The comparative powers of the house of commons and house of lords - 2.2. Parliament - UK Government Flashcards
Exclusive powers of Commons
Monetary issues - as the representative of the taxpayer only Commons can give consent to taxation & public expenditure
Commons can exercise confidence & supply agreement
Confidence & supply agreement
Type of informal coalition agreement sometimes used in the event of a hung parliament. One party supports another. This party will back a vote of no confidence and will vote through the government’s budget
Confidence and supply agreement example
2017 Conservatives & Democratic Unionists Party
Restraints on the HoL powers
Parliament Acts of 1911 & 1949 - set out Lords had no right to delay monetary bills & power to veto non-financial bills replaced by 2-year delaying power.
This was reduced to 1 year in 1949
Salisbury Convention
Salisbury Convention
The convention whereby the House of Lords does not delay or block legislation that was included in a government’s manifesto.
Distinctive powers of the Lords
Mainly revising chamber, proposes amendments to legislature which government chooses whether to accept
Delay non-financial bills for up to 1 year
If the government attempted to prolong the life of Parliament beyond legal maximum term (5 years) Lords can force it to hold a general election
Most powers of the 2 houses
Are shared
What increased the Lord’s sense of legitimacy
Removal of most hereditary peers (1999) - now mainly appointed. These life peers are more likely to be involved and challenge the government
Traditionally dominated by Conservatives (because of peers) but not any more.
Examples (x2) of limits to the Salisbury convention
2005 Liberal Lords opposed Blair’s proposal for identity cards (on manifesto) arguing government had been elected on low share of popular vote (35.2%)
2010 Coalition - the government programme was based on a coalition agreement which hadn’t been put to the voters
Cross-bench peers
Lords not aligned to any party
Lords are doing what more
Challenging government more
Example of Commons overriding Lords’ amendments to a bill
2012 coalition government rejected 7 amendments to its Welfare Reform and Work Bill arguing only Commons was entitled to take decisions with large financial implications
Parliamentary ping pong
When a bill goes back and forth between the 2 houses
Extreme example of parliamentary ping pong
2005 Prevention of Terrorism Bill. Lords wanted it to include a sunset clause - government has the choice of whether to accept. In the end they compromised to review it after a year
Sunset Clause
Clause in legislation that makes the legislation expire after a year
If upper house maintains opposition to the Commons the government can…
Use the Parliament Act to pass a bill through. Rare but used 3x under Blair
Example of government using Parliament Act to override Lords (under Blair)
Equalising the age of consent for gay & heterosexual people (2000)
Banning hunting with dogs (2004)