Spanish Settlement Flashcards
He decided to send an expedition too the _______ for commercial.
King Charles I, Moluccas
______ commanded high price during that time to it was very profitable
King Charles was persuade to send ________ to the _____ in search for _____
Magellan expedition, orient, spice island
he succeeded in founding Spanish settlements and in laying the foundation of Spanish Colonization of the Philippines
Spanish claim to the Philippines was based on 2 reasons
1 Philippines was rightfully owned by Spain
2. Spain claimed the Philippines by right of “discovery” and by right of actual occupation or conquest.
Philippines was a possession or property of the King of Spain and, therefore, a _______
crown colony
As a crown colony, the Philippines was administered by the __________
Council of the Indies
Issued by the King of Spain
Royal order and decrees
Philippines as a colony was placed under the jurisdiction of the __________
Ministry of the Colonies or Overseas Ministry (Ministerio de Ultramar)
Overseas Ministry was advised and aided in its work by the ____________
Council of the Philippines
In organizing a central government of the Philippines, Spanish authorities saw to it that they would be guided by their experience in _____ and _____
Mexico and South America
What law was applied in the Philippines?
Law of Indies
Enumerate laws of Spain which were made to apply in the Philippines
La Novisima Recopilacion, Leyes de Toro, and the Siete Partidas.
_____________ organized in’ the Philippines a highly centralized form of
Spanish colonizers
____________________ was so powerful that almost
everything had to be done with its knowledge and consent.
central or national government
The central government was headed
by the ___________________, or ___________, who was appointed by the King of
governor and captain-general, governor-general
he was the King’s official representative in the colony.
Governor general
He possessed vast
________, __________, and ________
executive, legislative, and judicial powers.
There were; however, only two branches of
government: the executive and the judicial. T or F
The governor-general issued orders with the __________.
force of law
Orders issued by the governor-general
superior decrees
Decrees or orders coming from the King of Spain
Royal decrees or orders
The ____________ was a member of the ________, being its president or presiding officer.
governor-general, Audiencia
Governor-general was also the ____________ in the Philippines
vice-royal patron
As a ____________, means that as the King’s representative, he could appoint ___________in the government and also the ___________.
governor-general, minor officials, parish priests
He was also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces
__________ was the right of the governor to suspend the operation of a Royal decree
or order relative to the Philippines if in his opinion said order or decree would not be beneficial to
the administration of the country.
The cumplase “I obey but do not comply”
The judicial powers of the government were exercised by the ________ and the__________
Audiencia, lower courts
was established in the Philippines in 1584 in order to give justice to the aggrieved people in the colony
The Audiencia
Who was the first president of the Audiencia?
Governor Santiago de Vera
was the highest court insofar as civil and criminal cases were concerned
The Audiencia
political and administrative matters were referred to it by the __________
When there is no governor or the latter could not perform his duties, the _________ exercised his political and administrative powers.
When the Audiencia was abolished, what took its place?
A council composed of 400 members
Below the central government was the ____________
provincial government.
Provinces which were already peaceful and recognizing the authority of Spain were governed by
civil provincial governors.
Those not yet fully pacified and conquered were ruled by ___________
military officers
The provincial governor was called ________ who was appointed by the ________
alcalde mayor, governor-general
What made alcalde mayor rich and powerful was the right given to him to ___________ called __________
engage in trade, indulto de comercio
______________ abused this power so that he committed graft and corruption
Provincial Governor
Another anomalous practice was the provincial governor’s being at the same time______ of the province.
the king in 1886, ordered that the provincial governor should remain as ______ only.
Another man was appointed _______ whose main duty was to administer the province
Below the provincial government was the _____________.
municipal government
The town or municipality,
composed of several barrios, was headed by the _________________, also called
__________ or _________. Today called ______
gobernadorcillo (little governor), capitan municipal, simply capitan, Mayor
The _______ was elected by
thirteen electors who were prominent in the town.
The one selected capitan had to be approved by the ______________. So on and all….
Spanish friar-curate, sumpay sumpay
The capitan was aided in the administration of the turn by deputies
called __________, a chief of police, and subordinate officials called _________.
tenientes, alguaciles
Each barrio or barangay of the town was headed by a _____ or head who did not receive
any salary.
The cabeza was considered
a member of the _______ or the ______.
principalia, aristocracy
During the first century of Spanish rule. there were only two cities
Cebu and Manila
As conquest and settlement continued, the __________ created one city after another.
Spanish officials
By the seventeenth century, the Philippines had six cities
Cebu, Manila, Vigan, Nueva Segovia (Lal-Loc), Arevalo (part of Iloilo City), Nueva Caceres (Naga)
The government was different from that of the town. It was called ______. now ______ and consisted of _____, ______, ______, _____, and few other lesser officials
Ayuntiamento, City ahll, two alcaldes, twelve regidores (councilors), a chief of police, city secretary
When Legazpi sailed for the Philippines, he was accompanied by some _____ belonging to the ______
friars, Augustinian Order
______ decided that the entire Philippines should be converted to the _____
The King, Catholic faith
_____________ were sent to the colony after the death of Legazpi
___________ continued to send its missionaries to make converts
The Augustinian Order
________ spread Catholicism in and around Manila, the Bisayas, the Ilocos, Pampanga, and Pangasinan
The Missionaries
____________ arrived and spread the Catholic faith in Manila, Laguna de Bay ( Bai), such as the present provinces of Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon
Franciscan Missionaries
Franciscan Missionaries’ also established missions in _____ and other parts of the ______
Camarines, Bikol provinces
_______, who were not friars spread Catholicism in Manila, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol, Samar, and later, ins Mindanaw.
