The Cold War Flashcards
What was the main underlying difference between the USA and the USSR?
The main difference between the USA and the USSR was the ideological differences between capitalism and communism. For example capitalism includes individually run businesses which are free to make profit where as within communist countries all property and businesses are government owned and run.
State three other reasons for tension between the USA and USSR before ww2
- during the Russian revolution of 1917 the USA and Britain sent troops to destroy the new communist government
- the USA has deported thousands of suspect communists during the red scare in the 1920’s
- the USA, Britain and France lost under 1 million soldiers in ww2; the Soviet’s lost 11 million which is why Stalin thought they left the soviets to do all the fighting
State the different aims of the west and the ussr at the yalta conference in February 1945
The west want to:
1) rebuild Germany
2) liberties countries should hold free elections
3) the UN should be set up to avoid war
The USSR want to
1) cripple Germany so they cannot start another war
2) receive payments from Germany
3) have control over surrounding countries
4) move their border further into Poland
What were the agreements made and disagreements at the yalta conference in February 1945
1) Germany will be split up into 4 zones
2) liberated countries will hold free election a
3) the UN will be set up
1) the soviet sphere of influence
2) Poland’s border
When was the yalta conference
The yalta conference was in February 1945
What were the aims of the west as opposed to the aims of the ussr at Potsdam of July 1945?
West aims:
-rebuild Germany
- liberties countries hold free elections
USSR aims:
- Germany should pay reparations of $10 billion to the ussr
- Eastern Europe should have influence over liberated countries surrounding them which will be communist
- the USSR’s boarder will move into Poland
What were the agreements and disagreements at potsdam of July 1945?
- ussr will have a sphere of influence
- ussr’s boarder will move into Poland
- the nazi party is banned and leaders tried as war criminals
- the USA and uk knew that Stalin cannot cripple Germany because that is what started ww2
Why was Stalin able to get his sphere of influence?
Only Stalin remained of the three because Roosevelt had died so inexperienced Vice President Truman took over and Churchill lost the election to Attle
Stalin had an edge and these three did not have the chemistry of the three men who worked together to win the war
What increased tension at Potsdam?
Truman told Stalin about the atomic bomb they developed in secret which increased tension
When did the USA drop the atomic bomb and how does it link to the ussr?
Dropped in August 1945 the atomic bomb may have been a warning to Stalin
Who made the iron curtain speech and when did they do this?
Churchill made the iron curtain speech on March 6th 1946
Which countries had communist governments loyal to Stalin by 1946?
Poland, Albania, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria had communist governments loyal to Stalin
Why were the USA, Britain and France concerned about the Soviet expansion?
They had agreed that Stalin would have a sphere of influence but they had thought he would allow them to elect free democratic governmens
What was happening in Greece and Turkey in 1947?
Stalin Set up conform to keep control of his countries. Stalin was demanding territory from Turkey and there was a civil war in Greece so when the UK pulled their soldiers out of Greece Truman made the ‘Truman Doctrine’ which gave $400 million aid to help both countries and to stop them falling to communism
When and why did Truman set up Marshall aid?
Truman set up Marshall aid to stop the spread of communism which was most common in poor countries. It was passed in 1948 when Czechoslovakia fell to communism and $17 billion was offered to countries to help rebuild Europe.
What was Stalin’s response to the Truman doctrine and Marshall plan?
He banned the satellite states from applying for Marshall aid and set up his own comecon
When was the Berlin blockade and what happened?
The usa, UK, and France combined their zones in Germany and Berlin without telling Stalin who thought as Berlin was so deep inside west Germany he should have control anyway. He cut off all links from west Germany to west Berlin to hopefully starve them into submission. In 1948 for the next 11 months the allies air dropped supplies in until Stalin re opened links
When did Japanese occupation end in China and what happened after? How was the USA involved?
Japanese occupation ended in 1945 and a civil war began between nationalists and communists. The USA backed the poorly led unpopular nationalists
What happened in Korea in 1948?
It splits into communist north and anti communist south
When did China become communist and what happened after?
China became communist in 1949 and it signs a treaty of friendship with the ussr in 1950
Why does the USSR boycott the UN security council in 1950?
