Part 2 Laws And Geography - Witchcraft In History - 1) The Genesis Of WITCHCRAFT Flashcards
What is main idea witchcraft and it’s historical significance in the text
The main idea is that the belief in and persecution of witchcraft is not a thing of the past and still exist in some countries it also discusses the widespread belief in witchcraft and its variation across different cultures and time periods
In which country does official legislation against witchcraft still exists today
Saudi Arabia
What historical event in the United States is mentioned in connection with the term witch hunt
The witch hunt against communist in the US in the 1950s led by senator Joseph McCarthy
What common characteristics do the belief in and practice of Magic asuel as well as witch-hunt across different societies and time periods?
These beliefs and practices are human universals with manifestations that can vary from one place and time to another however their roots are deeply entrenched in the human psyche
Wendy most of the witchcraft executions in England take place and why is this significant
Most of the witchcraft executions in England took place during the second half of the sixteen century and the first three-quarter of the seventeen century. This is significant because it raises the question of why legal action against witchcraft became particularly widespread during that specific period
What is the historical origin of the concept of witches and the need of for punishment
The concept of witches and the need for punishment for witchcraft predates Christianity (ancient legal codes and texts)
In the law of Hammurabi what is the prescribed punishment for someone who falsely accuses another person of witchcraft and cannot justify the accusation?
The accuser shall lose his house
In the context of ancient Greece what term did the Greeks use to refer to curses or spells that were believed to bind tightly
As katares which means curses that bind tight
What was the penalty for people suspected of witchcraft in the twelve tables the earliest know law of ancient ROME
What biblical passage from the Hebrew Bible condemns witches and prescribes their punishment
Exodus 22:18 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” death penalty
In the new testament what are some of the sins and practises that are associated with eternal damnation
Various including sorcery idolatry hatred
What crime and spiritual transgression is associated with being in league with the devil
Crime and an alienation from god’s word as it violates the first commandments from Exodus 20 “thou shalt have no other gods before me”
During the early middle ages how did the church initially deal with the concept of witchcraft and witches
Rather midly. From the 4th to the 7th Church Councils imposed penance or fasting as a form of punishment
What were the key developments that led to a shift in the church’s stance on witchcraft in the high middle ages
Several factors contribued to a shift in the church’s stance on witchcraft in the high middle ages including the millennial fear in the year 1000 the increasing presence of Satan a series of catastrophes creating fear and anxiety and the multiplication of heretical movements
What significant event marked the beginning of persecution related to witchcraft in the late middle ages
Création of the Dominican order at the end of the 1250s
What was the new element added to the European concept of witchcraft during the late middle ages that distinguished it from witch beliefs in other cultures
The notion that witches owed their powers to a deliberate pact with the devil. In return for this allegiance they were believed to have supernatural powers to harm their enemies
How did the roman catholic church react to the global attack on its supremacy in the late middles ages and what did it accuse non compliant of
Of heresy and witchcraft, tried to impose it’s authority by force on people who no longer assimilated it’s creeds creating scapegoats to maintain control
What wer the key differences in the methodsof execution for witches in England compared to other countries
In England witches where hanged and the nption of treason to the body politic and to the kings divine power was emphasized in other countries witchcraft was considered as a heinous crime in the face of God leading to different methods of execution such as burning or the use of stakes