___________ came to Manila in 1587 and labored to spread the Catholic faith in Manila, the Cagayan region, and Pangasinan
Dominican Missionaries
Came in 1606 and propagated the faith in Manila, Bataan, Zambales, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Burias, Cuyo, Romblon, Negros, and some parts of Mindanaw
Franciscan Missionaries
These missionaries worked so hard to convert the Filipinos to Catholicism that in the space
of a little more than ________ from the time Legazpi landed in Cebu, the number of converts to the Catholic faith
was about_____.
twenty years, 250,000
This number rose to a little less than a million in the middle of the eighteenth century; to about four million in the 1860s, and to about six and a half million at the
end of the Spanish period in 1898. T or F
Today, from________ of the total population is Catholic
83 to 85%
was in
Spain a union of _____ and ______.
Church and State
were not only priests,
but also agents of
the Spanish King.
Friars and Jesuits
were active in the government and had political powers
The clergy
The friar’s became members of some agencies of the ____________
Central Government
In the local government, the _____ almost always was the census enumerator, the health officer, the inspectors of schools……..
Friar-curate (was everybody)
__________ was also eligible to become governor-general during
the latter’s absence or illness.
high Church official
Examples of Church officials who became acting governors-general
were (4 kabuok)
Archbishop Francisco de la Cuesta (1719-1721); Bishop Juan de Arrechederra (1745-1750);
Bishop Miguel Lino de Espeleta (1759-1761); and Archbishop Manuel Rojo (1761-1762).
In order to make the administration of parishes efficient
Catholic Church was divided into ______
In turn, each district was divided into______ and ______.
and missions
_________ represented geographic regions usually speaking different dialects or
The districts
the _________represented villages,
________ represented areas
or regions not yet conquered and converted to Catholicism.
1578, Manila was made a _______.
At first, it was a mere ________ of the Archbishopric
of Mexico.
_____________ was made the first Bishop of Manila.
Father Domingo de Salazar
The bishopric of Manila became an _________in 1595 with ______________ as the
first archbishop.
archbishopric, Father Ignacio Santibanez
Under the ____________ were the bishopric of Cebu, of Nueva Caceres,
and of Nueva Segovia.
Archbishopric of Manila
The ___________ was headed by the Archbishop of Manila,
who was appointed by the pope upon the recommendation of the King of Spain.
Ecclesiastical Government
The court justice of the church which was composed of the archbishop, the vicar-general, a notary, and other officials.
Ecclesiastical Court or Archbishop’s court
were introduced in order to stop the abuses of high Spanish officials in the colonies.
residencia and visita
was the public investigation and trial of outgoing colonial officials in order to ascertain whether
they had committed abuses in the performance of their duties.
Tung na samplan sa residencia HAHAHAHHA
Governor-General Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera
________, on the other hand, was a secret investigation of an official’s acts a a public
servant whose purpose was to make him work honestly and efficiently as he was expected to do.
The visita
In theory, Spain’s colonial system was the best of all colonial systems
followed by other European countries like ___, ____, and ______
England, France, and
described how to prevent the exploitation of natives in their employment.
Laws of the Indies
conditions were set for the forced labor, called ___________
polo y servicio.
For the filipino laborer to be exempted from forced labor, had to pay a fee called _____
was not actually a piece of land, but a favor from the king under which the spaniard receiving the favor was given the right to collect tributes or taxes from the inhabitants of an area assigned to him
The man who receives the favor granted by the king (encomienda) is called _____
The size of the encomienda was determined:
(1) by the number of people living in it and;
(2) by the value of the land on which the natives lived. The law limited the number of natives in an
area administered by an encomiendero to 300, while the value of the land was limited to P2,000.
encomienda could be held for three generations.
provided that
the encomiendero should teach those under his jurisdiction the elements of the
Christian doctrine.
The King, the Laws of the Indies
____________, which belonged to
Royal encomienda
_______, which belonged to the church,
the ecclesiastical encomienda
__________, which belonged to a private individual.
the private
who paid tribute were persons above ______ years and those below ______.
sixteen, sixty
the tribute was
increased of which a small part went to the Church. This was called _________.
the present equivalent of which is the residence certificate class “A”,
The cedula
Other taxes filipino paid
diezmos prediales, the donativo de Zamboanga, and the vinta.
The _____________ was a tax
which consisted of one-tenth of the produce of the land.
diezmos prediales
The _________, which was
introduced in 1635, was a tax specifically used for the conquest of Jolo.
donativo de Zamboanga
The______, on the other
hand, was a tax paid by the people of some provinces along the coast of western Luzon for the
defense of the coasts from Muslim pirates.
_________ were trading centers of the archipelago.
and Manila
_________ became a leading
commercial center of the Orient.
The early __________ encouraged trade between
Manila and other countries of the Orient because it was so lucrative as to make them rich within a
short time.
Spanish colonial officials
Ships from _____, ____, _____, ______, ____, ____, ______ anchored in Manila to discharge their valuable cargoes.
Japan, China, Siam (Thailand), India, Cambodia, Malacca and what is now
commercial restrictions
were placed on the trade due to the complaints of the merchants of ___ and _____.
Cadiz and Sevilla
It was a government monopoly and only
privileged persons, such as ______ of the State and the Church and thé _____ of the galleons,
were allowed to engage in the trade.
high officials, crew
the galleons were captured by __________
English buccaneers.
Others, however, sank off the _____________.
coast of Luzon near Samar
the last galleon from Manila
sailed for _____________, and the government’s monopoly of the galleon trade came to an
Acapulco, Mexico
Other ports in the America, as in Peru and Ecuador, were, opened to Philippine trade and the
____________ trade declined further.
The Mexican government sent to the Philippines an annual subsidy called the ______
Situado (250 000)
The _________ was stopped when Mexico became independent in 1821
Mexican Subsidy