The Cerebellum Flashcards
What types of sensory endings, other than muscle spindles, convey information to the cerebellum via spinal cord tracts?
A. Golgi tendon organs.
B. Mechanoreceptors.
C. Both.
D. Neither
Information from the body surface as well as from proprioceptors go to the cerebellum via the spinocerebellar tracts. A microscopic picture of a cross section of a muscle spindle is shown here.
What part of the cerebellum does this artery supply?
A. Inferior surface.
B. Superior surface.
C. Tonsils
D. Vermis.
E. Flocculonodular lobe.
Superior surface
What part of the brain stem and cerebellum is NOT supplied by this artery in the posterior fossa? This angiogram is a lateral view with the rostrum to the left. The vertebral artery was injected.
A. Lateral part of medulla.
B. Tonsillar region of cerebellum.
C. Inferior surface of posterior cerebellum.
D. Inferior cerebellar peduncle.
E. Pons
The pons is supplied by the BASILAR artery. You are seeing the many branches of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA).
What attaches the cerebellum to the brain stem?
A. Cerebral peduncles.
B. Vermis.
C. Cerebellar peduncles.
D. Tonsil.
Cerebellar peduncles
The inferior, middle, and superior cerebellar peduncles attach the cerebellum to the medulla and pons. In general, the inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles are formed by axons afferent to the cerebellum, while the superior cerebellar peduncle is formed by efferent cerebellar fibers.
Ataxia is defined as:
A. Inability to perform rapidly alternating movements.
B. Error in the range of movement.
C. Lack of continuity in the execution of movements.
D. Error in the rate, force, and direction of movement.
E. Muscle weakness.
Error in the rate, force, and direction of movement.
Which of the following are indications of cerebellar disturbance?
A. Hypotonia.
B. Intention tremor.
C. Pendular knee jerk.
D. Scanning speech.
E. All of the above.
All of the above.
What are the structural and functional relations between the cerebellar cortex and the deep, or central, nuclei?
A. Deep nuclei receive input from Purkinje cells.
B. Deep nuclei receive input from mossy fibers.
C. Deep nuclei receive input from climbing fibers.
D. All of the above.
All of the above.
Where are the cell bodies of the axons that convey sensory information from this sense organ?
A. Dorsal root ganglia.
B. Intermediolateral cell column or lateral horn.
C. Clarke’s nucleus (or nucleus dorsalis of Clarke).
D. Ventral horn.
The peripheral branch of a dorsal root ganglion cell transmits information from proprioceptors. Its central branch synapses in the spinal cord on neurons whose axons then project to the cerebellum. This is a cross section of 7 muscle fibers in a muscle spindle.
The dorsal spinocerebellar tract is contralateral to its cell bodies.
A. True.
B. False.
False, The dorsal spinocerebellar tract is ipsilateral to its cells of origin in the spinal cord. It terminates in the ipsilateral cerebellum.
How do the olivocerebellar axons terminate in the cerebellum?
A. Mossy fibers.
B. Climbing fibers.
C. Basket cell axons.
Climbing fibers
These nuclei are contralateral to the cerebellar hemisphere where their axons terminate.
A. True.
B. False.
True, The pontine nuclei receive information from the ipsilateral cerebral cortex and send their axons to the opposite cerebellar hemisphere.
What is the afferent supply of these nuclei?
A. All areas of ipsilateral cerebral cortex.
B. All areas of contralateral cerebral cortex.
C. Contralateral precentral gyrus.
D. Ipsilateral precentral gyrus.
E. Red nucleus.
All areas of ipsilateral cerebral cortex.
All areas of the ipsilateral cerebral cortex project to the pontine nuclei. The axons from the pontine nuclei then cross the midline to end in the opposite cerebellar hemisphere.
What course do the axons follow in reaching these nuclei in the pons?
A. Cortex–>internal capsule–>cerebral peduncle.
B. Cortex–>internal capsule–>red nucleus.
C. Cortex–>thalamus–>cerebellar peduncle.
D. Thalamus–>internal capsule–>cerebellar peduncle.
Cortex–>internal capsule–>cerebral peduncle.
Axons from the cerebral cortex pass through the internal capsule and synapse in the ipsilateral pontine nuclei. The axons from the pontine nuclei then cross the midline and go to the opposite cerebellar hemisphere.
What is the vascular supply of the pons?
A. Vertebral arteries.
B. Basilar artery.
C. Superior cerebellar artery.
D. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
Basilar artery
The vertebral arteries join in the midline to form the basilar artery whose branches vascularize the pons.
The axons in this structure terminate as mossy fibers.
A. True.
B. False.
True, The axons from the pontine nuclei form the middle cerebellar peduncle and terminate as mossy fibers. Olivocerebellar axons enter the inferior cerebellar peduncle and terminate as climbing fibers.
What is the orientation of the Purkinje cell dendrites with respect to the granule cell axons?
A. Perpendicular.
B. Parallel.
Granule cell axons bifurcate and form the parallel fibers of the cerebellum. They run perpendicular to Purkinje cell dendrites.
To what brain stem nuclei does this structure project?
A. Vestibular nuclei.
B. Reticular nuclei.
C. Red nucleus.
D. A and B.
E. A, B, and C.
A and B
The fastigial nucleus projects to vestibular and reticular nuclei on the same side. The dentate, globose and emboliform project to the opposite red nucleus and thalamus through the superior cerebellar peduncle.
What route do the thalamocortical fibers from the ventral lateral nucleus (arrow) take?
A. Internal capsule
B. External capsule
C. Extreme capsule
D. Cerebral peduncle
E. Pyramid
Internal capsule
Most of the axons from the ventral lateral thalamic nuclei are in the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
The right cerebral cortex affects the function of the right cerebellar cortex.
A. True.
B. False.
The cerebral cortex exerts its influence on the contralateral cerebellar cortex.
The clinical signs of cerebellar hemisphere disease generally occur on the same side as the lesion.
A. True.
B. False.
The cerebellar cortex indirectly projects to and receives information from the ipsilateral spinal cord. Therefore, lesions affect the same side of the body. This old infarct is so small it was probably clinically silent.
Occlusion of PICA has compromised the lateral medulla. Which of the following will occur?
A. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from the body.
B. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from the face.
C. Contralateral loss of somatic position and vibratory sensation.
Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from the face.