The Bukidnon Flashcards
Who is the author of The Bukidnon of North-Central Mindanao
José Maria Clotet, S.J.
José Clotet wrote this report to his superior at the Ateneo, ________, he had been in the district of Misamis for more than a month
Fr. Migue!
missionaries like___________, and civil servants like Don ____________, then judge of the village of ________.
Fr. Eusebio Barrado, Procopio de AlcAntara, Tagoloan
Clotet was gathering…
religion, manners, and customs of the mountain people
Where was Clotet staying?
refers to a settlement of pagans made at the instance of, and ordinarily
in the location chosen by, Spanish authorities.
is meant a
settlement which has no resident priest
The mountain people [monteses] are recognized in
Mindanao under the name of ____________ (forest-dwellers),
and are found in the district of _______.
Buquidnons , Misamis
Three large groups:
- those who live
in the mountains and fertile plains irrigated by the Tagoloan,
Cagayan, and Iponan rivers; - those who
live adjacent to the Manobos of the Agusan valley between
Gingoog and Nasipit; - who live
on the right bank of the Pulangui River, and along some of
its branches.
On the accompanying ethnographic map they
are indicated by the _________.
number 6
Their exact number is not known, but it is estimated that
there are more than ______ of them at present.
If one judged by the openness
with which they speak with the father missionary, and the ease
in which they do business with the old Christians, he would
hardly say they were _________.
his understanding is obscured and confused by false ideas which
have their effects in everything he does.
was among
the first to stump for the spelling “Bukidnon” instead of the hispanicized “Buquidnon.”
They preserve the Spanish form of Bukidnon
Blair and Robertson
In 1889 Mindanao was divided, for administrative purposes, into
six districts, of which ________ was the second.
Bukidnon as “inhabitants of the thicket,” or
“forest-dwellers” [habitantes del bosque] is incorrect. It means rather
mountain people
The women wear ___________, tucked neatly at the waist
into ________skirts,
white shirt, ankle-length
Over this they wear ___________
and ______, on which they sew little bits of cloth
of many different colors, in the manner of fine patchwork.
another short, close-fitting shirt
From the waist on the left side they hang
________ [zarcillos] and _________, along
with glass beads and cascabels.
rings, bundles of sweet-scented herbs
On their legs are worn fine
__________, ______, or _______; they hang quite loosely, so that
walking produces a sound
rings of copper, brass. silver
_________ the principal lock of the hair, without braiding
it, in the form of a large. high crown.
twist and knot
All about the head hang
__________ of hair of equal length, which appear on the
forehead as bangs
very short locks
The entire hair-do is crowned by
beautiful comb
Many women are actually laden with ______ from the
wrists almost to the elbows; some of these are of metal, others
of ________, others of taclobo,
bracelets, tortoise-shell
To adorn their ears
they generally wear a kind of __________ [aretes] (balaring),
made of a cylinder of wood,
wide ear-plug
They are often made of strings of beads interwoven in different
colors, Clusters of cascabels and shells, or bundles of blue or red
silk, are frequently hung from the necklaces,
necklaces and rings
necklaces made from wild boars’ bristles
woven into circlets and joined one to another in the manner
of a net;
What type of neckalcae struck Clotet?
necklace made of silver coins
The center was a duro of _________, somewhat flattened out, which formed as it were
the medallion of the necklace.
the Third
capital sum for someone from one of
those mountain settlements
30 pesos
When they receive the saving ___________, they are
relieved of all these vain adornment—
waters of baptism
These objects are taken away because they generally
use them as _______ against the various sicknesses and injuries
which they fear, or as a positive aid in getting what they want,
and the like, I
the father missionary gives them _____, ______, and scapulars,
medals, rosaries, scapulars
Taclobo is the Tagalog name of a _______; here used for the shell
lage snail
The dress of the men is simple and is the same as _________ [indios] usually wear.
lowland Filipinos
The shirts are not worn outside the trousers, as by
the other Filipinos, but are concealed except for the bosom,
which is allowed to show especially when the shirt is _______.
well embroidered
They twist it into a knot which they
conceal with a _______, generally red, which is worn tied about
the head in the style of the _______ of Aragon
kerchief, swains
Some consider it an important part of personal adornment
to _________, and to file them with flints,
blacken the teeth
________ that they are, they have four gods at the four
cardinal points:
North, _________; at the South,
_______; at the East, Tagolambong; and at the West, _________.
Domalongdong, Ongli, Tagolambong, Magbabaya.
these four deities a perfect resemblance to the
________, of the worshippers of Brahma
__________ govern the nations of the North;
_________, those of the South; ________, those of the East;
and ________, those of the West.
Vazu-Pulastia, Vazu-Yama, Vazu-Indra, Vazu-Varuna
has as equals in rank the god Ibabasug, and
The god Magbabaya
invoked for a successful delivery;
takes care of carabaos, horses, and other cattle:
large and small,
From ________, or god of the fields [sementeras], they hope for a
good harvest, and they hold the feast called ______ in his honor,
after the crops are in.
Tagumbanua, caliga
The ________ or men of the woods
(like the anitos of the pagan Ilokano) are invoked in time of
war, sickness, journeys, etc.
Tao sa sulup
Once I passed under a leafy tree called
the _______, and as I did, I noted that tlie Bukidnon who was
with me lowered his voice and became very frightened.
The Bukidnon say that the balite [or balete] is the dwelling-place of _______,
the god [Dios] called _______ enjoys a very respectable position, and is looked upon with great
reverence, for they believe that it came down from heaven.
Who have possession of the dios Tigbas?
Only the Datos
________ is another idol, which is supposed to
be a monkey squatting on its haunches.
