B - Trying To understand Witchcraft And Magic Flashcards
What is thé origin of the English words “Magic” “mage” “ magician” ?
Originate from Latin noun “ magus” which is derived from Proto-Indo-European *magh meaning “to be able” or to “ to have power”
How has thé concept of *magh been integrated into various languages ?
The concept of *magh has led to related terms in various languages including shaman, wisdom, philosophy, or soothsayer (devin)
What were the negative connotation with Magic in ancient greek?
Connoted and associated with the notion of danger
How did early christians view Magic and what did they associated with?
Associated Magic with demons and regarded it as heresy
What did Magic encompass in thé European Middle ages ?
Encompassed various practices such as witchcraft, necromancy, and astrology. Some protestants even equated catholicism with magic
Defition of magic
Magic IS defined as thé art of influencing or predicting marvels using hidden natural forces
Why is the etymology of the word witch considered obscure
Because none of the proposed etymolgies are free from phonetic or semantic difficulties
What proto indo European Root IS witch believed to derive from and What does it mean ?
Witch is believed to derive from PIE Root *weg meaning to be strong and lively
How IS witch related to terms like necromancer in other PIE
Related to *wikkjaz which refers to someone who wakes the dead a necromancer
What were some of thé evolving meanings of thé term witch over Time ?
Over Time witch came to refer to both female magicians (wicce) and male magicians including warlocks and wizards. It also became associated with skills, evil spirits, Ghosts, poison, cures and in the 15 the century with old, ugly, crabbed or malignant women
How IS the adjective wicked related to term witch?
Related to wicce ilustarting the evolving meanings of the term witch
According to Pamela A Moro what do witchcraft, sorcery and Magic relate to ?
Witchcraft sorcery and Magic relate to human encounters with and attempts to control the Supernatural
In what type of situations do witchcraft sorcery and Magic often appear according to Pamela a Moro?
They often appear institutions involving misfortune harm accusation blame risk and respinsability
How does Magic relate to the effect of an act based on Pamela A moro’s definition ?
Magic involves beliefs and begaviours where thé relationship btw an act and its effect involves analogy or a mystical connection
What are some forms in which Magic manifests as per Pamela a Moro ?
Acts, rituals, texts spells and objects such as amulets and talismans
How does Pamela a Moro differentiate btw witch and sorcerer
A witch is someone alleged to practise socially prohibited froms of Magic while a sorcerer is someone Who intentionally takes on the role of a magical practitioner often with harmful intent
According to Pamela a Moro dobthe roles of witches and sorcerer Blur in the popular imagination
How does the definition of Magic differ from religion?
Magic deals with specific concrète and detailed problems while religion relates to fundamental issues of human existence
What does popular Magic in England primarily offer
Protection against witchcraft, remedies for illness and unhappy personnal relationships
How does Magic differ from religion in terms of explaining the World and human existence?
Magic does not offer a comprehensive view of the World an explanation of human existence or the promise of a future life unlike religion
Magics approach to overcoming difficulties
Means of overcoming various specific difficulties rather than offering a comprehensive body of doctrine
How does Magic view the control of forces of nature compared to religion ?
Magic postulate occult forces of nature that the magician learns to control while religion assumes the direction of the World by a conscious agent influenced by prayer and supplication
Definition of Magic by Barbara Rosen
The art of compelling Destiny by means neither religious nor explicable in natural terms
What are the three types of Magic ?
Natural Magic, celestial Magic, artful or ceremonial Magic
How did thé Revival of neoplatonism affect the perception of thé World?
Blurred the distinction btw matter and spirit, leading to a view of the earth as living entity and the universel as populated by spirits with occults influences
What was thé cosmos considered in thé enchanted World ?
The cosmos was viewed as an organic unit where every part had a sympathetic relationship with thé rest
Who was primarily responsible for investigating occult phenomena in the enchanted World?
Natural philosophers and magicians utilized these phenomena for their purposes
How Can Magic be described as a Worldview ?
Built around the principle of participation, emphasizing influences and sympathies
What connections were believed to exist btw the microcosm and macrocosm in the enchanted world ?
Tight links and intimate correspondences btw the microcosm (human World and body) and the macrocosm ( the universe)
What concept IS reflected in the Idea that “ whatever is in the lower World IS also in the higher ones” ?
Reflects the concept of participation, where elements of the lower World mirror those of the higher ones
How was man conceptualized in relation to the enchanted world ?
Man was conceptualized as “microcosm” that reflected and summarized the entirety of the macrocosm
HoW did people in the enchanted World interpret natural phenomena?
