History and Sources Flashcards
sum total of everything that has actually happened in the past
concepts conceived by the human intellect
an account of
the past
who stated that, “It should be clear with just amoment’s thought that the past (all of those thoughts and events that actually
happened) is lost forever”
Garton Ash
who stated that, “History is not „what happened in the
past‟; rather, it is the act of selecting, analyzing, and writing about the past.”
James Davidson and Mark Lytle
an act of creation, or more accurately, an act of recreation in which the mind of the historian is the catalyst. Any piece of history
that we read or hear ought to be treated as an individual creation
writing history
many times removed from the events under
cannot study the past directly, but must
rely on surviving records
who states this, “Only a part of what was observed in the past was remembered by
those who observed it; only a part of what was remembered was
recorded; only a part of what was recorded has survived; only a part of
what has survived has come to the historians‟ attention; only a part of
what has come to their attention is credible; only a part of what is credible
has been grasped; and only a part of what has been grasped can be
expounded or narrated by the historian… . Before the past is set forth by
the historian, it is likely to have gone through eight separate steps at each
of which some of it has been lost; and there is no guarantee that what
remains is the most important, the largest, the most valuable, the most
representative, or the most enduring part. In other words the “object” that
the historian studies is not only incomplete, it is markedly variable as
records are lost or recovered
Louis Gottschalk
can never get or present the full truth about a
given past
who stated that, “even the best history is not much better than a mist through which we see shapes dimly
who stated, ““History is a damn dim candle over a damn dark abyss.” “
W. S. Holt
a set of
interlocking values, loyalties, assumptions, interests, and principles of action
Frame reference
Word history means, “___”
“the past of
Geschichte, derived from _________, meaning to happen
Geschehen (which had happened
German word for history
Who said that all people are living histories?
Professor Penelope J. Corfield says
use many materials
that are not in books
some materials that are utilized by the historians
archaeological, epigraphically, or numismatic
can be
found where relics of human happenings can be found.
may have been created to serve as records or
they might have been created for some other purposes.
Testimonies of witnesses
an original record of a political,
economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thought or
achievement of a specific historical period.
A primary source
the testimony of anyone who is not an
eyewitness- that is, of one who was not present at the events of which
he tells
Secondary source
are chronicles or tracts presented in narrative forms, written to impart a message whose motives for their composition vary widely.
Narrative or literature
Narrative or literature is so-called ________or ____________ such as diary or memory
ego document , personal
are understood to be those which document/record an existing legal situation or
create a new one, and that is is these kinds of sources that professional historians once treated as the
purest, the best source
Diplomatic source
are information pertaining to economic, social, political or judicial significance. They
are records kept by bureaucracies
Social documents
is of the most important unwritten
Material Evidence, also known as archaeological evidence
told by the tales or
sagas of ancient peoples and the folk songs or popular rituals from the pre modern period of Philippine
Oral evidence
History in the first sense
history in the second sense
Historians’ Accounts of that past
Isang salaysay na may saysay
hinggil sa nakaraan na may
saysay para sa isang grupo ng tao
Kasaysayan VS History
Historya bilang kronika. Ang
pinakabuod ng mga
pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga
Historya bilang kronika. Ang
pinakabuod ng mga
pagkakasunud-sunod ng mga
pangyayari sa nakaraa
Kaparaanan ng Kasaysayan
Pagtatanong: Pagpili ng Paksa
Pangangalap ng Batis
Pagsusuri ng Batis
Writing of the past