The Call to Dialogue & The Call to Mission Flashcards
The Church is __________.
Catholic and Apostolic
Catholic means:
a. Universal
b. Complete
c. All-embracing
The Church is Catholic because:
Christ is present in her and She has the mission to the whole world.
Jesus welcomed the:
a. Downtrodden
b. Unwanted
c. Poor
d. Outcast
e. Sinners
Who listened to them, healed them, and gave them their needs?
The Catholics are called to undertake:
a. Interreligious dialogue
b. Commitment to ecumenism
It is a meeting of people of differing religions, in an atmosphere of freedom and openness, in order to listen to the other, to try to understand that person’s religion, and hopefully to seek possibilities of collaboration.
Interreligious Dialogue
The Catholic Church has:
a. Nostra Aetate (NA) or the Declaration of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (October 28, 1965 – Second Vatican Council)
b. It paved the way for Catholics to foster interreligious dialogue with other people of other faiths.
c. Decree on Ecumenism or Unitatis Redintegratio (Second Vatican
d. It establishes the council’s position on the Church’s relation to the other Christians.
It refers to all of the activities and initiatives of the Church and her members to promote mutual understanding and, ultimately, unity among all Christians.
It is based on the unity and universality of the Church, which possesses all the goods given by God for salvation, and on the Church’s proper relationship with non-Catholic Christian bodies which share some of these goods, including baptism.
It means showing the people that we come in contact with what it entails to follow Jesus – to love without condition.
The Church is apostolic because:
a. The Church is built on “the foundation of the apostles,” those witnesses chosen by Christ.
b. The Church hands on the teaching of the apostles (the deposit of faith).
c. The Church is guided by the successors of the apostles, the bishops in union with the pope.