The Church And Magic Flashcards
According to K.Thomas how did the medieval Church blur the distinction between magic and religion
Thomas argue that the medieval church blurred the distinction between matching and religion by emphasizing the prevalence of miracles and supernatural cures in the Bible. The Church considered performing miracles as a test of sanctity and an effective means of converting heathens to Christianity.
What role did relics, shrines and pilgrimage play in the medieval Church’s perception of magic and religion?
Relics, shrines and pilgrimages served as evidence that the medieval Church as a mediator between God and mankind was a dispenser of divine grace this elements demonstrated that the Church could help the faithful in their daily problems and enhance its prestige through the miracles associated with them.
What were some of the rituals performed by ecclesiastical authorities in the early middle ages to draw down god’s blessing upon secular activities?
In the early Middle Ages, ecclesiastical authorities performed various rituals to seek God’s blessing upon secular activities. These included rituals to bless salt and water for health and the expulsion of evil spirits, as well as rituals for blessing houses, cattle, crops, ships, tools and armor. There were also rituals for blessing travelers, duelists, soldiers, and newly inhabited houses, among others.
What did the Roman Catholic Church provide interms of protective rituals and mechanical actions?
The Roman Catholic Church provides a wide range of protective rituals and mechanical actions that were believed to have an effect on nature. these rituals included blessing for various aspects of life, such as health, journeys, battles and marriage. They often involved the presence of a priest, the use of holy water and the sign of the cross.
How did the Church differenciate between magic in superstition?
The Church drew a line between magic and superstition by labeling certain ceremonies and practices as superstitious while accepting others. the concept of Magic had some flexibility and the church itself determined which rituals and practices it approved of as religious and which one it disapproved of as superstitious
How did the catholic church Dogma transubstantiation become associated with magic?
The dogma of transubstantiation which states that the bread and wine used in the Mass become the actual body and blood of Christ was seen as an act of Magic. this association with magic was due to the church’s emphasis on the special power of the priest in effecting the transformation of the elements
What shift occurred in the perception of the mass during the later Middle Ages!
During the later Middle Ages, the emphasis of the Mass shifted from the communion of the faithful to the consecration of the elements by the priest. this change led to the perception that the priest’s special power rather than the participation of the congregation, was the key factor in the mass’s efficacy
How did the church differentiate btw the Mass and magic in terms of changing the nature of the elements?
The church clarified that believing in the transformation of the elements in the mass after the consecration was not considered magic. instead it was seen as an operation worked by God and the church in contarst to magic which was believed to involve the aid of the devil
Why did the church disapprove of un-established magic and activities of cunning men and women ?
The church disapproved of un- established magic and the activities of cunning men and women for doctrinal reasons it taught that misfortunes were the result of divine Providence and individual should respond with prayer penance and surrender to god’s will rather than seeking external and easy cures through Magic
How did the church maintain its Monopoly and protection in relation to magic
Interpreting misfortunes as the result of divine Providence, which discouraged seeking external cues through Magic. additionally the church emphasized that God could not be commanded by spells implying that any supernatural response to such practices would come from evil spirits
What was the significance of the concept of Fortune in relation to catholicism and popular imagination
The concept of fortune represented by a turning wheel was seen as an insult to god sovereignty by the Tudor theologians but was popular in playwrights, poets and popular imagination. it reflected the idea of luck and fate which contrasted with the Catholic belief in human free will
How did the free version of the wheel of Fortune tarot card reflect cultural changes in magic
The three versions of the wheel of Fortune tarot card with their symbolism and figures reflected cultural changes in magic they showcased the influence of different societies and times on interpretation and representation of magical concepts highlighting how magic is culturally influenced and produced
How did Protestant reformation impact the distinction between magic and religion?
The Protestant Reformation reasserted the distinction between magic and religion, contrasting with the medieval Church’s blurring of the two. Protestantism aimed to remove magical elements from religion, eliminate the belief mechanical efficacy in church rituals and diminish the role of the church as a dispenser of divine grace
What key changes did the Protestant reformation introduce to religious practices?
The Protestant reformation sought to eliminate rituals with mechanical efficacy, abandon attempts to imbue physical objects with supernatural qualities through consecration and exorcism, and reduce the institutional role of the church. It emphasized the direct relationship between the individual and God, eliminating the need for intermediaries like saint and clergy.
How did Protestants (Puritans) react to popish traditions and the belief in holy qualities of material things?
Extreme protestants, such as the Puritans, reacted against popish traditions that attributed holy qualities to material things, including days of the Week, patches of ground, and parts of the church. They sought to depreciate the miracle-working aspecteof religion and elevate the importance of the individual faith in God.
What did the reformed English church reject in terms of religious practices and why?
the reformed English church rejected holy water, the sign of the cross, and Roman Catholic exorcist practices as part of the disenchantment of the world they believed in a vision of the world where humanity, community and individuals were surrounded by hostile forces that could only be countered through prayer and repentance.
How di the absence of an official protective counter-power to dark forces impact superstitious behaviours and practises?
The abscence of an official or institutional protective counter-power to dark forces, following the Protestant reformation, contributed to the persistence of superstitious behaviours and practises m. While the church has abandoned ecclesiastical counter-magic, people felt anxious and turned to wise men and women for help, sometimes leading to outbursts of violence.
What contributed to the increase in anxiety during the early modern period, according to MacFarlane and Thomas?
Partly the loss of protective magic, specifically the antidotes provided by the Catholic Church. The Church of England, in comparison to other countries, allowed belief in witchcraft to continue but offered ecclesiastical means of counter-magic such as holy water or patron saint invocations which were forbidden
How did the rejection of prayers to healing saints impact on the popularity of magicians during the Reformation?
Increased the popularity of magicians, who became a source of assistance for worried villagers. This shift frustrated the clergy, who saw these magicians as formidable competitors