The collapse of the TRiumvirate Flashcards
Caesar in 54Bc
Was finding Gaul difficult, the second invasion of Britain was failing to achieve all that he wished
What forced a breach between Pompey and Caesar
the Death of Julia (JC’s daughter, Pompey’s wife)
Caesar and Cicero
Caesar was anxious to keep on good terms with Cicero
Cicero was delighted his popularity with him
Crassus in 53BC
Crassus and his army had been destroyed in a battle against the Parthians at Carrhae (worst defeat for the Romans in many years)
Clodius and Milo 52BC
Milo was a candidate for the consulship (there were none)
Clodius was to be Praetor and felt threatened by Milo
They crossed each others paths Clodius was killed in the gang fight
Pro Milone
Milo and others were charged with killing Clodius
Cicero defended Milo
Upon seeing Pompey and a vast array of Soldiers in the court Cicero was unable to give his prepared speech
Milo was banished, went to Exile in Massilia (Marseilles)
Pompey in 52BC
the optimates decided to make Pompy sole consul for 52BC
Passed allot of legislation to please the senate
The Gaul rebellion
52BC led by Vercingetorix
brought almost all the Gallic tribes agaisnt Rome
Caesar successfully completed the campaign by the end of the year
A law installed in 52BC that affected Cicero
stated there had to be a five year gap between holding office as consul or Praetor and taking up a provincial command as proconsul/Propraetor
Cicero was summoned to take command of the province of Cilicia
Cicero knew what was going on in Rome beacause
Caelius kept him informed with in depth letters
attempts at Caesars recall
51BC the optimates were against Caesar and wanted him recalled (since Vercingetorix had been crushed and his campaign was over)
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
proposed Caesar should be replaced in Gaul before the time limit (March 50) and the winning army ought to be disbanded
and that he should not be allowed to stand for the consulship in absence
Why Caesar did not wish to be recalled
if he returned as a private citizen he could be tried for passing laws by means of violence during his consulship of 59BC (lex campania) Public officials (proconsuls/consuls) could not be prosecuted
Caesars plan to escape prosecution
To stand for the 48 Consulship while still in Gaul
he would return to Rome as Consul then leave as ProConsul and escape trial
How Caesar stopped his recall
using a tribune called Curio
Cicero during his governship
captured a small town called Pindinessus
wished recognition for his achievements
Cato blocked his wishes for a “triumph”
Pompey and Caesar at the end of 51BC
the split between the two was final
Pompey was beggining to be accepted by the senate
Cicero left his province
at the earliest possible date 50BC
Caesar and Pompey’s “compromises”
Pompey will not let Caesar be Consul unless he first gives up his provinces and army
Caesar claims he will accept only if Caesar does the same
Caesars use of Tribunes
Curio’s year in office ended in December
Mark Antony and Cassius stepped into his shoes
they kept veoting
Cicero’s quote for his retiring from oposition
“I’ll act like an animal- when in trouble, make for my own kind, Like a cow joining the herd”