Brain Basics Flashcards
How does your brain accomplish multitasking?
It is split into distinct regions specialized for specific tasks and abilities
largest part of brain
what are the parts of the cerebrum
two large seperate hemishperes (left side and right side)
corpus callosum
the hemispheres are connected by a bundle of nerve fibres that carry information from one side of your brain to the other. Largest of these bundles forms a bridge between the cerebral hemispheres and is called the courpos callosum
cerebral cortex
surface of the cerebrum. a deeply folded layer of nerve tissue. Deep folds increase the area of the cerebral cortex which creates space for more neruons, and therefore increases the brain’s processing power
what do neuroscientists use to identify regions of each hemisphere as separate lobes?
they use the deepest divisions of the cerebrum
Frontal lobes
front of the brain, immediately above the eyes. Parts of these lobes coordinate voluntary movements, speech, memory and emotion, higher cognitive skills (planning and problem-solving) and many aspects of personality.
parietal lobes
located at top of brain, immediately behind the frontal lobes.
- integrate sensory signals from the skin
- process taste
- process some types of visual info
occipital lobes
process visual information
- are responsible for recognizing colours, shapes and integrating them not complex visual understanding.
temporal lobes
lie on the sides of the brain, at and below the levels of the eyes
- carry out some visual processing
- interpret auditory information
- curved structures lying beneath the cerebral cortex
- region of the temporal lobes that encodes new memories
another deep structure within each temporal lobe
- integrates memory and emotion
limbic system
- includes the hippocampus and amygdala
- a group of structures deep within the brain that help regulate our emotion and motivation
other parts of the limbic system
- (aside from the hippocampus and amygdala),
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- pituitary gland
- integrates sensory information and relays it to other parts of the brain
sends hormonal signals to the rest of the body through the pituitary gland
made up of limbic system structures discussed earlier, and the cerebral cortex
- beneath the thalamus
- includes distinct groups of neurons that coordinate eye-movements (blinking, focusing)
- trigger reflexes to sounds (startled jump)
- other regions will inhibit unwanted body movements
- coordinate sensory input and motor output to manage the fine motor control that enables you to perform intricate actions (writing, playing instrument)
basal ganglia
- formed from some midbrain regions and parts of the forebrain
- helps regulate complex body movements
- role in glucose regulation, and sleep and includes several regions that help control movement
- underneath occipital lobe at very back of brain
- second largest part of brain in volume
- has over half of the brain’s neruons
- is deeply folded (like the cerebrum)
- also divided into 2 hemishpehers
- vareity of functions- corrdinates voluntary movement, helps brain learn new motor skills, roles in spatial and temporal (time) perception
- patient with damaged cereellum- maybe is unable to accurately touch finger to nose
infleunces breathing and posture
- below cerebellum
- another part of the hindbrain
- carries nerve pathways connecting brain to the spinal cord
- has neural networks that help basic functions (swallowing, heart rate, breathing)
brain stem
-medullla, pons, midbrain
nerve tracts
nerve fibres of region-spanning neurons form distinct bundles.
major nerve tracks
corpus callosum, smaller anterior commissure (taransmits signals between left and right temporal lobes)
neural netowork
a group of nerve tracks connecting a series of regions in the brain
-route signals through the brain along linear pathway, analyze and organize diff types of info within fractions of a second
what happens in the brain when watching a movie
- turns many moving shaped into recognizable characters and scenery
- photoreceptor signal s reach the optic nerve then travel through the optic tract, to the thalamus where neurons respond to the shape, colour, or movement of objects on the screen
- then, they pass these to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe
- in pvc, they detect edges of objects within the field of vision
- integrate the signals from each eye to create a three-dimensional rep
- image is further refined as signals are sent to parallel processing streams
- one stream: neurons in temporal lobe recognize and identify objects
- another stream- neurons in the parietal lobe detect the spatial location of these objects
cells in the retina trigger electrical singals in response to specific wavelengths of light
-signals reach the optic nerve
thalamocortical loop
- two way circuit that connects the thalamus with parts of the cortex and back
- an example is the visual cortex that also sends signals back to the thalamus to become integrated with other sensory info
- electroencephalograph
- AS neuronal signals loop through the thalamus and cortex, they produce rhythmic electrical patterns, detectable with an EEG
how many types of brain waves
- there are four disticnt types
- each of them are recognized by their characteristic shapes on an EEG display/printout.
awake brain waves
- awake brain typically produces alpha and beta waves
alpha waves
- originate mainly in the pareital lobe and occiptal lobe
- occurs when brain is relaxed, eyes are closed
- characterized by frequencies between 8 and 13 Hertz
beta waves
- somewhat faster
- frequencies from 14 to 30Hertx
- produced from frontal and parietal regions of brainwhen it processes sensory input or concentrates on a task
- alpha and beta are when u r awake
theta waves and delta waves
typical of sleep
theta waves
are slower than alpha waves, ragnging from 4 to 7 Hzz
delta waves
- occur during deep sleep
-s;pw frequencies less than 3.5 Hz
(is this because there is less sensory input coming fro, the cortex?
alpha and delta waves
- typically of higher amplititude (stringer) than beta or theta
- when measured with electrictrodes on your scalp, these signals are in the microvolt range:
spinal tracts
- there are many distinct neural networks in the brain and spinal cord
- spinal tracts are chains of neurons that pass signals through the brainstem and the spinal cord
- these signals travel upward from sensroy receptors in the skin and muscles to the thalamus and parts of the cortex that interpret touch and pressure
- these signals move downwards from brain regions that induce movement, passing through the medulla nd spinal cord before projecting to the body’s muscles
other neural netowrks…
provide feedback that helps integrate snseory and motor signals.
ex. basal ganglia