Talian is made from the
root of the _____.
alder tree
They bend their efforts to keep _______, the evil spirit, well
Usually it is the ______who offer
sacrifice, which generally consists in the offering of the fruits
of the earth, and in the immolation of some ________,
old men, pigs and chickens
Don Procopio de Alcantra gave an idol
of this sort and this name to _________ shortly before Clotet wrote
his letter.
Father Sanchez
____ says of
the Tao sa sulup: “They are invoked with the name ______ (grandfather),
and the people offer them food and drink, singing and dancing in their
Ricart, Apo
their marriages, which are agreed upon by the
sole authority of the elders or the _________
relatives gather in the house, which has been made ready,
and where everything ought to be in abundance, but especially
a liquor called ______, which they keep in certain large jars
hen the hour for the marriage has arrived, the bridal
couple exchange some words and then receive from their respective parents a _______
ball of rice
While they are eating, there is an animated discussion [_________]
This kind of feast is followed by a solemn ______
drunken revel
_________, or
Maestre de Campo, is a title which the higher authorities used formerly
to confer on Bukidnon who had distinguished themselves by some service for Spain or its government;
Who granted to ______,Bukidnon dato, the title of Maestre de Campo of the pagan
Sr. D. Joseph Romo, Governor of the Province
of Cebu, Lingaon
Langaon Binoni assisted _______
Father Ducos
____________, missionary to these people,
once told me that they are extremely reluctant to pass through
the ferritory of datos to whom they are not subject.
Father Eusebio Barrado
quiap,a spear which is much larger
than ordinary ones; the shaft is inlaid with silver, and the
lower end is of metal.
The head datos show their affluence [grandeza] by the
use of enormous _______
agongs are equally valued, but rulers and subjects place the
highest estimation on certain ________.
quadrangular, prismatic boxes
The most commonly used weapon is the _______, which
varies in value, and is obtained in trade from the Manobos of
the _______ in exchange for cloth, corn, camotes, salt,
balarao, Agusan River
the spear they use for
hunting, for fighting with their enemies, and for their essays
at foul play [fechorias].
was undoubtedly obtained from the Moros;
the handle or hilt of which surpassed many krises in
value, for it was made of a dark, very hard and heavy wood,
which I took to be _________
Bolo, mancono
is defined as an old Spanish copper coin worth three céntimos de peseta
It is extensively used for cabinet making and carving, and is not readily attacked by the white ant.
Who told Clotet
that he had seen among these pagans a coat of mail made with
brass plates and thick, brass wire, trimmed with silver, and
fashioned to cover the entire breast and back.
Father Barrado,
a crown of cloth having three points, the
center being the largest and all of them decorated in mountain style.
consists of two cylinders of wood which are hard, and almost nonporous.
the _______ will be burning and is applied to the tobacco
they smoke
their tobacco in small pipes which they make of ____, _____,
or ____, adding a small stem of bamboo as a mouthpiece.
clay, wood, horn
lime [for the buyo] is not kept in beautifully inscribed bamboo tubes, as among the ____ and the ______:
Manobos, Mandaya
to be less encumbered when traveling, they use
what they call the _______, which is a brass. crescent-shaped box
which they tie at the waist, in front.
______, or _____, is
adorned with rich and varicolored embroidery, and is also
used on their journeys. It is employed to hold money, tobacco,
buyo, rice, etc.
The lotoan,pouch
horse is generally caparisoned with one or two strings of ______, after the fashion of the mule trains driven by the muleteers of _______.
cascabels, Catalonia
_____ is not only their ordinary food, but
their cash crop as well,
they do not count by months or years, but by harvests, they watch the ____ to know when to plant.
For cultivating the soil, I have seen them use the ____,
which is somewhat different from those we use in Spain. T
_____ is never without his adze to cut the roots he finds in
the path of the plow.
For more delicate work, they use a _______ with a short, curved handle.
Thev are
composed of [to p. 180] two discs [cilindros] of very hard
I was intrigued by an apparatus I saw in ______ for removing seeds from the cotton.
Motion is produced
by means of a ______ which forms part of the upper cylinder.
_____ brings high price in the Market
During _________, they have the custom of singing
in the early dawn, before beginning the regular round of work
at daybreak.
rice harvest time
_______, or bamboo clarinet, which has a very shrill
sound but is their favorite;
The pulala,
an imitation of a guitar
a very small drum, the frame of which is made
with a coconut shell or a bamboo tube.
is seated, his temples bound with the flaming -red pinditon.
When the fine has been paid, offender
and offended must, with single bolo blows struck at the same
time, cut through a piece of rattan held by the judges. T or F
Enumerate the fears
They say that the
rainbow is the colored girdle [faja colorada] of two famous
men, ____ and _____, who jumped into heaven with a mighty
leap from the hill called _____,
Banlac, Aguio,Balabag
Germans also used to reckon at nights, not by days. T or F
they hear the song of the _______ bird under certain conditions,
they will-not leave their houses,
When they come across the worm called _____ in the
middle of the road, they go back, for they claim that some
sickness or accident would overtake them
All the boards
have six holes along their length, three on one side and three
on the other; placing the boards edge to edge, they pass a piece
of thin, tough _____ through the holes, and with this the boards
are so tightly bound
over the area below which is the corpse, they heap up the earth, forming a
small mound
the highest peak in the
area and dominates the entire region between Jasaan and Lagéniong.
in less than four years more than ________ pagans who dwelt
in the region of the shadow of death have been illumined
by the torch of the faith, have renounced their false beliefs
and ridiculous superstitions, and have been born again [regenerados) in the waters of baptism.