Because the UN refuse to recognise the new communist leader of China
Describe the Korean war of 1950-53
North Korea invades south Korea in 1950 and take over quickly, the U.S.A go to the UN for help for south Korea it is passed without objection because the USSR who would have vetoed this were boycotting. UN forces push back to the Chinese boarder where China join the war and push them back to south Korea . A truce is signed in 1953
When did the USSR develop the atomic bomb?
The USSR developed the atomic bomb in 1949 earlier than the USA expected
What is NATO?
NATO or the north Atlantic treaty organisation is a military bloc set up by the USA 1949 to station troops in Europe and protect members from invasion
Who developed the H-bomb when and how powerful was it?
The USA developed the H-bomb in 1952 it was 1000x more powerful than the atomic bomb. The USSR developed it in 1953
What military advancements were made in 1954
Both the USA and closely followed by the USSR developed a H-bomb that could be dropped from a plane
Why did Khrushchev create his military pact and what was it called?
Khrushchev created the Warsaw pact in 1955 in response to west Germany joining NATO and being allowed its own army
Who launched the first satellite?
In 1955 USA announce plans to make a satellite but are beaten to it when the USSR launch Sputnik in 1957 and Sputnik 2 which carries a dog
What is an intercontinental ballistic missile?
An intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM cab be fired into space and brought down on any target. It was first tested by the USSR in 1957 and then by the USA in 1959
When did the USA launch explorer 1?
The USA launched explorer 1 in 1958
When did the USA set up NASA
The USA set up NASA in 1958
What dud the USA develop in 1960?
The USA developed Polaris missiles which could be fired from a submarine in 1960
Who did the USSR put into space?
The USSR put Yuri Gagarin into space in 1961
When did the USA a
Complete Apollo
The USA completed Apollo in 1969 when they put a man on the moon
When did Stalin die?
Stalin died in 1953
Who took power in the ussr after Stalin’s death?
The user was ruled by collective leader ship for two years until Khrushchev took power in 1955
What was Khrushchev De stalinisation
De stalinisation was an effort of downgrade Stalin’s reputation and soften his repressive manners
What did Khrushchev do towards De stalinisation
He criticized Stalin’s purges and tyranny in a speech in 1956
He freed a number of political prisoners
He removed Soviet troops from austria
He closed down cominform
He dismissed motolov Stalin’s controversial foreign minister
He relaxed control and censorship
He improved living standards
He talked of peaceful coexistence with the USA
What is a theory on why Khrushchev did De stalinisation
There is a theory that Khrushchev only used de stalinisation to see which countries would try to break away and crush them
What was Hungary like post ww2?
Hungary was a communist satellite state run by Stalin supporter Rakosi
Why did the Hungarian uprising begin?
The Hungarian uprising began because after Kruschevs attack on Stalin in 1956 Rakosi was forced to resign and the Hungarians expected a better quality of life and more freedom like other satellite states but didn’t receive it so they protested
What happened during the Hungarian uprising?
Huge worker and student protests began in October 1956 against the soviet troops and the government. It erupted into violence and the rebel’s pulled down a statue of Stalin and freed political prisoners. Kadar the leader was forced to resign and Kruschev agreed the popular Nagy should become the head. He proposed reforms like free elections and an end to the secret police which surprisingly kruschev agreed with. However after broadcasting that Hungary would leave the Warsaw Pact kruschev feared others would follow and sent troops and tanks to brutally restore order. The UN refused to intervene for fear of causing a WW. The rebel’s were defeated in two weeks
What was the consequence of the Hungarian uprising?
- 20,000 Hungarians fled to Austria
- Nagy was executed
- new communist leader Kadar arrested 35,000 people for anti communist activities
- it served as a warning to other satellite states and there was not another
Explain the events of the U2 crisis
1950’s- the USA develop the U2 spy plane that flies so high (they think) it cannot be shot down and has cameras so strong they can read a newspaper from 23km. Used for gaming intelligence on the USSR’s weapons
1960- U2 pilot Gary powers is shot down in soviet airspace. The USA deny all knowledge. USSR come out with proof and they are forced to admit. Kruschev pulls out of the Paris summit after Eisenhower refuses to apologise
1962- after being sentenced to 10 years powers is swapped for a captured soviet spy
What was the consequence of the U2 crisis?
It was the end of the thaw and tensions increased along with risk of a nuclear war.
What were the reasons for the berlin wall?
