The Buddha Flashcards
It started about _______ years ago with ______________ _____________
Approx. 300 million followers
The word comes from ‘______’, ‘to _________’.
Siddhartha gotama
Budi, awaken
Buddhist path can be summed up as:
To lead a normal life
to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions
develop wisdom and understanding
What did the Buddha teach?
- Buddhists believe that nothing in life is permanent and that change is always possible.
- Buddhists believe that life is endless and we will all endure suffering.
- Basic concepts in Buddhism can be summed up by the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.
What is the rebirth cycle called?
What is samsara?
All life is in a cycle of death and rebirth
What is the escape from samsara called?
Karma is…
Karma is the law that every cause has an effect, i.e., our actions have results.
Where did Buddhism start?
What did his mother dream about?
There was an elephant and if he saw suffering he would become a spiritual leader, if not he would become a great king.
What age was he got married?
What age was he when he snuck out of the palace?
What did he see when he escaped?
An old man, a sick man, a holy man and a dead man.
How did the things he saw effect him?
He felt that he needed to understand why there was so much suffering in the world.
How many years did he spend travelling around northern India?
What did the monks tell him to do?
Eat and drink as little as possible and spend more time thinking, he would understand the meaning of life. He became very ill and decided this was not the way to find the meaning of life and left the group of monks.
He came across a ______________ and sat underneath it to meditate. He stayed there for ___ days, paying no attention to what was happening around him
holy fig tree
As he sat meditating under the tree, he found that he understood the answer to his question. He became ___________. He became the_________ (the ____________ one).
Who were the first disciples of Buddha?
The monks
What age did Buddha die?
Timeline of siddhatha gotama’s life?
Palace life Saw dead man, an old man, a sick man and a holy man Leaving family Meeting monks Enlightenment under the fig tree