Even critical thinkers believed that natural phenomena were significant and often interpreted them as messages from Supernatural forces, signs from God, or the devil
What belief sometimes arose from the prevalence of violence and natural disaters in the enchanted World ?
The belief that certain individuals could embody the forces of evil sometime arose, given the prevalence of violence and natural disaters in the era
What is natural Magic
One of the three type of Magic involves thé manipulation of natural forces and phenomena through magical means
What IS celestial Magic?
A type of Magic, involves the study and manipulation of celestial bodies and their influences on earthy events
What IS artful or ceremonial Magic?
Celestial Magic another type of Magic that focuses on rituals cérémonies and specific techniques to achieve desired outcomes
Describe the hieravhy of spirits in thé enchanted World
The enchanted World believed in a hierachy of spirits inhabiting thé universe with various levels of power and influence
How did the neoplatonic worldview influence the perception of thé earth in the enchanted World
The earth was considered alive rather than an inanimate mass
What does the phrase that witch is above IS from that witch below and that which is below IS from that Itvh IS above signify
Associated with Ith alchemy emphasizes the concept of correspondence and intercommunication btw higher ans lower realms
What does celestial Magic refer to?
Refers to astrology and involves the influence of stars
How were astronomy and astrology related until 17 th century
They were synonymous because knowledge was not compartmentalized into seperate disciplines
Why were incipient science and occultism fused in people’s minds during this period?
Because scientists themselves often viewed astrology as the practical application of astronomical knowledge
Why were incipient science and occultism fused in people’s minds during this period?
Because scientists themselves often viewed astrology as the practical application of astronomical knowledge
Which famous astronomers engaged in astrology while developing theories about gravitation and astronomy
Galileo, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Isaac Newton
How was magic thinking viewed by these astronomers in relation to their scientific work
Seen as a complementary extraordinary way to attempt to understand the universe
When did the separation btw fiction and history as well as btw religion and science begin to occur
Began in the 18th century and became clearer in the 19th
How did scientists of the 16th appear to the layman?
Seemed like magicians as they were believed to see further into the mysteries of nature and use methods understood only by the initiated
What marked the narrow line separating scientists like Copernicus and vesalius from magicians like Faustus in the popular mind of the 16th century
Marked by shared long robe and their abilities to delve into secrets of the universe and human body
What characterized the 17th century perspective on magic as a science
Began to disintegrate as animistic view of the cosmos was gradually replaced by a mechanistic conception
Why couldn’t magic demonstrate its conclusion despite its interest in natural phenomena
Because while it could inquire into natural phenomena it couldn’t provide empirical evidence to support its conclusions
What was the prevailing interest of lost people during the period from the late 15th to the early 17th century
More Interested in magic than in methodology or the science of the unquantifiable, seeking the potential power of the non-provileged
What is natural magic ?
The result of the interplay btw Humans and nature involving secret correspondence in the nature of things to produce automatic results not understood by the science of the day but accepted as scientific
In what category did empirical medicine largely fall during this period ?
Fell into the category of natural magic
How was matter divide Inthe neoplatonic conception and what were the characteristics of the four elements?
Water being humid and cold and fire being warm and dry among other specific characteristics
What theory did physicians like Hippocrate and Galen devlop and how did it relate to the balance of health or disease
Theory of humours which commanded health or disease based on their balance (complexion) or unbalance (passion)
How did planets corresponds to the parts of the body and bodily functions in the context of natural magic?
with specific astrological signs influencing specific body parts and functions
What is the zodiac man and how does it relate to the influence of celestial bodies?
Representation of the influence of celestial bodies on the body where astrological signs were associated with specific body parts and functions
What observation does Keith thomas make regarding natural remedies and magical treatments?
He note that in this field there was often no clear distinction btw the use of natural remedies (herbs) and supernatural or symbolic ones (magic. Some prescriptions that seem magical were based on outdated assumptions about the physical properties of natural substances
Give an example of a physical form of treatment that might seem magical to us today
Sir Christopher Hatton sent Queen Elizabeth a ring to protect her against the palgue or when Elias Ashmole wore three spiders to counteract the ague, these actions were not resorting to magic but employing a purely physical form of treatment
What is ceremonial or artful magic and how does it relate to natural magic ? And how does it relate to natural magic ?
It is an extension of natural magic into the realm of spirits. It involves appeals to spiritual beings and rituals to conjure and compel spiritual or supernatural
How are the types of magic classified based on their nature and purpose ?
Types of magic are classified as white magic (benevolent, aimed at discovering god’s secrets, grey magic ( neutral, often involving mind control) and black magic (malevolent, involving harm)
What are some methods of transmitting occult powers to sorceres and magi?
