The creation of the Kingdom of Italy - 1856 -1861 Flashcards
What was the National society?
A group of exiles in Piedmont that promoted unified Italy.
How many members were there of the National society by 1857?
8 000
Which leaders did Cavour meet with and when?
1856 - met with Daniel Manin
Also met with Garibaldi to discuss war with Austria
When was the Plombieres agreement?
What were the terms? (7)
1 Austria were the aggressors
2 Italy would be in 4 territories
3 France got Nice and Savoy in exchange for 200 000 soldiers
4 deal made with the marriage of VEs daughter Marie Clotilde (15 yrs old) to the middle aged Jerome Bonaparte
Were Austria prepared for war?
Commanded by nobles
Took 10 days to mobilise
Troops left in Hungary
90 000 troops
Were Piedmont/ France prepared for war?
Piedmontese were reluctant to engage with war - wanted french to fight
Arrived by train before supplies did, so many died of exposure pre battle
Describe the battle of Magenta
- French won
- no Piedmontese casualties
- pushed Austria back
How did Magenta affect the relationship with France?
It was strengthened due to victory
piedmont were indebted to them
Describe Solferino
Large no. of french casualties
French victory
Armistice signed between Napoleon III and Austria
Why was Cavour angry about the result?
Plombieres agreement not met
Piedmont not invited to Armistice/ treaty of Villafranca
Who was Ricasoli?
He was a Baron in Tuscany who supported unification
Created a provisional government in 1859
Who organised peaceful protest in Parma/Modena in 1859?
The National Society
Who led the provisional governments set up in Parma and Modena in 1859?
Farini - he had close links to Turin so it was almost a Piedmontese colony
Why did these Provisional governments become successful at this time?
Austria engaged with 2nd war of independence
Austria is weakened increasing chance of victory
Why did Napoleon III sue for peace with Austria?
- high French casualty rates and only 1 doctor per 500 casualties
- piedmont lacked equipment and expertise
- the formidable quadrilateral
- belief that the Plombieres agreement was not being met
- risk of Prussia joining
What was agreed at Villafranca?
Lombardy to France
Rulers restored to the Duchies
Italian Confederation with pope at head formed
What treaty formally ended the war?
The treaty of Zurich
When did Cavour return to office?
January 1860
How were the duchies annexed to piedmont?
When did Garibaldi meet Mazzini?
1831 (start of Young Italy)
How did the red shirts promote nationalism?
Made by seamstresses across the peninsula
Represented Italian nationalism
What warfare did Garibaldi use?
Why was it surprising that Garibaldi offered Charles Albert his services in 1849?
He was a republican
Where did Garibaldi learn Guerrilla warfare?
Fought with the Uruguayan army against Argentina
What was garibaldi’s role in the 1859 war?
Given control of 3 000 men
The Alpine campaign was successful in pressurising Austrian troops at lake Como, only successful Italian regiment in the war
Where did garibaldi and his thousand set sail for in 1860?
What did garibaldi appoint himself after a win at Palermo?
Dictator of Sicily
Why did garibaldi suppress peasant revolts?
To stabilise Sicily so he could take on Naples
Why was Cavour concerned about Garibaldi’s Rome or death campaign?
Fear of upsetting Catholic France
What happened at Teano?
Garibaldi handed over the south to VE II
How was the annexation of all these areas justified?
What were some of the problems with the way Italy was unified?
- fast paced
- steep economic and social differences between north and south
- didn’t consider garibaldi’s promise of Land Reform for the peasants creating discontent and resentment towards Piedmont