What is the parotid gland?
This gland is the largest pair of glands in the salivary glands, and is the one that becomes inflamed if you have a mumps
What is the parotid gland?
This gland is found below the base of the tongue, and in the floor of the mouth, and can be felt medial to the angle of the mandible
What is the submandibular glands?
The ducts are associated with the submandibular gland
What are Wharton ducts a.k.a. submandibular ducts
This gland is beneath the tongue and superior to the submandibular gland
What is the sublingual gland?
This is the name of the duct that pairs with the sublingual gland
What is the Rivinus duct a.k.a. sublingual duct?
Salivary glands are known to be this type of gland; endocrine, exocrine or heterocrine?
Salivary glands are exocrine glands because they have ducts
This substance is 99.5% water and 5% solutes, the solutes are the enzymes produced by the three salivary glands.
What is saliva?
The function of this substance is to soften and lubricate food dissolve some food so it can be tasted, and cleanses the mouth and teeth
What is saliva?
This funnel shaped organ is located posterior to the nasal and oral cavities and the larynx, and is composed of skeletal muscle,and is lined by the mucous membranes and considered both a respiratory and digestive organ
What is the pharynx a.k.a. The throat?
The digestive function of this organ is to bring bolus from the mouth to the esophagus
What is the pharynx a.k.a. the throat?
The throat is divided into these three parts NOL
What is the 1. nasopharynx 2. oropharynx and 3. Larygnopharynx?
The function of this part of the throat is purely respiratory, and this part lies posterior to the nasal cavity, and extends down to the soft palate of the mouth
What is the nasopharynx of the throat?
The function of this middle part of the throat is digestive and respiratory. It lies posterior to the oral cavity, and extends from the soft palate of the mouth to the hyoid bone.
What is the oropharynx of the throat?
The function of this inferior portion of the throat is digestive and respiratory. It begins at the level of the hyoid bone, and opens interiorly to the larynx and posteriorly to the esophagus.
What is the laryngopharynx of the throat?
This muscular tube is roughly 9 to 10 inches in length, begins at the inferior end of the laryngeal pharynx and passes through the esophageal hiatus to terminate in the superior portion of the cardiac of the stomach and this is the only type of digestion takes place within this organ is peristalsis…
What is the esophagus, a.k.a. Gullet
The main function of this muscular tube is to bring bolus from the throat to the stomach, making it the least complicated structure of the digestive tract
What is the esophagus a.k.a. gullet
The esophagus transports bolus from the pharynx to the stomach using these
What are upper and lower esophageal sphincter’s?