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UK Gov't
> SC & relations between institutions > Flashcards
SC & relations between institutions Flashcards
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UK Gov't
(24 decks)
Structure & role of Parliament 2.1 - Parliament - UK Government
The comparative powers of the house of commons and house of lords - 2.2. Parliament - UK Government
The Legislative process - 2.3 Parliament - UK Government
Ways Parliament interacts with executive - 2.4 Parliament - UK government
The structure, role and powers of the executive - 3.1 Prime Minister and Executive - UK Government
The Concept of Ministerial Responsibility - 3.2 Parliament and executive - UK Government
The prime minister and cabinet - 3.3 Prime Minister and Executive - UK Government
John Major case study (influence of PMs) - 3.3 PM & Cabinet - Parliament & Executive - UK Government
Tony Blair case study - influence of PMs - 3.3 PM & Cabinet - Prime Minister & Cabinet - UK Government
Why did Thatcher win 3 general elections
Parliament essay plans
The supreme court and the legislative & policy-making process - 4.1 Relations between institutions - UK Government
The Relationship between the executive & parliament - 4.2 Relations between institutions - UK Government
The aims, role and impact of the European Union on UK Government - 4.3 - Relations between institutions - UK Government
The location of sovereignty in the UK political system - 4.4 Relations between institutions - UK Government
1.1 The development, nature and sources of the UK constitution
1.2 How the constitution has changed since 1997
1.3 The roles and powers of devolved bodies in the UK - Scotland
1.3 The role and powers of devolved bodies in the UK - Wales
1.4 Debates on further reform
Constitution essay plans
PM and Exec Essay plans
SC & relations between institutions
PM&Exec anything else