The Collection and Processing of Forensic Evidence Flashcards
Two types of data processing
- Bottom-Up where you compare latent print with a database using the ridges.
- Top-Down referring to the contextual effects such as emotion leading to confirmation bias
Types of confirmation bias
- Expectancy Bias- expert anticipates outcome
- Selective Attention- Filtering out the ambiguous elements to make a match
- Need Determination Perception- Arising when there’s a strong desire to solve a case i.e. rape.
Dror’s Aim
To investigate whether an increased emotional context will lead to an increased match likelihood.
Dror’s Sample + Procedure
He used uni students and asked them to match fingerprints from manipulated contexts, high or low emotion depending on image either knife or lamp.
Dror’s Results
More ambiguously matched fingerprints in the high emotion condition. suggesting a need determination bias
Dror’s Pros
- Useful applications
- Lab experiment
- Quantitative data
Dror’s Cons
- Not using experts, can’t be generalised
- Lacks ecological validity as no consequences
- Demand Characteristics
Hall and Player Aim
Investigate whether experts from MET fingerprint Bureau show a bias for matching ambiguous pairs in high emotion contexts.
Hall and Player Sample
70 experts with experience ranging fro, 3 months to 30 years. Self selected
Hall and Player Procedure
Latent fingerprint placed £50 note and deliberately obscured to be only just identifiable. All given same tools to help them match it. Randomly placed in high (shoots gun twice after caught with fake note) or low (runs away when caught) emotion context. DVs were if they read examiners report, their verdict and if they’d confidently present the print in court.
Hall and Player Results
Very few from other condition matched the prints, 57/70 actually read the report. High emotion experts admitted to being after by the report but no links with that impacting analysis. Few confident enough to present in court.
Hall and Player Suggests
Emotional Context plays a role in an experts feelings but doesn’t produce top-down processing bias. Experts better than non experts.
Hall and player Pros
- Lab experiment, high control
- standardised procedure
- Quantitative data
- useful applications
- used target population
Hall and Player cons
- Demand characteristics
- Lack ecological validity as no consequence
- not generalisable as self-selected
Applications suggested by Kassin
- Educate the general public
- Blind Testing
- Linear analysis rather than circular
- The filler control method
- Blind to context
Educating the public
Teach about the subjective nature and its vulnerabilities to bias.
Blind Testing
The verifier should not know who the initial analyst was, and the analyst shouldn’t pick the verifier to remove bias risk
Linear analysis
Initial analysis of latent print should be before the comparison is made to reduce bias
The filler control method
Analysis given multiple prints so that theres no need determination bias and they select the most accurate.
Blind to context
Awareness of context may lead to top-down processing so should be avoided to ensure perception isn’t effected