Occult powers were believed to be transmitted through filiation, initiation, or direct contact with the devil through a pact
Who practised white magic and what roles did they play in society?
Practised by cunning or wise men and women. They played crucial social roles by offering Charms, potions and advice to help people overcome problems and ease their everyday anxieties
In what historical context did the Protestant bishop of London Hugh Latimer acknowledge different types of magicians
1552 Hugh Latimer acknowledge various types of magicians illustrating that terms were interchangeable during that time
What was the only officially accepted form of white magic and who performed it?
Was the cure by royal touch during the healing of the king’s evil ceremony. It was performed by monarch such as Charles II and was believed to have healing powers
What distinction did the elite make regarding religion and magic by 1700?
By 1700, the elite had made a distinction btw religion and magic, but the common people still believed in a world filled with magic due to illiteracy
How did members of the elite view magic in the past ?
Up to early 18th members of the elite were part of a culture imbued with symbolism, magic, superstition
What are the key differences btw popular/ village magic and elite/high magic
Popular or Village magic dealt with every day problems like curses, evil eye, and individual confrontations while elite or high magic was intellectual and focused on studying natural and supernatural forces. Elite magic was often practised by educated individuals and divided into goety (necromancy, witchcraft and demonology) and theurgy (white magic)
Who typically practised high magic and what was its goal ?
High magic was usually practised by men who had received a university education. Its goal was to study nature and decipher the secrets of the universe through knowledge.
How did the ruling class in England show fascination with high magic, alchemy and divination?
The ruling class in England including figures like queen Elizabeth Is secretary of state, William Cecil and astrologer John Dee, expressed fascination with high magic, alchemy and divination. For example, they sought to turn ore into gold, suggested important dates like the coronation, or relied astrologers and diviners for guidance. Similar interest was seen in France and during the reign of king Charles II in England.
Who was henrich Cornelius Agrippa?
German occultist who lived until 1535
How is he referenced in Marlowe’s play doctor Faustus
Cunning as Agrippa was and his shadows or spirits made all of Europe honor him.
What was Agrippa area of expertise?
A university professor who devoted his time to the study of occult sciences to understand the hidden philosophy of the universe.
What did Agrippa believe magic encompassed ?
Profound contemplation of secret things including their nature, power, quality, substance and vitues
Who was Paracelsus?
Swiss occultist who lived until 1541
What were his areas of study and expertise?
John Dee had a wide range of occupations including botanist, expert in navigation and cartography, mathematician and official astrologer to queen Mary
How did he become involved in legal trouble related to soecery
in 1555 Dee was arrested on suspicion of plotting sorcery against queen Mary and imprisoned. However, he was able to prove his innocence and was released
How did Dee view magic and how did he justify his use of it ?
He believed in the use of magic but claimed that good magic was sanctioned by the bible. He sought universal knowledge and engaged in conversations with spirits
What were the circumstances of dee’s layer life and death
Despite being queen Elizabeth’s official astrologer, he faced accusations of Witchcraft. He died in poverty in 1608/1609 after being accused and king James never allowed him to clear his name in a public trial
What is depicted in the first engraving?
Faustus is shown conjuring the devil. He is armed with a wand and a book and is protected within a pentagram.
How does Marlowe’s depiction of Faustus relate to John Dee?
Draw inspiration from dee’s life and character. Both were associated with the use of magic
When did yhi engraving first appear?
On the title page of the first edition of doctor faustyin 1592
What changes are noticeable in the second woodcut?
The suitcas refering to dee’s travels has disappeared and the cross has been replaced by framed leaves possibly referencing botany
What elements still connect this image to John Dee?
The top lefthand side of the woodcut reprensting his involvement in mathematics and navigation. The open window symbolises a link btw magic and nature
What changes are seen in the pentagram?
The zodiacal symbols on the pentagram have disappeared and been replaced by vague signs
Where is this engraving taken from, and what does it list?
Taken from a work that lists various forms of heresy including magic
What does the engraving emphasize?
The connection btw magic and the book, the control of natural forces and knowledge
What does the magician position and attire signify
Depicted above but alone, powerful but chained. Demonshave given him knowledge but they come to reclaim their due, symbolised by the demons pulling hard at the chain to make the physician fall into satan’s kingdom the magician is dressed in a long black gown
How are visual representations of high magic typically gendered?
Most of the time visual representatives oh high magic are depctited as men although there are exceptions
What is the overall theme conveyed by these representations oh high magic ?
Often convey themes of power, knowledge and the consequences of making pacts with supernatural forces