The main reason Khrushchev built the berlin was was that too many highly skilled people were moving from east to west Berlin. This is because the western powers had deliberately poured a lot of money into west Berlin and there was a much better quality of life more shops, goods, jobs an freedom. Also many people had seen what happened in Hungary and wanted to move to west Germany to get away from Soviet control. However this undermined communism
Describe what happened during the berlin wall
On the 13th August 1961 Khrushchev ordered a wall of barbed wire to be built across the boarder between east and west Berlin to stop people crossing. It was soon replaced with concrete and guarded by soldiers who shot those who tried to cross. The only place you could cross was checkpoint charlie. In October 1961 Soviet tanks denied US soldiers and diplomats entry to the east across check point Charlie . There was an 18 hour standoff between US and Soviet tanks. Finally both sides retreated
What were the consequences of the berlin wall?
The Berlin wall didn’t come down until 1989
Many people were separated from workplaces and family
There was a real risk of a war during the stand off
What were the causes of the Vietnam war?
Vietnam was a French colony for 60 years before WW2 where it was taken over by Japan. The French return to claim power in 1946 after the war but are defeated by the Vietmihn led by ho chi Minh. and Vietnam is split into communist north and anti communist south led by dictator diem. Diem is huffy unpopular and corrupt.
What happened during the Vietnam war?
The Vietnam war was backed by the USA who sent military aid to south Vietnam. However the U.S. army underestimated their opponents. They fought from 1955-1973 when they pulled out of the war and Vietnam becomes communist two years later
What were the consequences of the Vietnam war
The consequences of the Vietnam war worth that it cost 60,000 US death and cost $600 billion it also increased tension between the USSR and the USSR at the USA had fought against communism
What were the causes of the Cuban missile crisis
Cuba was led by dictator Batista in 1956 rebels led by castro lead an army to overthrow Batista
Batista please and castro takes power he signs an agreement with the USSR the USA break off diplomatic relations with Cuba and give the CIA permission to try and overthrow Castro.
In 1961 USA supply 1400 Cuban excels with weapons to invade Cuba at the Bay of pigs all exiles are captured and killed
Explain the events of the Cuban missile crisis
An American spyplane photographed missile sites under construction in Cuba the president considers military action Soviet ships carrying nuclear missiles are reported to be on their way to Cuba Kennedy imposes quarantine which is technically an embargo an act of war . Soviet ships reversing course . USA and the USSR agree that if the USS are publicly removed missiles from Cuba then the USA will privately remove missiles from Turkey
What were the consequences of the Cuban missile crisis
the consequences of the Cuban missile crisis where that this was the closest the world had ever been to a nuclear war, in 1963 USA and the USSR signed the nuclear test ban treaty which limits tests and a permanent hotline was set up to ensure both sides could discuss issues before they escalated .
What were the causes of the Prague Spring
the causes of the Prague Spring where that Czechoslovakia had become Communist after World War II had suffered under accrual and repressive regime the communist leader Novotny was unpopular and people demonstrated to change
What were the events in the Prague Spring
in 1968 Novotony is replaced by new leader Dubcek. Dubcek proposes a different type of communism called socialism with a human face which includes reforms such as freedom of speech and press the left centralised economic control and ink creased trade with foreign countries . He would stay in the Warsaw Pact as he had learnt from events in Hungary . Soviet leader Brezchnev saw this as his first test . He sent 400,000 Warsaw Pact troops to crush the Prague Spring . Dubcek shocked by Soviet actions are you people not to fight like in Hungary. He was summoned to Moscow and replaced by more hard-line leaders.
What were the consequences of the Prague Spring
USSR had demonstrated to other Satellite state how far they’ll go , Brezchnev introduced the Brezchnev doctrine which said in the event of a Communist country becoming capitalist it is the duty of Communist countries to prevent this and finally more tension between East and West .
Gave five reasons for the détente
1) the Cuban missile crisis – became too close to a nuclear war
2) The Vietnam war – USA were hoping the Soviet help in leaving the Vietnam war with honour as it was leading to inflation
3) new leaders – Nixon and Brezhnev were more willing to talk
4) poor harvest and inflation- meant powers desperately needed to increased trade and save money on weapons
5) growing power in China – threatened both the USA and the USSR
What agreements were made during the Détente
1963 – nuclear test Ban Treaty, 1968 – Nuclear non-proliferation treaty
1972 – SALY – strategic arms limitation talks limited ICBM and ABM on both sides