The Cold War Flashcards
What were the three major decisions at Yalta in 1945?
Germany and Berlin would be split into four zones (USA, USSR, England, France).
Free elections for new government held in Germany.
The United Nations would replace the failed League of Nations.
Stalin we go to war with Japan.
To hunt down and punish war criminals for genocide.
Who were the three main leaders attending the Yalta conference?
Churchill Great Britain
Roosevelt USA
Stalin USSR
How did tensions grow during the Potsdam conference?
Between July and August 1945 the big three met again but they had changed.
Atlee was the new prime minister (GB). Roosevelt died and was replaced by Truman (who hated communism).
They disagreed over what to do with Germany. Truman didn’t want a repeat of the Treaty of Versailles, Stalin wanted to be harsher.
Why did the leaders disagree at the Potsdam conference?
They lacked a common enemy, Stalin wanted to cripple Germany and have compensation (Truman didn’t want a repeat of the treaty of Versailles), they disagreed over Soviet policy in Eastern Europe.
What was the ‘Iron Curtain’?
A divide between eastern and western countries in Europe. There was a lack of communication and countries didn’t know what the others were doing. Churchill suggested there was an iron curtain in 1946.
Why (and when) did Stalin make the countries Communist?
Albania became communist in 1945. Bulgaria in 1945, hungry in 1947.
Stalin was making a buffer zone to protect him in case he was under attack from the west.
Comminform- communist information bureau set up by Stalin in 1947.
What was the Truman doctrine?
Set up in 1947.
The USA was prepared to send money equipment and advice to any country threatened by Communism.
It was known as America’s policy of containment.
What was the Marshall plan?
The aim was to rebuild Europe’s prosperity.
The US Congress didn’t want to pass it as many Americans were concerned by Truman’s involvement in foreign affairs and it was a lot of money.
Communists took over Czechoslovakia in 1948 and killed Jan Masaryk (pro-American), The Marshall plan was agreed.
How did Berlin become the centre of the cold war in 1948?
It was the heart of Nazi power, there had been a race for Berlin at the end of the war, Central European military bases available, Power and prestige (influence in Berlin).
Describe the Soviet union blockade in Berlin.
June 1948 Stalin blocked all supply lines of the 2 million people living in West Berlin. The aim was to force the Allies out of Berlin and make it dependent on the USSR alone.
Truman decided to end of supplies for 10 months (attacking would mean war).
May 1949 Stalin got rid of the blockade.
What was the arms race?
Race to make bigger and better weapons than the other country (1945 USA atom bomb, 1958 USA satellite) The nuclear weapons developed was so powerful nuclear war would just destroy both sides. This is called mutually assured destruction (MAD).
What was the bomber/ missile gap?
The imbalance (amount they thought they had) of amount of nuclear bombs/missiles each side had.
Why was the USA worried about the Cuban Revolution in 1959?
Cuban industry was owned by America, it was the American holiday destination, Fidel Castro dictator and taking and giving it to the Cubans, Cuba would be turned Communist, exiles flee to Cuba to America 1959.
What was the Bay of pigs?
1961 Kennedy planned to invade and overthrow Castro. He painted USA planes with Cuban flags and only allowed six. Seven civilians killed and only three Cuban planes destroyed (Cuba turns Communist).
Kennedy called off American air support. In 72 hours all exiles were captured or dead.
Why did Krushchev place missiles on Cuba?
Stopping the invasion of Cuba, missile gap, spread of communism, strengthen his position, propaganda
What were the consequences of the Cuban missile crisis?
Hotline- A permanent hotline the set up from the Kremlin to the White House in 1962.
1963- signed a nuclear test ban treaty.
Why did the USA get involved in Vietnam?
The failure of the French- in 1939 Vietnam was part of French Indochina there were many uprisings during the 1930s. Ho Chi Minh and Nguyen Vo Giap with the help of the US intelligence service began guerrilla operations in 1944.
The failure of Diem- containment Diem was capitalist so they helped rig elections in October 1955.
In 1962 the USA developed strategic hamlets for the countryside 3000 were set up but the Vietcong were too powerful.
Tonkin gult resolution- allowed Johnson to do anything so March 1965 3500 USA troops arrived.
What tactics were used by the Vietcong?
Tunnels- 320 km in Saigon included hospitals and weapon factories.
Booby-traps- wasps nests, punji stick traps
Guerrilla tactics
Recycling- bomb casing used as shrapnel, TNT reused in cans
What were the 4 quicks and a slow?
Advance, assault, clear battlefield, withdraw
Slow- plan
‘Invisible’ troops- 20,000 US recruits being treated for drug abuse in 1971 (average age 19).