The Developing Brain (Chapter 6) Flashcards
Neuron Development
- while embryo gorws
- singaling molecules “turn on” certain genes and “turn off” others
- this intiates the formation of immature nerve cells
- cell division (proliferation), brain cells increase by billions
- migration= newly formed neruons travel to final destinations
three layers emerging during embyronic development
- the ectoderm(outer-most layer), the mesoderm(middle layer), the endoderm(inner-most layer)
cells in each of the three layers
- contain identical DNA instructions for development
- these layers give rise tot he rich variety of tissue types that make up the human body
what is the cause behind the diversity of these tissue types?
- singals produced by surrounding tissues
- signals turn certain genes on, others off to induce the development of specific cell types.
nerve tissue is formed…
- signals from the mesoderm trigger some ectoderm cells to be come it
- called nerual induction
- after, subsequent signalling interactions regine the nerve tissue into basic categories (neurons/glia), and then subclasses of each cell type
what is the fate of a developing cell largely dependent on
- its proximity to various sources of signaling molecules
- ## concentration of each signalling moleucel type decreases farther from the source to create gradietns in the brain
sonic hedgehog
- secreted from mesodermal tissue beheant the developing spinal cord
- a signaling molecule
- exposure to the signal causes adjacent nerve cells to be converted into a special class of glia
what happens when cells are farther away from the singal
- exposed to lower ceoncentraitions of sonic hedegog, so they become motor neruons that control the movement of muscles
even lower concentraition (farther awar)
- they become interneruons which do not relay messages to muscles but to other neurons
where do neruons arise from
- afarily small pool of nerual stem and proentior cells
progentior cells
special cells that an divide and become a variety of mature cell types.
when does the human brain begin to form
- after three week’s gestation
- first stage is nerual tube,
- by four weeks, the individual sections of brain can be recognized
- by 6 months, the ridges of the brain can be observed.
before cells become a variety of mature cell types, what has to happen>
- before achieveing their mature cell fate, this pool of cells must undergo a series of divisions to increase the number of cells that will ultimately form the brain.
early cell dicision
- are symmetrical- reuslts in two identical daughter cells that have the capacity to continue to divide
what happens as cell divisions begin to rpogress
- cells begin to divide asymmetrically
- give rise to one daughter cell that continues to rapidly divide
- second daughter cell progresses towards its final cell fate as a nerual or glial cell
proliferative process
permits rapid growth during early development of the brain
- billions of cells are produced in a matter of weeks
what happens after that series of cell divisions is complete?
- onyl few nerual stem and progenitor cells remain within the brain
neurogensis in adulthood
- is limited to a few regions of the brain, such as those involved in mmeory
protein defects
- cause premature switch from symmetric to asymmetric divisions
- this may be the cause of microcephaly
- severe reduction of rbain size,
- associated with serious neurological disabilityies
sometimes death in infancy
excessive proliferation of brain cells
- can lead to a disorder called megalencephaly
- brain is abnormally large and heavy
- associated with a variety of neurodevelopmental complications
- those signals that turn certain genes on and others off induce the developemtn of specific cell types
waht happens after 1) induction and 2) proliferation
- migration
- new neurons journey from inner surface of embryonic brain to their long-term locations in the brain
- begins three to four weeks after a human baby is conceived
- ectoderm starts tot chicken and build up along the midline of the emrbyo
what happens afger the ectoderm starts to thicken
- cells continue to divide
- flat heural plate grows
- formation of parallel ridges (like a paper airplane) that rise along either side of the midleine