The Coming of the Europeans pt.2 Flashcards
Reasons why Columbus’s proposal to enslave The Indigenous peoples was rejected by Queen Isabella and spanish merchants
they said that too many naked enslaved Caribbean people would die when the ship crossed the cold northern Atlantic Ocean. This would make the trade and the voyage uneconomical.
The farming sector of Spain was not suffering from a labor shortage . So imported enslaved Caribbean labor would be too expensive and the demand for it would be too low .
The Queen, while longing for gold and profits, was taking her job as the moral and spiritual protector of the Caribbean people a little more seriously than the settlers had expected and wished. She would not approve of a lively trade in enslaved Caribbean people.
Who replaced Columbus as Governor in 1498?
Francisco de Bobadilla
Who was appointed Governor of Hispaniola in 1502?
Nicolas de Ovando
In_______ a Spanish group led by Juan _________ captured Jamaica
1509, de Esquivel
In ______ Diego _______ colonized Cuba
1511, de Velazquez
What were the Laws of Burgos
These laws were passed by King Ferdinand in order to protect the Tainos.
These laws tried to improve the condition of the Taino by limiting their hours of labor, keeping children under 14 out of the mines, keeping families together and making the encomendero responsible for looking after their social welfare.
However, the laws also stated that the basic relationship of racial domination between the Spaniards and the Taino were not to be changed. In the introduction of the laws it stated that the taino were, by nature, inclined to be lazy, vicious and not interested in Christian learning. The laws also justified racism.
Who was the leader of the Dominicans in the 1520s?
Pedro de Cordoba
Bartholome Las casas had lived in both _______ and ___________ from _______ to _______.
Hispaniola, Cuba, 1502, 1512
What is the Spanish name for the Council of the Indies?
Consejo de las Indias
In ______ the Crown passed a body of legal provisions known as the New Laws
What was the ‘New Laws’
These laws forbade the enslavement of Taino in the way that the Africans were enslaved as property. They also did not allow new encomiendas to be granted. The Crown ordered church members and royal officials to give up their encomiendas. These laws were supposedly humanitarian.
The real aim with these laws was to control and subdue the encomendero class as it was beginning to show signs of being a colonial elite, putting its own interests before that of the Crown.
The encomenderos resisted the New Laws. In 1545-46 the Crown was forced to cancel the laws and allow the encomenderos the right to leave encomienda grants to their sons and daughters as an inheritance known as vida. The the late 1590s the Tainos were virtually extinct.
Lucayas is now modern day______?
Barbudos is now modern day _________?
Martinino is now modern day _________?
Santa Lucia is now modern day _________?
St. Lucia
San Vincente is now modern day _________?
St. Vincent
La Asuncion is now modern day _________?
Tavaco is now modern day _________?
The Aztec capital?
Why did Spain want to have a monopoly over the Caribbean?
they saw the Caribbean as the possesion of Spain. This system of monopolies was based on the idea that the wealth of a country depended upon its balance of trade meaning there should be more exports than imports because then money and wealth flowed into the country.
Spain was determined to have exclusive trading with the Caribbean, so that no other nation could get the precious metals of the Caribbean.
How did The Crown make sure that Spain kept its monopoly over trade in the Caribbean?
In 1494 The Crown ordered that all trade with the colonies had to pass through one port, Cadiz. Here a customs house monitored the ins and outs of the colonies and kept a royal record of them.
In 1495 The Crown opened trade with the colonies to all Castillians, but Cadiz remained the single port.
The Crown claimed one-tenth of every tonnage to and from the colonies but did not impose any freight charges.
In ____, ______ replaced Cadiz as the main trading port in Spain.
1503, Seville
What was referred to as the ‘House of Trade’ in the 16th century and what was the Spanish name?
Seville, Casa de Contratracion
What was the duty of an agent in the House of Trade?
to represent the Crown and make sure that duties were paid and trade was controlled.
In _______ Cadiz once again became the main trading port in Spain
In _______ the Crown declared ‘free trade’. This meant that all Spanish and not just Cadiz were allowed to trade with the Caribbean.
first effective royal governor in the Caribbean
members of the cabildos were called?
Gonzalo de Vedosa established the first sugar mill in Hispaniola in? using an animal powered mill called?
1516, trapiche
a water mill?
Which industries were introduced while the Caribbean was ruled by the Spanish?
mining industry, sugar industry, cattle ranching and leather industry, Tobacco and farming industries
Describe the European society in the age of Columbus
they lived in a hierarchical society where everyone was subordinate to some superior. For example, serfs to masters, commoners to lords, lords to princes, princes to the Pope in Rome and everywhere, women to men. Women were believed to be weak, inferior beings who were unable to resist temptation, whose lives had to be controlled as a result.
Large sections of the population, particularly women, were illiterate. Books could only be afforded by the very rich among those who were literate.
Land communications were poor everywhere. It took a lot of days to travel from place to place by road. The oceans were thought of as barriers and considered by many to be unnavigable.
The educated minority were all clerics or pupils of clerics.
In many countries the ‘King’s Peace’ was becoming a reality where the rights of property were enforced and evildoers were restrained. Punishments for those found guilty of crimes were ferocious and intended to set an awful example.
No one living in Europe thought of themselves as Europeans. They all thought of themselves as Christians living in Christendom.
Describe the European religion in the age of Columbus
It was all-pervasive, and God’s will was held to be enough to explain all that happened. The service of God was considered to be the sole legitimate purpose of all human enterprise. Laymen and clergy alike took it for granted that the Church held the custody of unique truths.
Most men believed that Jerusalem was at the center of the earth, that the earth was at the center of the universe, and that the Sun revolved around the earth. The devil was the personification of evil, waiting to seize non-believers, and other forms of belief outside the Church were regarded as being sinful.
Everyone acknowledged the supremacy of the Pope. Much of the economic life of Europe all came within the scope of this all pervasive religion.
Men’s lives were defined by it as the Church recorded and authenticated the various stages of their existence.
The Ottoman Turks captured Istanbul and becme the last non- European people before the 20th century to throw Europe on the defensive. The Turks were Muslims and their entry into Europe was part of a new Islamic surge of conquest.
The whole of Spain returned to Christendom in 1492. All the Jews in Spain who refused to convert to Christianity were expelled.
In what year was the printing press invented
Describe the European trade in the age of Columbus
European interest in Asia developed during the 13th century. Marco Polo is believed to have visited China several times between 1271 and 1295. Such travellers helped Venice become an important center for trade which developed between Europe and the East for the next 200 years.
The silks, spices, cotton and other goods which were then sold in Venice, because they were brought overland in Arab caravans, and passed through the hands of so many middlemen, were very expensive.
As Europe then produced very little of what was wanted by the Arabs, payment for them had to be made in gold. As the only known source of gold was in the Niger region of West Africa, this too had to pass through Arab hands in North Africa before reaching Europe.
In ______ the Portguese captured a port called _______ in Morocco opposite Gibraltar
1415, Ceuta
Who was the Navigator?
Prince Henry/Dom Enrique
When prince Henry returned to Portugal where did he stay for the rest of his life?
at a castle at Sagres on Cape St. Vincent
What was Prince Henry’s main achievement?
the colonization of Madeira as a sugar producing island in 1421
What was the main aim of Prince Henry’s voyages which he sponsored
to cut off Islam’s source of gold from South of the Sahara
Improvements in technology by the Europeans?
Advances. Add in ship design